Kill-Off/ RIP
12 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Public events that were truly the killing off of fellow death cult members that were no longer of use or expired....or were "forcebly" removed for other reasons. Info on the Masons in their stolen Old World temples...
Active Shooter Drill Held at Plymouth School
KingStreetNewsSandy Hook Shooting Vs. Real School Shooting In Brazil by Max Malone https://rumble.com/v17c6my-sandy-hook-shooting-vs.-real-school-shooting-in-brazil-by-max-malone.html Saugus High School "Shooting" Was An Active Shooter Drill - Police Radio Confirms https://rumble.com/v17k0s9-saugus-high-school-shooting-was-an-active-shooter-drill-police-radio-confir.html UVALDE SHOOTING ROBB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SATANIC MASONIC FREEMASON SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN FALSE FLAG BETO? https://rumble.com/v17xd01-uvalde-shooting-robb-elementary-school-satanic-masonic-freemason-synagogue-.html50 views -
KingStreetNewsTHE TARDS EMPIRE STRIKE BACK! - King Street News https://rumble.com/v4ax17i-the-tards-empire-strike-back-king-street-news.html US SOLDIER ARRESTED BY FEDS FOR JOINING SATANIC NEO -NAZI CULT THE ORDER OF NINE ANGLES 07.07.2020 https://rumble.com/v2cvrm0-us-soldier-arrested-by-feds-for-joining-satanic-neo-nazi-cult-the-order-of-.html FLAT EARTH BLOOD OVER INTENT THE ORDER OF NINE ANGELS & THEIR DEMONIC POSSESSION EXPLAINED https://rumble.com/v2x0bsb-blood-over-intent-order-of-nine-angels-and-demonic-possession-explained.html (HUMAN SACRIFICE) RED AZOTH BLOOD OVER INTENT "FLAT EARTH" RITUAL OF THE ORDER OF NINE ANGELS https://rumble.com/v2xe5ke-blood-over-intent-flat-earth-ritual-of-the-order-of-nine-angels-human-sacri.html THE ORDER OF NINE ANGELS BLACK MAGICK NAZIS OF THE FLAT EARTH https://rumble.com/v2x0jkb-the-order-of-the-nine-angels-black-magick-nazis-of-the-flat-earth.html O9A BLOOD OVER INTENT THE NAZI FLATTARDS OF "FLAT EARTH" WILL COME IN THE NAME OF LOVE https://rumble.com/v2xqlky-blood-over-intent-the-flattard-flat-earthers-will-come-in-the-name-of-love.html SANDY HOOK COVENANT; COLUMBINE & SIKH TEMPLE LINKS, HOAX LIARS PROTECTING NAZI KILLERS https://rumble.com/v1z0vr6-sandy-hook-covenant-columbine-and-sikh-temple-links-hoax-liars-protecting-n.html FLAT EARTH 101 - CHAPTER 07 - SECRET SOCIETIES https://rumble.com/v39txxv-flat-earth-101-chapter-07-secret-societies.html GEORGE BUSH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FLAT EARTH & THE KABBALISTIC TREE OF LIFE (HEAVEN ON EARTH) https://rumble.com/v2xrbdm-george-bush-international-airport-flat-earth-and-the-tree-of-life.html THE HOLY GRAIL THE TREE OF LIFE BLOOD OVER INTENT AND THEIR FLAT EARTH (SATURNIAN DEATH CULT) https://rumble.com/v2xrnjw-the-holy-grail-the-tree-of-life-blood-over-intent-flat-earth.html EXTREMIST MONK SPARKS OUTRAGE BY ASKING HINDUS TO KILL MUSLIMS & CHRISTIANS https://rumble.com/v2a5354-extremist-monk-sparks-outrage-by-asking-hindus-to-kill-muslims-and-christia.html MUSLIMS PERSECUTED IN INDIA: HINDUS HAVE BEEN TOLD BY THEIR "POLITICIANS" TO BOYCOTT MUSLIM BUSINESSES https://rumble.com/v2a54hc-muslims-persecuted-in-india-hindus-have-been-told-by-their-politicians-to-b.html LEICESTER ENGLAND MUSLIMS VS. HINDUS BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER, OVER SCUMBAG POLITICIANS https://rumble.com/v2a582w-leicester-england-muslims-vs.