Enormous Pre-Flood Mega-Structure Discovered in Siberia. Universe Inside You 1-13-2024
TheWarAgainstYouEnormous Pre-Flood Mega-Structure Discovered in Siberia. Universe Inside You 1-13-2024 66,797 views January 13, 2024 Universe Inside You - The Gornaya Shoria megaliths, as they came to be known, consisted of immense stone blocks, appearing to be granite, characterized by flat surfaces and right angles. What was even more shocking was the estimated weight of the stone, which was more than 3,000 tons. This would make the Gornaya Shoria megaliths - the largest megalithic stones ever discovered in human history. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@UniverseInsideYou5.85K views 9 comments