JUAN O SAVIN- GOD vs. The Beast System with RYAN VELI - NINO 9 21 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSNotes on this PRESENTATION would be extensive. The points of understanding here include the development of Artificial Intelligence and Technology since WWII. Find RYAN VELI at BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WkGzBRajownD/ The other element is the Bible story of the Beast. from Revelation 13:3-4. Juan guides us through a brief History of the Machine. It goes back further but with our short memory theater that we have only seen the SURFACE of the WATER. The "Ghost in the Machine" https://rumble.com/v275x1y-ghosts-in-the-machine-the-psywar-the-war-for-your-mind.html Augmented Humans/ Graphene https://rumble.com/vt8z2a-graphene-uses-in-transhumanism-global-connectivity.html Google the Beast System Voter Fraud https://rumble.com/v3hiqqa-juan-o-savin-artifical-intelligence-musk-darpa-pt-one-alpha-warrior-9-9-202.html The Rockefeller History https://rumble.com/v120be8-tell-lie-vision-and-the-history-of-the-corruption-by-rockefeller.html Big Red Button https://rumble.com/v3iwmhu-juan-o-savin-big-red-button-energy-google-technocracy-nino-9-18-2023.html The Beast the Battle the Bible Gideon's Army https://rumble.com/v23bvxc-juan-o-savin-the-road-ahead-the-cult-technocracy-blessed2teach-clipped-12-2.html The Beast Who Lived – Revelation 13:3-4 After describing the Beast from the Sea as the ultimate fulfillment of Daniel’s vision of the final nation (Dan 7:7), John sees that one of the heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but that wound was healed (13:3). This wound was healed by the second beast (13:12) and filled the world with wonder. In Revelation the beast is the Roman empire, as the persecutor of the church. Like Dan 7:21-22, this beast will persecute God’s people until God himself intervenes to destroy the power of the beast and establish an eternal kingdom. Along with Revelation 17:8, the death and resurrection of the first beast is a parody of Christ. Vern Poythress offers several examples of parody in Revelation 13. He has a counterfeit resurrection in the form of a mortal wound that was healed (Rev 13:3). The miraculous character of his healing creates astonishment and followers for him, just as the miracle of the resurrection creates followers of Christ. The beast has ten crowns (13:1), parallel to Christ’s many crowns (19:12). The dragon gives the beast “his power and his throne and great authority” (13:2), just as the Father gives the Son his authority (John 5:22–27). Worship of the dragon and the beast go together (Rev 13:4), just as worship of the Father and the Son go together (John 5:23). The beast claims universal allegiance from all nations (Rev 13:7), just as Christ is Lord over all nations (7:9–10). I would add to this list the mysterious “mark of the beast” as a parody of God marking his own people (the 144,000 in Rev 14:1).77.3K views 102 comments -
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