-hindus-brother-against-brother-over-scumbag-p.html TIM STEINFORT I'VE BEEN THINKING https://rumble.com/v41j4j6-tim-steinfort-ive-been-thinking.html REALITY REPORT - CHASE BANK GENOCIDE VACCINE CONTEST https://rumble.com/v1ug6hu-reality-report-chasebank-genocide-vaccine-contest.html WHAT IS ENOCHIAN MAGICK LEARN THE ENOCHIAN LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY ANGELS TO JOHN DEE AND EDWARD KELLEY https://rumble.com/v41hpi3-what-is-enochian-magick-learn-the-enochian-language-spoken-by-angels-to-joh.html THE GENOCIDE OF HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI WERE A WARNING FOR ANY WHO DARE OPPOSE MASONIC INFLUENCE - King Street News https://rumble.com/v3p9t5t-the-genocide-of-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-were-a-warning-for-any-who-dare-oppo.html THE REAL SOVEREIGN CITIZENS OF AMERICA - King Street News https://rumble.com/v41gzb6-the-real-sovereign-citizens-of-america-king-street-news.html MAKE CRIME ILLEGAL AGAIN https://rumble.com/v41fuxe-make-crime-illegal-again-libtards-are-the-cancer-of-our-society.html THAT TIME THE AMERICA HATING LIBTARD DEMOCRAT TERRORISTS DESTROYED & LOOTED OUR CITIES https://rumble.com/v41ctd8-remember-when-the-libtard-obamabiden-terrorists-destroyed-and-looted-our-ci.html THIS IS A VIDEO OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY GOING UP IN SMOKE! HUGE FIRE BREAKS OUT AT NYPD "EVIDENCE" WAREHOUSE IN BROOKLYN 12/14/2022 https://rumble.com/v41g2sb-this-is-a-video-of-public-accountability-going-up-in-smoke.html BIDEN CRIME FAMILY & FINANCIAL TIES TO THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY READ INTO CONGRESSIONAL RECORD https://rumble.com/vyyikg-biden-crime-family-and-financial-ties-to-the-chinese-communist-party-read-i.html BILL SCHNOEBELEN EXPOSING HOW MURDER & TREASON ARE PERMITTED WITHIN FREEMASONRY & A LOT MORE INFO https://rumble.com/v2d0mz0-bill-schnoebelen-exposing-how-murder-rape-and-treason-are-permitted-within-.html1.27K views 1 comment -
KingStreetNewsGUNMAN SHOOTS 7, KILLS SELF AT EMPIRE STATE BUILDING http://www.cnn.com/US/9702/24/empire.shooting/ Empire State Shooting: "Shooter" Never Shot At Police, Nine Bystanders All Shot By Police in Mass Shooting courtesy of informationliberation.com August 25, 2012 The Guardian reports: "Johnson (whom police later blamed for their own violence) did not fire at police, according to law enforcement, but he did raise his gun. Nine civilians - four women and five men - were shot or grazed by the two officers who shot Johnson dead." Initial reports suggested the shooter shot the bystanders, additionally it was suggested the cops had "returned fire," which has also been proven wrong. One of the shooting victims says police fired "randomly" into the street. Readers may remember this story where a 65-year-old woman used a gun to defend herself against five robbers, the police "cautioned store owners about defending themselves with guns." Lt. Jeff Nightengale said, "Just like a police officer, when you fire that weapon and those rounds go down range, you have to be accountable for where those rounds go." Will these police be "held accountable" for where their rounds went? Don't hold your breath. The above is the surveillance footage of the police mass shooting. Supporting PDF documentation available below. For more on how government creates enemies, commits violence, then blames whomever it wishes, see links here: Oklahoma City False-Flag Bombing and Coverup - Massive Research Pack https://archive.org/details/OklahomaCityFalse-flagBombingAndCoverup-MassiveResearchPack DEATHTRAP OKLOHOMA CITY: WERE INNOCENT VICTIMS USED AS BAIT? https://odysee.com/Deathtrap-Oklohoma-City-Were-Innocent-Victims-Used-As-Bait:f