Pet Talk With The Pet Doc (CBD and Mushroooms for Pets)
Wendy Bell RadioDr. Mike helps keep your pets happy and healthy. Dr. Mike will tell you about the latest treatments in pet health. We also take your questions about your pets. Today Dr. Mike talks with Dr. Rob Silver who is the expert on CBD and mushrooms for your pets! Dr Silver's Links: www.wellpetdispensary.com (promo code: pettalk25) e-commerce site where sign up for his weekly newsletter to see what I am doing and it will also be the first place we announce the availability of the book: Dr. Silver's Blog: www.nurseyourpet.com Real Mushroom: www.RealMushrooms.com (25% promo rob) Dr. Mike's links: Check out his NEW blog that deals with the weekly show! https://drmikehutchinson.com/blog/68K views 25 comments