Walking the Land
2 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Videos to accompany my book Walking the Land, with lessons on how to connect with and understand the land you are living upon, hiking or exploring, and learn to work with local spirits of your area.
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About 15 years ago, some good friends of mine and I spent a day out near Sedona, Arizona, at a hot spot and vortex. One friend used her camera to create short videos. Another kept the timekeeping, a very important task, and another was a gopher who would run here, there, and everywhere for the three of us. We went along Beaver Creek, south of Sedona, an area filled with vortex energy, and equally important, trees. We captured information on trees, how to work with them, how to identify what kind of tree, energetically, it was and how it could help you in some positive way. In the videos are also trees that contain a portal, an entrance or a gateway to another dimension. There are signs all around us to show us what a hot spot area looks and feels like. This is color video and I’m the person presenting in each of the videos that are currently being cleaned up and put into a format so they can be uploaded to YouTube. For anyone who loves Nature, you will find something interesting, amazing, and even be able to double-check something you may have instinctively felt but couldn’t explain in such an area around you.
Read my book, Walking the Land, available at Amazon or your favorite bookseller.
Tree Meditation by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanHave you ever wanted to talk with a tree? Well, now you can! This video is for young and old alike, for anyone who has sat with a tree and felt comforted or even protected by the spirit of it. There’s more to a tree than what your two eyes can see. Follow along with me for the steps of how to do it yourself! Indigenous people communicated with “all our relations” with telepathy, which is a combination of voice linked with feelings that come along with it. Anyone can use telepathy! We all have the “tool” to do this in the right hemisphere of our brain. I call this region our treasure chest of being able to see, hear, and smell what is invisible and make it visible to you. Please download my free PDF handout that you can take home and use when you go out and communicate with your favorite tree spirit! https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/TREE-MEDITATION-handout.pdf For more information, tools, and all kinds of magical, mystical true stories, visit my blog at https://walkingtheland.net/walking-the-land-adventures/22 views