SIKH TEMPLE SHOOTING WITNESS - VERY WELL COORDIATED WASN'T HAPHAZARD RELEASING OF GAS https://rumble.com/v2jyq7c-very-well-coordinated-wasnt-haphazard-releasing-ofgas-sikhtempleshootingwit.html THE SON OF UNCLE SAM CULT COMPRISED OF MULTIPLE KILLERS WHO PARTICIPATED NOT JUST BERKOWITZ https://rumble.com/v2jnai0-the-son-of-uncle-sam-cult-comprised-of-multiple-killers-not-just-berkowitz.html PROGRAMMED TO KILL SATANIC COVER UP (CORAL EUGENE WATTS) https://rumble.com/v2b3qk8-programmed-to-kill-satanic-cover-up-carl-eugene-watts.html 2020 Sovereign Citizen Thug Cops Slash Car Tires in Minneapolis , Most Cars Did Not Belong to Protestors https://rumble.com/v2eh902-soveriegn-citizen-thug-cops-slash-car-tires-in-minneapolis-most-cars-did-no.html Encrypted T-Shirt Death to America by Invisible War Royalists vs Republicans (OWO vs NWO) by Sean Hross https://rumble.com/v2cuvj6-encrypted-t-shirt-saying-death-to-america-of-invisible-war-royalists-vs-rep.html NAZI Cult Murders Houston Police Officer Murders Double Amputee Armed With Pen https://rumble.com/v2jzisc-programmed-cult-murders-houston-police-officer-murders-double-amputee-armed.html425 views -
LFA TV2 Minnestoa cops have been killed, along with an EMT by someone who wasnt allowed to have guns, proving "red flag laws" don't stop bad people from getting guns. Popular radio host calls Democrats, "the boy who cried wolf" over trying to get people to vote for them with fear. More left wingers turn on Democrats over the Israel/Gaza war as one says not to vote for Biden and another group leaves 300 pounds of cow crap in front of Nancy Pelosi's house. Liz Cheney might run for President. And Nikki Haley gets roasted over hilarious tweet? www.lfatv.us www.loudmajorityusa.com use prom code LFA for 20% off www.mypillow.com/loud use promo code LOUD for up to 80% off LFA SPONSORS & PARTNERS The #1 Oil and Gas investment play for 2024 - GO TO THIS SITE NOW! http://www.oilpayout.com/ TAKE LEAN! PROMO CODE LFA 15% OFF www.takelean.com COZY EARTH! PROMO CODE: LFA https://cozyearth.com/ FIELD OF GREENS PROMO CODE LFA https://brickhousenutrition.com/products/field-of-greens for up to 15% off OFP FARMS www.ofpfarms.com PROMO CODE LFA15 TRUMP I’LL BE BACK BOBBLE HEAD https://offers.proudpatriots.com/order-5833010716766604027v1?_ef_transaction_id=0eaf06c446f24b4791a310899aae02ed&affid=71&oid=76&utm_source=affiliatetraffic GOLDCO https://goldco.com/live MY PILLOW https://mypillow.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA MY STORE https://mystore.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA TRUMPET DAILY https://www.thetrumpet.com/stephen-flurry/13.5K views 4 comments -
Tragedy: Two Minnesota Police Officers and a Paramedic Killed While Responding to
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Freemasonry The Knights Templar copycats (BAPHOMET/DEATH CULT) DECEPTICONS
Medjay of Christ💣 FREEMASONS = KNIGHTS TEMPLAR (copycats) = TEMPLE OF SOLOMON WORSHIP = SATANISM/ALCHEMY/WITCHCRAFT/ASTROLOGY = THE NEW WORLD ORDER = MARK OF THE BEAST = MASS DECEPTION (The Great Work) = CONTROL MIND AND BODY = SLAVERLY One of the largest "Enlightenment" secret occults that practice a wide spectrum of occultist rituals from Greek/Roman/Egyptian Sorcery/Witchcraft, The Greater Key of Solomon (Solomon letters), Astrology, and Alchemy. --> US Presidency is determined by Satanists - the Rothschilds banking family --> Your Favorite Politicians are Freemasons --> Your Favourite Ivy league Universities, Frat Clubs, Sororities are Freemasons ❌ The Knights Templar was a Catholic military order of knighthood established in 1119 in Jerusalem to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land. The hierarchy of Freemasonry is based on degrees, with the highest rank being the third degree of "Master Mason". Freemasonry (DEATH CULT) is divided into three stages of membership ranks, or degrees: 🤟 Entered Apprentice, 🤘 Fellow Craft, and 👌 Master Mason. 