Matt Walsh ENRAGES Feminists After REALIZING The RP Is Right?!
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Indian🇮🇳 3:37:30 : Caller #21 - Are s3x and gender different? 🏳️🌈 3:41:00 : Move over to Rumble - https://rumble.com/v42toh6-matt-walsh-enrages-feminists-after-realizing-the-rp-is-right.html 3:42:00 : (Gender Debate) - Are there Only 2 Genders? 3:47:30 : Caller #22 - How do I help my broken friend? 3:51:00 : Female Calls in to defend Brian from Whatever podcast 3:56:00 : Blackpiller CALLS In from - What do you think about Blackp!ll, Bonesmashing & Hunter Eyes?🤡 3:59:00 : Caller #25 - Do Hooters girls deserve a relationship? 4:03:00 : Get that DNA test ASAP 4:05:30 : Caller #26 - Should I continue sales or get back into my IT job? 4:10:30 : Caller #27 - Should I buy Real Estate in Ohio? 4:12:00 : Caller gets angry after Myron told him to leave his girl 4:18:00 : ‘My Spanish teacher flaked on me, what do I do?’ 4:24:30 : Polygyny is already happening 4:26:00 : Is RE Wholesaling worth it? 4:27:30 : Should I live in a boat? rent is expensive 4:32:00 : Outro! (See you on Wednesday)831K views 437 comments