gene Decode Unscripted: Episode 1 ~ Dragons! (Revised 2024)
RealGeneDecodegene Decode Unscripted ~ Dragons! brought to you by the USA Decode Team is the first episode. In this "unscripted" interview you will learn the truth about dragons, the truth about the constellations and what species lives in the Draco Constellation. Anything you want to know about dragons and more is answered in this interview with gene Decode by the Blessed For Service USA Decode Team. _______________________________________________________ We are glad you all found this informative and helpful. If you agree, please follow us here and give a thumbs up! Also know that there is a troll fake me in the comments and replies on this Rumble, that puts out a fake email and telegram. My ONLY email ever that I give out is; colosensei64@gmail.com Also, there are sometimes a phone #. I NEVER GIVE OUT A PHONE #!!!! So far this is the faker's gmail or telegram; GeneDecodle Gene Decodes Gene Decodes11 GeneDecodeofficial_11 RealGeneDcode RealGeneDecod RealGeneDecode_ RealGeneDecode__ RealGeneDecode1 RealGeneDecode4 RealGeneDecode7 RealGeneDecodeOfficial RealGeneDecodeOfficial1 RealGeneDecodeOfficial11 RealGeneDecodeOfficial_11 KNOW I NEVER EVER GIVE financial advice for crypto. The ONLY financial advice I have ever given is to invest in silver and I don't say where or with whom. That is for you all to research. Lastly, I NEVER EVER SELL ANYTHING! All I ask is that if you want more of my and the Blessed For Service Team's content subscribe to genedecode.org Deep Dives for $7/month or $77/year Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. These ARE gene Decodes and Blessed For Service ONLY and TRUE links: Website: www.genedecode.org Blessed For Service website: www.blessedforservice.org Telegram: https://t.me/RealGeneDecode Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@Real_gene_Decode Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/RealGeneDecode Thank you and God Bless, gene Decode25.6K views 39 comments -
Investigating Avalon, Ancient Magic & the Current Drone Phenomenon
Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaIn her newest book, A Hypnotist’s Journey to Avalon, Sarah Breskman Cosme examines the testimony of clients she has hypnotically regressed to learn about their past-life memories associated with Atlantis and Avalon. She learns about red crystals brought to Earth in ancient times that continue to have great power and influence in mysterious civilizations such as Avalon in the British Isles. In addition, Breskman discusses mythological beings such as fairies, dragons and elves, which her clients reveal as genuine beings that flourished or continue to exist in the British Isles. She believes that magic is the essence of creation, and will help practitioners connect with their Higher Selves. Finally, she discusses the drone phenomenon sweeping the world and what her clients have revealed about them. Sarah Breskman Cosme is a certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner and specializes in assisting clients in regaining past life memories that can help in their healing and self-actualization journeys. She has worked with hundreds of QHHT clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. She is the author of the author of four books, the most recent is A Hypnotists Journey to Avalon Sarah Breskman Cosme’s website is: https://theholistichypnotist.com A Hypnotist’s Journey to Avalon is available at: https://www.amazon.com/Hypnotists-Journey-Avalon-Sarah-Breskman-ebook/dp/B0DPD7764W?ref_=ast_author_dp My deep appreciation to Angelika Whitecliff for designing the banner for this interview and to Jas Marlin for the video editing. Michael Salla, Ph.D.12.6K views 38 comments -
Freeing Earth from Negative ET & Deep State Control – An Urgent Message for Humanity
Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaHumanity is experiencing profound global changes due to incoming galactic frequencies and the arrival of our ancient extraterrestrial ancestors that are causing millennia-old control systems to crumble. Negative extraterrestrial overlords and their human minions (aka Deep State) are being exposed and will be made accountable for the heinous crimes they have committed, according to a veteran ET contactee and author, James Gilliland. He states that our extraterrestrial ancestors are highly evolved benevolent beings that are making contact with receptive humans all over our planet. The Deep State is making every effort to prevent such contacts to delay the monumental changes that are coming to our planet. It behooves those seeking to free our planet from negative control to make contact with the benevolent extraterrestrials who are helping clear the remaining bastions of negative ET/Deep State power. Gilliland has spent 40 years promoting Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) protocols through his ranch at Mt Adams, Washington. He and many visitors to the ECETI Ranch have experienced direct contact with extraterrestrials, ascended masters, celestials, Inner Earth beings, and many other entities. In addition, he and visitors have taken thousands of pictures and videos of UFOs around Mt Adams, and also at his new ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii. James Gilliland recently released an Urgent Message to Humanity which is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIP7iLouBIk His website is: https://www.eceti.org/36.1K views 342 comments -
Here Be Dragons?