👁️🗨️ Proof that Templar Theory is partialy true! => "Freemasonry was derived from Templarism, and that consequently every Freemason was a Knight Templar, ..." 👇 SEE PROOF BELOW 👇 👹 Since modern Freemasonry was established approximately 330 years after the chivalric Knights Templar we can officially see from symbolism (the Ark of the Covenant, the Masonic Altar) and honorary "Knights Templar" themed Masonic degrees and rituals that Freemasonry is a copycat occult of the Knights Templar - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/15/Emblematic_Structure_of_Freemasonry.gif/220px-Emblematic_Structure_of_Freemasonry.gif 👹 There is a "Knights Templar" degree thats sits between the Master Mason and the Sublime Degree of Royal Arch in the five degree system developed by the York Masons. 👹 The 33rd degree is a supreme honor bestowed only on those who have demonstrated "outstanding service in the fratenity" (the ones that O-BEY) as well as professional and personal accomplishments. In addition to these three standard rankings, the Scottish Rite has 30 other supplementary degrees. ☯️ ♋ The black and white checkered floor is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon's Temple and is considered a reminder of the universal principle that the symbol represents in Freemasonry. This floor is emblematic of human life ~ good and evil (similar to Chinese occult Yin Yan). 👹 The Knights Templar were accused of worshipping an idol or deity called Baphomet. The word "Baphomet" was a corruption of the name "Mahomet," the founder of Islam. {Baphomet is described as a bearded male head or a hermaphroditic figure.} 👹 The Highest levels of Freemasonry practice Sorcery, Satanism, Casting Spells, Drinking Urine, Eating Fecal Matter, Witchcraft, Astrology, Spiritual and Material Alchemy, Transmutation Chemistry, Murder, Torture, Astroprojection (Not to be confused with LUCID DREAMING), PEDOPHILIA, SEXUAL PERVASIVE RITUALS - rape, defilement, masturbating in coffins, getting masturbated on the face by high level masons, Sodomy, Zoophilia, Bestiality, Necromancy. 🌞 G IN 5 POINTED STAR = G in Freemasonry = Great Architect of the Universe = Divine Providence = Third Eye = All Seeing Eye = Lucifer the Morning/Blazing Star their god 👎 Low Level Freemasonry = Mass Deception = Steer Away from Christ = Godless 👎 High Level Freemasonry = Playing with Demons (finding a god) = No Peace in your life = No God's favor = No Eternal Life = Death of Body, Soul and Spirit! (CONDEMNED TO BURN IN ETERNAL FIRE!) ———————————————— 👇 Know Thy Enemy and Expand your Knowledge! 👇 ---> 🔍https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5527.William_Schnoebelen ---> 🔍 Reconsidering the Testament of Solomon - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0951820707077166?icid=int.sj-abstract.similar-articles.1 ---> 🔍https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/72_Goeta_sigils.png/1200px-72_Goeta_sigils.png ---> 🔍 https://www.knightstemplar-wales.org/templarsprimitiverule.htm ---> 🔍 72 Demons of Solomon - https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81eMNUM7ZmL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg ———————————————— ✝️ Hosea 4:6: "My people perish for lack of knowledge" ✝️ Galatians 6:7-8 (NIV): "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." ✝️ Proverbs 10:9: "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." ✝️ Proverbs 3:27: "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it." ———————————————— CREDITS: ---> Victor M. Ramos ---> Rev. Dr. William "Bill" James Schnoebelen ———————————————— 👁️ HUMAN TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN - PART 1 - https://rumble.com/v3qrvfl-human-trafficking-of-children-part-1.html 👁️ Exposing the Pope Francis MASS DECEPTION - The Vatican (EVIL CORP) - https://rumble.com/v4cepyf-exposing-the-pope-francis-mass-deception-the-vatican-evil-corp.html 👁️ They Want your Children - Disney's Content Inclusion Standards (DEI = WOKE) PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v4cctaf-they-want-your-children-disneys-content-inclusion-standards-woke-part-three.html 👁️ They Want your Children - Disney's Cast and Staff (EVIL CORP) PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4ccmnn-they-want-your-children-disney-cast-and-staff-evil-corp-part-two.html 👁️ They Want your Children - Disney's New Movie WISH (MASS DECEPTION) PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4ccaxz-they-want-your-children-disneys-new-movie-wish-mass-deception.html 👁️ Former African Warlocks/Satanists expose the New World Order by the Illuminati Occult - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4bbwzo-former-african-warlockssatanists-expose-the-new-world-order-by-the-illumina.html 👁️ Former Santería/Regla de Ocha/Palo Mayombe Warlock/Satanist expose the New World Order by the Illuminati Occult - https://rumble.com/v4bhhsc-former-santeraregla-de-ochapalo-mayombe-warlocksatanist-expose-the-new-worl.html 👁️ The Disclosure Hub's 100+ Insane Connoisseur Grade Exposé (ELON MUSK and many more) - https://rumble.com/v4c5td9-the-disclosure-hubs-100-insane-connoisseur-grade-expos-elon-musk-and-many-m.html 👁️ Occult Symbolism in Video Games - https://rumble.com/v49wf4x-occult-symbolism-in-video-games.html 👁️ Is the Eye of Horus Worship Masonic ? - https://rumble.com/v48l393-is-the-eye-of-horus-worship-masonic-.html 👁️ RedBull Occult Symbolism and Rituals - https://rumble.com/v4b5q3h-redbull-occult-symbolism-and-rituals.html 👁️ Formula One Drivers using Masonic and Occultist Symbols -https://rumble.com/v4b97er-formula-one-drivers-using-masonic-and-occultist-symbols.html ———————————————— --->>>> Treat yourself like you are someone responsible for helping --->>>> Join the fight - https://rumble.com/register/deprecatedII/ ———————————————— 🛎️THIS VIDEO is for educational purposes only!!🛎️ Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. THIS VIDEO may contain copyrighted material that is not authorized for use by the owner. We are lawfully using this material under the practice of fair use, as governed by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. The purpose of THIS VIDEO is educational NOT entertainment, and we do not claim ownership of the copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used in a way that does not qualify as fair use, please contact us to resolve the issue.2.23K views -
