(9/12/24) | SG Sits Down w/ Lt. Col (RET) Riccardo Bosi from "AustraliaOne Podcast" to Talk Geopolitics/Irregular War
QNewsPatriotSG sits down with w/ Ricardo Bosi from Australia on Australia One Podcast to discuss the latest updates and possibilities of what to expect in the near future. SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot SG on Telegram: https://t.me/realqnewspatriot ______________________________________ For More Information on the Content Presented Here, Follow the Links Below: https://www.australiaoneparty.com/ Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/AustraliaOneParty BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ _______________________________________ For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response. _________________________________ Great Awakening Resources for Patriots ** To Get Involved w/ the Lawful Reinhabited Republic for the United States of America, Go Here: https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org ** Those Affected by Mass Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts Here: carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org and https://formerfedsgroup.org/ ** For an Ongoing and Expanding Video Archive of Maricopa County Arizona Election Fraud, Go Here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos ** To Explore Potential Countermeasures to C19 Vaxxine Injuries, Go Here: https://QuantumRoots.us ** To Get Involved w/ Constitutional Grand Jury Efforts in the USA, Go Here: https://www.courtofpublicawakening.org/ and https://flashjury.org ** To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com _________________________________ To Keep QNP Commercial-Free, Consider Supporting Both the Show and Your Cellular Wellness w/ QNewsPatriot’s Partner Products http://QNPRedox.com | http://QNPPetClub247.com | http://TheRootBrands.com/QNP44.7K views 169 comments -
8.26.24 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio, with L.t. Col. Riccardo Bosi, Former Commander of Australian Special Forces
PatriotStreetfighterLt. Col. (Ret.) Riccardo Bosi, commander of Australian Special Forces, hitting the hard information about what is going on in the world of the covert war spilling onto the surface in the battle for earth and humanity Instagram https://www.instagram.com/real_riccardo_bosi/?hl=en LinkedIn https://au.linkedin.com/in/riccardo-bosi-8305805 Books https://www.wilkinsonpublishing.com.au/book-author/lieutenant-colonel-rtd-riccardo-bosi/ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/riccardo-bosi-how-to-be-influential-without-selling/id934940450?i=1000486089967 Patriot Streetfighter is a highly censored combat machine fighting for "We The People" of Earth. Website - https://patriotstreetfighter.com/ Buy Gold, Buy Silver PSFSilverGold.com or call Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD. at Private Advisors for a FREE Consult at (720) 605-3900 and tell him Scott sent you. Dr. Robert Young's Masterpeace is an advanced product, one of it's kind, that builds a cage around the components of the bioweapon that uses aluminum, glyphosate and graphene oxide activated by 5G. Access Masterpeace at psfmasterpeace.com or at https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11541 EVERYONE CAN NOW “GET IN THE FIGHT" Many thousands of Patriot Streetfighters have stepped onto the battlefield for Operation Tomahawk whereby these warriors are shutting off the cash flow of the global corporate machine that is working against humanity. Check out Operation Tomahawk at... http://www.operationtomahawk.com Healing for the A.G.E.S is just around the corner again and Dr Ardis, Dr Ealy & Dr. Jana Schmidt reveal some exciting information that will covered at the epic September 12-14 event in Dallas TX. Get your tickets at https://healingfortheages.com/ and use PROMO CODE "PSF" for $50 OFF ticket price See War on Truth The Movie https://hisglory.tv. USE CODE PSF Join PSF Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/patriotstreetfighter Join PSF Telegram Chat Room: https://t.me/+_HpG_QnmA2piNWEx Facebook: https://t.me/+_HpG_QnmA2piNWEx Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/PatriotStreetfighter Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/samckay3?page=1 Bitchute: https://bit.ly/bitchutethetippingpointradio Scott's LIVE Radio Show is "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, every Monday 8-10PM EST http://revolution.radio/ (Mobile device tilt sideways for necessary landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-703886.3K views 234 comments -
Patriot Underground & Lt. Col. Riccardo Bosi: New Trump & White Hats Intel 8.26.24!
Patriots BasePatriot Underground & Lt. Col. Riccardo Bosi: New Trump & White Hats Intel 8.26.24!3.87K views 9 comments