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday, we find Old World Dragons all over our map. We Find Dragons that we drive our cars right through today, without even knowing it. We also find a Dragon, that might be in a dormant state and may be waking up. We find all of this in the year of the Dragon...and much more! Thank you all for your support of this channel! Every Subscriber, every Like, All Comments are huge in helping spread this research to new people every single week. Every Badge Member and every Patreon Member help keep this channel running. I appreciate all of the support and I can't wait for every Saturday to expose even more information to the world. And we are just getting started! ---- TO BECOME A BADGE MEMBER & HELP GROW THIS CHANNEL ---- HERE IS THE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Za5DiASIbqT8fuhiDBU6Q/join Join this channel to get access to perks! TOP EPISODES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsFQI9PYz0b27yHR3V7di34AoFxT5NXWc LINK TO RUMBLE CHANNEL: Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2q03po-his-story-not-ours-pt-5.html LINK TO TIKTOK CHANNEL: https://www.tiktok.com/@themylunchbreak I couldn't be more thankful for all of your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing this information with you all! I hope you all have a great rest of your day! LINKS: BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY LUNCH BREAK: Shout-Outs For the next Month's Episodes! Patreon: https://patreon.com/MyLunchBreak X: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ LINK TO RUMBLE CHANNEL: Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2q03po-his-story-not-ours-pt-5.html We are also on TikTok, Spotify & Instagram T-shirts: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=111&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-111-22&appearance=2 Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flat-earth-sun-moon-zodiac/id1440996640 This is all in my own opinion. Entertaining as always, and of course, you are free to believe whatever you want. I do not claim to know any of this to be 100% true. It is all based on my personal research and simply sharing what I find with you all. Thank you for your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing all of this information with you all and seeing this channel and our community grow every single day. My Lunch Break Disclaimer: The content on My Lunch Break is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in the videos are those of the creators and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organization or institution. I strive to present accurate and well-researched information, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content. Viewers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking. Theories discussed on this channel may be speculative, controversial, or unverified. My Lunch Break is not a substitute for professional advice, and I do not provide legal, medical, financial, or any other type of advice. Consult with qualified experts for such matters. Viewers should be aware that information and opinions may change over time, and my content may become outdated. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from reliance on our content. By using this channel, you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. We reserve the right to change, modify, or remove content at any time. My Lunch Break disclaims any liability for actions taken based on the information provided on our channel.42.7K views 213 comments -
Biblical Prophecy and the Antichrist: The New World Order and King Charles
Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaIn 1987, six months before graduating from the US Air Force Academy, Timothy Cohen had a profound spiritual experience directing him to study biblical scripture and prophesy, and resigning from his future career. A decade later, in 1998, Cohen authored his first book, The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea in which he made the remarkable claim that biblical prophesy and a series of monarchical events in England pointed to Prince Charles being groomed to play a critical role in the formation of a New World Order. According to Cohen, ever since Charles investiture as the Prince of Wales in 1969, he has been groomed to be the savior of the world in several New World Order-related events staged by global organizations and secret societies. Cohen describes the unique heraldry designed for Prince Charles that symbolically represents the number 666, and how this number pointed to Charles being/becoming the future Antichrist, who is depicted to be the forerunner to the prophesied second coming of Jesus the Christ. In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Cohen describes his remarkable claims and how these relate to the cover-up of extraterrestrial life and ancient civilizations through Prince/King Charles historical leadership position over secret societies, including Freemasons, who play a dominant role in determining what secrets are to be disclosed to the world. Also discussed are several important synchronicities with the newly appointed King Charles (September 8, 2022) and his coronation on May 6, 2023, that support Cohen’s claims. One of these synchronicities