KingStreetNewsWACO: THE BIG LIE BY LINDA THOMPSON https://rumble.com/v2h3wly-waco-the-big-lie-by-linda-thompson.html WACO: THE BIG LIE CONTINUES BY LINDA THOMPSON https://rumble.com/v2h3wig-waco-the-big-lie-continues-by-linda-thompson.html THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS https://rumble.com/v26tr8s-the-last-will-and-testament-of-the-branch-davidians.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILLS & SCHOOL LOCKDOWNS HAVE SERIOUS LONG TERM EFFECTS ON STUDENTS https://rumble.com/v4d8n06-active-shooter-drills-and-school-lockdowns-have-serious-long-term-eeffects-.html ACTIVE MASONIC SHOOTER DRILL AT THE WALTER REED MEDICAL CENTER AGAINST WOUNDED VETERANS https://rumble.com/v4d8def-active-masonic-shooter-drill-at-the-walter-reed-medical-center-against-woun.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL USED BY MASONIC POLICE & FUNDED BY FEMA TO TERRIFY CIVILIANS https://rumble.com/v4d8bp6-active-shooter-drill-used-by-masonic-police-and-funded-by-fema-to-terrify-c.html MASONIC TERRORIST POLICE ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL SPARKS PANIC AT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL https://rumble.com/v4d8an8-masonic-terrorist-police-active-shooter-drill-sparks-panic-at-childrens-hos.html 4 L.A. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES DIE BY SUICIDE IN 24 HOURS. (ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING) https://rumble.com/v4d7axr-4-l.a.-sheriffs-department-employees-die-by-suicide-in-24-hours.html ACTIVE POLICE SHOOTER DRILLS USED TO SELECT & REMOVE OLD CULT MEMBERS FROM THE FORCE & MAKE ROOM FOR NEW ONES - King Street News https://rumble.com/v4d7axr-4-l.a.-sheriffs-department-employees-die-by-suicide-in-24-hours.html SAUGUS HIGH SCHOOL "SHHOTING" WAS AN ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL - POLICE RADIO CONFIRMS https://rumble.com/v17k0s9-saugus-high-school-shooting-was-an-active-shooter-drill-police-radio-confir.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL HELD AT PLYMOUTH SCHOOL https://rumble.com/v1ti15q-active-shooter-drill-held-at-plymouth-school.html ROBB ELEMENTARY UVALDE SHOOTING ACTIVE DRILL PRIOR? JESUIT LION, & MASONIC FREEMASON GESTURES? https://rumble.com/v17xvhl-robb-elementary-uvalde-shooting-active-drill-prior-jesuit-lion-and-masonic-.html THE TARDS EMPIRE STRIKE BACK! - King Street News https://rumble.com/v4ax17i-the-tards-empire-strike-back-king-street-news.html GOLDEN DAWN COMMIT RACIST MASONIC MURDERS WHILE POLICE TURN A BLIND EYE https://rumble.com/v41iuzt-the-golden-dawn-commit-masonic-murders-while-the-police-turn-a-blind-eye.html POLICE SHOOTING INNOCENT BYSTANDERS IN NYC - THEN BLAME IT ON THE EMPIRE STATE SHOOTER https://rumble.com/v2jz4fw-police-shooting-innocent-bystanders-in-nyc-then-blame-it-on-gunman.html NAZI CULT MURDERS: HOUSTON POLICE OFFICER MURDERS DOUBLE AMPUTEE ARMED WITH PEN https://rumble.com/v2jzisc-programmed-cult-murders-houston-police-officer-murders-double-amputee-armed.html WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE SATURNIAN FLAT EARTH DEATH CULTS - King Street News https://rumble.com/v49xr5f-what-you-should-know-about-the-saturnian-flat-earth-death-cults.html733 views 3 comments -
KingStreetNewsWACO: THE BIG LIE BY LINDA THOMPSON https://rumble.com/v2h3wly-waco-the-big-lie-by-linda-thompson.html WACO: THE BIG LIE CONTINUES BY LINDA THOMPSON https://rumble.com/v2h3wig-waco-the-big-lie-continues-by-linda-thompson.html THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS https://rumble.com/v26tr8s-the-last-will-and-testament-of-the-branch-davidians.html UVALDE HS HAD ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL WEEKS BEFORE MASSACRE, OFFICER REMOVED & HAD GUN TAKEN AWAY AS WIFE LAY DYING https://rumble.com/v4d93wi-uvalde-hs-had-active-shooter-drill-weeks-before-massacre-wife-of-lead-offic.html