Hawaii Election Integrity
8 videos
Updated 11 months ago
Videos and live events focused on free, fair, and transparent elections in Hawaii
Seth Keshel - 2020 Election Corruption in Hawaii | 3/4/2022
surfing4truthSeth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method is known worldwide and has been recognized by President Donald Trump. Seth is a brilliant data scientist who has traveled throughout the Country to lead conservative grassroots efforts for election integrity. We are incredibly honored and grateful that Seth Keshel came to visit us here on Oahu to speak about some major issues that Hawaii has with election fraud. The results will absolutely surprise you! Check out Seth Keshel's channel on Telegram: https://t.me/RealSKeshel Big MAHALO to Audit the Vote Hawaii for setting up this thought-provoking and informative event. For more information on election integrity and to get involved in the local grassroots efforts to protect our elections in Hawaii, check out the Audit the Vote Hawaii Chat on Telegram: https://t.me/AudittheVoteHI Please SHARE this critical information with your friends and family. [0:00] Introduction [6:16] National Overview (Top Five) [6:29] National Overview - Bellweather Counties [8:39] National Overview - Bellweather States [11:56] National Overview - Share of Primary Vote [19:21] National Overview - Incumbent Vote Gain [21:38] National Overview - U.S. House Elections [25:30] National and Hawaii Talk Story [27:59] Hawaii Overview [31:29] Hawaii Trends [41:31] Kauai County [46:19] Maui County [48:43] Hawai'i County [50:53] Honolulu County [57:55] 55,000 Action Items - "IF NOT YOU, WHO?"7.05K views 16 comments -
Seth Keshel - Behind the Election Corruption Curtain | Honolulu, HI | 6/4/2022
surfing4truthSeth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method is known worldwide and has been recognized by President Donald Trump. Seth is a brilliant data scientist who has traveled throughout the Country to lead conservative grassroots efforts for election integrity. We are incredibly honored and grateful that Seth Keshel came to visit us here for a second time on Oahu to speak about some major issues that Hawaii has with election corruption. The results will absolutely surprise you! You can follow Seth Keshel's work on Telegram and TRUTH Social @RealSKeshel Big MAHALO to Audit the Vote Hawaii for setting up this thought-provoking and informative event. For more information and to volunteer in the local grassroots efforts to restore free, fair, and transparent elections in Hawaii, follow Audit the Vote Hawaii on Telegram, Instagram, and TRUTH Social @AudittheVoteHI Please SHARE this critical information with your friends and family. [0:00] Introduction [6:48] Hawaii Overview [11:40] Hawaii Trends [20:00] Hawaii Heat Map [20:20] Maui County [23:43] Hawai'i County [25:25] Kauai County [26:55] Ni'ihau Island [28:56] Honolulu County [32:04] TEN POINTS TO TRUE ELECTION INTEGRITY [33:05] 1. Clean out the Voter Rolls [36:30] 2. Ban All Electronic Elections Equipment [37:46] 3. Voter ID with Peper Ballots Only [38:32] 4. Ban Mail-In Voting [39:28] 5. Ban Early Voting [40:16] 6. Drastically Smaller Precincts [41:25] 7. Ban Ballot Harvesting [42:14] 8. Election Day is a Holiday [43:08] 9. New Reporting Requirements for Transparency [44:21] 10. Heavy Prison Sentences for All Who Commit Fraud [44:36] THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW4.96K views 2 comments -
Seth Keshel | REPAIRING AMERICA'S BROKEN ELECTIONS | Honolulu, HI | 3/11/2023
surfing4truthSeth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method is known worldwide and has been recognized by President Donald Trump. Seth is a brilliant data scientist who has traveled throughout the Country to lead conservative grassroots efforts for election integrity. We were stoked to welcome @RealSKeshel back to Hawaii for the third time! BIG MAHALO to @AudittheVoteHI for setting up this great event! This presentation was focused specifically on Hawaii elections with a major focus on Ranked Choice Voting for public knowledge. Please SHARE this critical information with your friends and family! [0:00] Introduction [9:36] Updates from Captain K [21:27] National 2020 Election Overview [26:15] Hawaii 2020 Election Overview [42:09] Honolulu County 2020 Election Overview [48:04] THE THREAT OF RANKED CHOICE VOTING [1:01:29] Ten Points to True Election Integrity [1:15:34] Four for the Core Pillars [1:16:42] Concluding Remarks from Captain K [1:20:06] Questions and Answers4.04K views 2 comments -
Seth Keshel | WHY RANKED CHOICE VOTING IS BAD | Honolulu, HI | 3/11/2023
surfing4truth"We can't just be against against stuff without telling people why we're against it. Because then we're just the people that are against stuff." -Seth Keshel By the end of this briefing you will be able to explain to someone exactly why ranked choice voting is bad. It's a complicated subject, but Captain Seth Keshel breaks it down in layman's terms. Please SHARE this critical information with your friends and family! Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method is known worldwide and has been recognized by President Donald Trump. Seth is a brilliant data scientist who has traveled throughout the Country to lead conservative grassroots efforts for election integrity.14.4K views 10 comments -
Phil Izon | Ranked Choice Voting: An Illusion of Choice