is that the time between the burial of Queen Elizabeth II on September 19, 2022, and Charles’s coronation was exactly 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days. The 666 symbolism, according to Cohen, is how the Cabal/Illuminati openly signal their identity and agenda in cryptic ways, thereby complying with cosmic law. Another synchronicity was King Charles unveiling of his official portrait that several analysts pointed out contained symbolic representations of the demon Baphomet performing a blood sacrifice. Yet another synchronicity includes JP, a US Army Insider, claiming that in October 2022, the seeds from a Tree of Life and unknown plants gifted to humanity from an underground Ant Civilization in Florida were immediately taken to England under the orders of King Charles. This strange incident confirms that the British Monarch has extraordinary power in directing covert operations conducted by US special forces, as claimed by Cohen. Also, a team of remote viewers led by Dick Allgire found that a second coronation ceremony involved the real transfer of occult power to Charles, which involved blood sacrifice. Ritual blood sacrifices have been claimed to be a key component in invoking dark spirits, ET entities, and demonic possession. Furthermore, an Australian contactee, George Kavassilas, claimed that he learned in 2024 that a very powerful dark demonic force had taken over the body of King Charles, and this ‘spirit possession’ had opened the door to the intervention of highly evolved extraterrestrials called the Universal Space Council in human affairs. Finally, Cohen responds to the attempted assassination and re-election of President Donald Trump, and how this relates to King Charles, the Antichrist, and Biblical Prophesy. Timothy Cohen’s website is: https://www.prophecyhouse.com31K views 301 comments -
Most fallen angel incarnate avatars love to be worshipped by taking jobs as actresses & idol singers
ChristianRapture*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). Satan Lucifer's (Sanat Kumara's) Illuminati NWO Shambhala "fake light beings ascended masters" "Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar Abrasax fake aliens" "Twilight Saga children's adrenochrome blood drinking life force parasite" fallen angel devils incarnate avatar globalist elites prefer to take jobs as actors & actresses & idol singers to be worshipped by the humans (90% of Hollywood). The human Satanists are lured with fame and wealth and sex and drugs and a short period of extravagant lifestyle, and they contract their soul to the devil. Then, they are initiated into the secret societies Satanist brotherhood or sisterhood through “gay mafia elite” or “lesbian witch coven” gang rape or gang sodomy, and filmed or videoed for blackmail, and used as Satan Lucifer’s servants to spread satanic Hollywood movies or music albums. Then, they are abducted to their fake alien underground bases to be soul-scalped, and their body or clone is stolen along with their identity by these fallen angel fake aliens and their soul is sold in the black market. 90% of Hollywood and music industry are not humans, but they are these fallen angel fake aliens in cloned hybrid human avatar bodies or stolen “walk in” human bodies. The Western feminist nations’ “women’s equality” “female church donators loving” “Jezebel spirit filled” “Satan Lucifer’s ordained & allowed & trained” church pastors and religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels to stick their middle fingers up at God, and cross-dressing in “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project” men’s trousers to mock God’s Word, and stealing unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income taxes to make God’s house into an extortionist gangster’s office, and doing hundreds of other things to remove all of God’s protection and replace Jesus with Jezebel & Sananda Jesus & Mammon & Adephagia, in order to bring judgment upon their Western feminist nations with sword & famine & plague & demon armies, condone all of this evil by hiding in silence, since they are afraid of assassinations and ridicule by church donators. Therefore, since they condone all of this replacement, more and more fallen angel devils and nephilim & chimera fake alien demon spirits and androids and clones and hybrids and animals upgraded to human genes replace more and more of their Western feminist nations. Even then, these Western feminist nations’ “women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes and pastors condone and remain silent as fake “Bible’s watchmen on the wall” and refuse to warn God’s spiritual army that 33.3% of their Western feminist nations have been replaced by non-humans, and 70% of their military & police are infiltrated, and 40 to 60 million people are replaced every year, and 12 million children are eaten every year. Dear brethren, banzai charge Satan Lucifer and the millions of fallen angel incarnate avatar black nobility families and CIA NSA MI6 FBI Freemason Jesuit Wicca Black Ops assassins and their Illuminati NWO world rulers servants and the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers reptilian hybrid New Age Wicca witch mother goddess cult “Pedogate Pizzagate White House Pizza Night” pedophile cannibal Satanist feminists, who are torturing & lesbian raping (pegging) & sacrificing & eating 12 million children and throwing their human meat & bone ashes into the supermarket groceries and restaurant food, by exposing all their names & organizations & secrets & crimes & methods & activities & plans. Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047 See full article at: https://humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com/ https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver Tags: #Jesus #Christ #Christian #BibleProphecy #JesusChrist #love #crypto #fashion #style #nature #amazing #follow #Illuminati #NWO #goal #motivation #design #inspiration #warning #healthy #family #life #lifestyle #democrat #republican #party #liberal #conservative #happy #beautiful #cute #baby #girl #boy #Pedogate #Pizzagate #pedophile #childtrafficking #humantrafficking #terrorism #nature #travel #friends #GMO #food #yummy #chemtrail #foodie #foodporn #fitness #medicare #medicaid #technology #science #secretspaceprogram #funny #lol #giveaway #crowdfunding #contest #competition #survival #photography #survival #armageddon #DonaldTrump #MAGA #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Coronavirus #COVID19 #5G #vaccine2.38K views 3 comments -
'Hollywood Celebrities exposed as Vampires, Devils, Reptilians, Hybrids' - 2013
Info WormPublished on Apr 21, 2013 "This short documentary represents an undeniable proof exposing the existence of real vampires, hybrids, reptilians, devils...living among us for generations...AND IN PLAIN SIGHT, occupying the first ranks under the spots. Photos and paintings dated back from the 1800s have been disclosed showing world celebrities such as Nicolas Cage, John Travolta, Keanu Reeves, Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Justin Timberlake, Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Zuckerberg, David Icke, Jack Black, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and many many other world celebrities... Their faces can clearly be identified and there is no doubt about the authenticity of these documents. Some people say it's reincarnation, this cannot be true as reincarnation does not exist, God says that each one of us has one single terrestrial life, this can be prooved because if reincarnation was real, we would all find a copy of ourselves in the past and this would be a known fact for long, but that's absolutely not the case, so this option shall be dismissed. Other people say that these are clones. Some multi dimentional beings, extraterrestrials, ..., have built these human bodies in order to possess them and to use them as vehicles, this option shall be dismissed too because these so called extraterrestrial don't need to expose themselves by using the same body....in addition, there is no such thing such as the extraterrestrials, it's just another fake identity used by the devils, the jinns, Satan's offspring. God says that He first created the Angels for His own service, then He created successively 2 species: the Jinns and the Humans. Satan was the first Jinn (Satan has never been an angel and there is no such thing such as fallen angels, this is one more forgery of the devils) and Adam the first Human. The jinns have been created out of fire and the humans out of clay. God says that these 2 species can interbreed together, the result is an hybrid race, half jinn half human, called reptilians, vampires, hybrids, nephilims... These vampires have a true human body, but inside, they are absolutely not human, they enjoy the abilities of the jinns such as telepathy, their minds are connected in a network of minds, shapeshifting, invisiblity, the ability to live for centuries and even more... They can simulate the process of aging, they can rejuvenate themselves, they can shapeshift in another forms, they also can be possessed by the jinns in far more efficient way than the humans. Satan and his progeny seek domination on the world and seek the destruction of Humanity. Since the beginning of the creation, Satan, the first jinn, has provoked the loss of Adam and Eve and their fall from the heavens. Satan and his progeny are still working on the same objective: to lead each human being to total darkness, enslavement, humiliation, pain, destruction...and to bring us in hell with them. God has condemened these devils to eternal hell in the hereafter and God has condemened anyone who follow them to share hell with them. These devils have maintained their domination through secrecy and conspiration, using any mean to deceive, to lie, to dominate, to induce divisions and hatred between us, humans, provoking wars, terror, death, engineered deseases, ... They have been monopolizing for millenaries all the top positions in all the fields such as the media, cinema, education, history, the governments, science, military, music, TV, literature,...you cannot be a tv start, a movie star, a music star, or become president, senator, ....or any position of power without being part of these reptilians, they have the total monopoly on all the key positions, they can communicate between themselves through telepathy and know who to recognize each others, they use secret symbols in order to sign their work, they use a double language in any of their production