UVALDE SHOOTING ROBB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SATANIC MASONIC FREEMASON SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN FALSE FLAG BETO https://rumble.com/v1u5zrc-uvalde-shooting-robb-elementary-school-satanic-masonic-freemason-synagogue-.html ROBB ELEMENTARY UVALDE SHOOTING ACTIVE DRILL PRIOR? JESUIT LION, & MASONIC FREEMASON GESTURES? https://rumble.com/v17xvhl-robb-elementary-uvalde-shooting-active-drill-prior-jesuit-lion-and-masonic-.html MASONIC COMMIE COPS STAGE ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL IN ORDER TO TERRIFY STUDENTS AT UNLV https://rumble.com/v4d8ygx-masonic-commie-cops-stage-active-shooter-drill-in-order-to-terrify-students.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILLS & SCHOOL LOCKDOWNS HAVE SERIOUS LONG TERM EFFECTS ON STUDENTS https://rumble.com/v4d8n06-active-shooter-drills-and-school-lockdowns-have-serious-long-term-eeffects-.html ACTIVE MASONIC SHOOTER DRILL AT THE WALTER REED MEDICAL CENTER AGAINST WOUNDED VETERANS https://rumble.com/v4d8def-active-masonic-shooter-drill-at-the-walter-reed-medical-center-against-woun.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL USED BY MASONIC POLICE & FUNDED BY FEMA TO TERRIFY CIVILIANS https://rumble.com/v4d8bp6-active-shooter-drill-used-by-masonic-police-and-funded-by-fema-to-terrify-c.html MASONIC TERRORIST POLICE ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL SPARKS PANIC AT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL https://rumble.com/v4d8an8-masonic-terrorist-police-active-shooter-drill-sparks-panic-at-childrens-hos.html 4 L.A. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES DIE BY SUICIDE IN 24 HOURS. (ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING) https://rumble.com/v4d7axr-4-l.a.-sheriffs-department-employees-die-by-suicide-in-24-hours.html ACTIVE POLICE SHOOTER DRILLS USED TO SELECT & REMOVE OLD CULT MEMBERS FROM THE FORCE & MAKE ROOM FOR NEW ONES - King Street News https://rumble.com/v4d7axr-4-l.a.-sheriffs-department-employees-die-by-suicide-in-24-hours.html SAUGUS HIGH SCHOOL "SHHOTING" WAS AN ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL - POLICE RADIO CONFIRMS https://rumble.com/v17k0s9-saugus-high-school-shooting-was-an-active-shooter-drill-police-radio-confir.html ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL HELD AT PLYMOUTH SCHOOL https://rumble.com/v1ti15q-active-shooter-drill-held-at-plymouth-school.html ROBB ELEMENTARY UVALDE SHOOTING ACTIVE DRILL PRIOR? JESUIT LION, & MASONIC FREEMASON GESTURES? https://rumble.com/v17xvhl-robb-elementary-uvalde-shooting-active-drill-prior-jesuit-lion-and-masonic-.html THE TARDS EMPIRE STRIKE BACK! - King Street News https://rumble.com/v4ax17i-the-tards-empire-strike-back-king-street-news.html GOLDEN DAWN COMMIT RACIST MASONIC MURDERS WHILE POLICE TURN A BLIND EYE https://rumble.com/v41iuzt-the-golden-dawn-commit-masonic-murders-while-the-police-turn-a-blind-eye.html POLICE SHOOTING INNOCENT BYSTANDERS IN NYC - THEN BLAME IT ON THE EMPIRE STATE SHOOTER https://rumble.com/v2jz4fw-police-shooting-innocent-bystanders-in-nyc-then-blame-it-on-gunman.html NAZI CULT MURDERS: HOUSTON POLICE OFFICER MURDERS DOUBLE AMPUTEE ARMED WITH PEN https://rumble.com/v2jzisc-programmed-cult-murders-houston-police-officer-murders-double-amputee-armed.html WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE SATURNIAN FLAT EARTH DEATH CULTS - King Street News https://rumble.com/v49xr5f-what-you-should-know-about-the-saturnian-flat-earth-death-cults.html1.44K views 5 comments