surfing4truthPhil Izon is a director at Ranked Choice Education Association and their mission is to educate America about the issues with Ranked Choice Voting and why it should be banned. RCEA has done presentations all over the Country and Phil coordinated with Audit the Vote Hawaii for this presentation in the Aloha State. Filmed on location at the Hawaii Republican Party Headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 13, 2023. You can follow Ranked Choice Education Association on Twitter and Facebook or visit their website at www.rankedchoiceedu.org Be sure to follow us on all of our platforms for more content: ✅ Truth Social - https://truthsocial.com/@surfing4truth ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/surfing4truth ✅ Telegram - https://t.me/surfing4truth ✅ Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/surfing4truth2 ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/surfing4truth ✅ Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/surfing4truth ✅ Visit - https://www.surfing4truth.com ✅ Shop - https://www.surfing4truth.com/shop Questioning everything. Conspiracy realists. Patriots. Digital soldiers. MAGA. Aloha. 🌺497 views 1 comment -
Corinne Solomon | History of Ranked Choice Voting in Hawaii 2023
surfing4truthCorinne Solomon is the Founder of Audit the Vote Hawaii, a group of grassroots volunteers focused on discovering and exposing the truth of the 2020 Election and working to make future elections free, fair, and transparent. Her presentation in this video covers a variety of topics related to election integrity in Hawaii, with a focus on the history of ranked choice voting. Filmed on location at the Hawaii Republican Party Headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 13, 2023. You can follow Audit the Vote Hawaii on Telegram, Truth Social, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, FrankSocial, and SubStack Be sure to follow us on all of our platforms for more content: ✅ Truth Social - https://truthsocial.com/@surfing4truth ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/surfing4truth ✅ Telegram - https://t.me/surfing4truth ✅ Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/surfing4truth2 ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/surfing4truth ✅ Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/surfing4truth ✅ Visit - https://www.surfing4truth.com ✅ Shop - https://www.surfing4truth.com/shop Questioning everything. Conspiracy realists. Patriots. Digital soldiers. MAGA. Aloha. 🌺423 views -
Hawaii Elections Commission CLUELESS ABOUT 2020 ELECTION
surfing4truthRegardless of who you vote for, we should all be able to agree it is critically important that every vote is valid and counted accurately. Corrupt members of the Hawaii Elections Commission made it painfully clear during last week's meeting that they have no interest in upholding the duties of the Commission, one of which is to investigate evidence of any violations and complaints. The Commission promptly and speculatively dismissed and voted down two motions to that end. Many of the Commissioners even shamelessly admitted to the public that they are grossly ignorant, incompetent, and unqualified with regard to understanding the technology that is used to collect, protect, and count the votes in Hawaii. This sacred responsibility has instead been carelessly outsourced to a company in Texas by the name of Hart InterCivic, of which multiple Commissioners nonchalantly admit to having little to no knowledge of their operations and obligations. Even worse, the Election Commission’s Chief Election Officer, Scott Nago, flippantly admitted in writing on March 29 to violating Hawaii law requiring a manual audit of randomly selected precincts following the 2020 election. ALL OF THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE and cannot continue into the 2022 election and beyond. CALL TO ACTION: Send an email to elections@hawaii.gov and politely demand that the Hawaii Elections Commission uphold their duty to thoroughly investigate evidence of any violations and complaints and strongly call upon them ensure all voting records from the 2020 election are maintained until all violations and complaints are remedied. Also send an email and/or call your Hawaii State Senator and Representative. This video and other in-depth videos on this topic are also available on our YouTube and Rumble channels. Please share widely to spread awareness and inspire action. See you at Ala Moana Beach Park on Saturday, April 23! 🤙 Join the Telegram group for Audit the Vote Hawaii: https://t.me/AudittheVoteHI #AuditHawaii #SaveHawaii #Hawaii293 views 7 comments -
Hawaii Elections Commission Chair on Election Integrity: "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..."
surfing4truthWhen the chairperson of the Hawaii Elections Commission, Scotty Anderson, wants to use an executive session to hide information from the general public and blatantly ignore sunshine laws while there is a motion on the floor to initiate an investigation into the 2020 Hawaii Election - that's when you know for sure that Hawaii has SERIOUS PROBLEMS with its elections. AND THEY KNOW IT TOO. So what else did the Hawaii Elections Commission do during their April Fools' Day meeting last Friday? They voted 6-2-1 to not investigate the 2020 Hawaii Election operations, 6-3 to end debate, and 6-3 to not continue considering evidence of Hawaii Election complaints... Because, you know, that's what you do when everything is on the up and up... If you would like in-depth information about irregularities regarding the 2020 Election results in Hawaii you can watch Seth Keshel's presentation on our YouTube and Rumble channels. GET INVOLVED. KEEP UP THE FIGHT. THE TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. Join the Telegram group for Audit the Vote Hawaii: https://t.me/AudittheVoteHI See you at Ala Moana Beach Park on April 23! #AuditHawaii #SaveHawaii #Hawaii346 views 5 comments