such as the movies, lyrics music, public declarations, art, .... They want to shape our way of thinking, our ideals of beauty, of success, ... our spiritual and religious conceptions, ...with their own satanic beliefs, they are pushing us for rebellion against God Almighty, they are pushing us to disobedience by promoting what God forbids such as peversion, sex, drugs, injustice, lying, mocking, murder, rape, sorcery, idol worshipping... S18:V50 Behold! We said to the angels "Bow down to Adam": they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me while they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrongdoers! WAKE UP! This society is a lie at all its levels, forget all what you have learned, just stick to God ALONE and to His Last Book, the Quran, which has been 100% protected by God in order to give us a true chance. This is your only salvation, to obey God, to follow the Truth and not to follow the footsteps of the devils or you'll end with them in hell." If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691 Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)3.86K views 16 comments -
The Cryptid HuntressOn this episode of "On the Hunt," Drewski of Cryptid Warfare Podcast joins Jessica to discuss his team's terrifying investigations into the caves of Tennessee and beyond - from a pale crawler encounter in a Skinwalker cave, Dogman and Bigfoot encounters in Alabama & Mississippi, and Wendigo hunting in Maine. Jessica finds out what his game plan will be in the case that they come across the remains of a Dogman or other cryptid creature. Drewski is a warrior of the Almighty, whose devotion to Christ is unwavering. He understands that in this spiritual battlefield, living a life that's true to his faith is crucial. He previously served in the law enforcement field for seven years and has worked as part of SWAT for about five of those years. During his time in law enforcement, he served as a squad leader for four years and helped with tracking and escape teams to find convicts for an additional four years. In addition to his duties in law enforcement, he also worked in protective custody and escorted VIPs for four years. He even ran a security team of approximately 50 individuals for six years. But that's not all. He also has extensive experience in bushcraft and survival, with over 20 years of knowledge in this field. And if that wasn't impressive enough, he also has over 10 years of experience in Bigfoot and cryptid field research. Follow Drewski: https://www.youtube.com/@cryptidwarfare Follow Jessica: https://thecryptidhuntress.com https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCryptidHuntress https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntress https://www.facebook.com/TheCryptidHuntress https://www.instagram.com/thecryptidhuntress/ https://www.instagram.com/warwomangoods/ https://www.instagram.com/thecryptidhuntress_live/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/WarWomanGoods968 views -
The Cryptid HuntressOn this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Jessica discusses real-life Vampires with Jimmy Paine and James Rink of Super Soldier Talk. James Rink is a super soldier, meditation practitioner, researcher, author, and video producer. Through his Super Soldier Talk YouTube series he has helped awaken humanity to the secret activities of the covert government. Uncovering topics such brainwashing, trauma, milabs (which stands for military abductions), and covert harassment; all of which he has had to endure his entire life as a product of Project Surrogate and Ultra MK Milab Super Soldier experimentation. His book Lone Wolf chronicles these projects. He spends his time perfecting the “Neo Meditation Device” which is a chi energizer that helps users relax during meditation so that they can integrate themselves. Super Soldier Agent Jimmy Paine, aka Dallas was in the secret space program from 1959 to 1996. During this time, he was a shuttle craft pilot for the Tall White warriors at Area 51 and participated in time travel missions with the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero. He also recalls working for the Weyland Corporation where he encountered a xenomorph at LV426 which the movie aliens were based off. He was stationed on Mars, Titan, the Moon. On Mars, he has seen the broken statue of a giant face of a humanoid on a mission in 1974 along with Duncan O’finoian. He remembers seeing Tommy Knockers in a cave on Mars which are muscular type of Tall Greys. On the moon of Titan, he was stationed at a massive underground base. He was tasked with fighting a monster they called IT. IT looked like Junior, the Montauk monster, a type of Bigfoot that would gain strength by attacking it. He was on a secret mission from Vandenberg Air Force, the Lunar Apollo 20 mission with William Rutledge where they discovered an oriental looking humanoid named EB Mona Lisa. Jimmy claims the Apollo 20 footage on YouTube is real. Follow James - https://supersoldiertalk.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@SuperSoldierTalk Follow Jessica - https://thecryptidhuntress.com https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCryptidHuntress https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntress1.81K views 1 comment