Biblical Holy Days
2 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Holidays are not HOLY DAYS. YAHWEH our God has appointed which days are to be celebrated as Holy in Scripture. This is an honest open look at what Scripture says are Holy Days verses our currently celebrated Holidays.
WWJDSandyLynnA teaching to clearly distinguish that EASTER and PASSOVER are different: EASTER is always on a Sunday PASSOVER is always on a full moon —which can be on any day of the week. EASTER this year, was on March 31, 2024 PASSOVER this year, was just on Tuesday the 23rd of April: a full moon. These two are not figured the same way: EASTER is the first Sunday after the Vernal Equinox (when daylight hours & light hours are equal). EASTER is also the Sunday after the full moon —that is the full moon that follows the Equinox. PASSOVER is on the full moon of the first biblical month of the new year. Now when Moses (Moshe, Musa) lead God’s people out of Egypt, he was told by YAHWEH our God, “this month will be the first month of the new year.” The barley of Egypt had just been destroyed by the great big hail of the 8th plague. So, when the barley is ripe in Israel (called Aviv or Abib) that is their first month. Also, their months are not like our calendar. Their months go strictly by the moon. PASSOVER is always on the 14th day of the moon cycle: making Passover always be on the full moon. EASTER occurs once in the King James version of the Bible in Acts 12.4. (Also in the same verse in the German Lutheran Bible as Ostern. PASSOVER occurs 72 times in the Bible. It is in: EXODUS LEVITICUS NUMBERS DEUTERONOMY JOSHUA 2 KINGS 2 CHRONICLES EZRA MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN ACTS 2 CORINTHIANS HEBREWS A careful study of Acts 12.4 reveals Easter replaced the Greek word πασχα which is pronounced PASCA and means PASSOVER. So the question is: if EASTER and PASSOVER are not on the same day or even the same month (this year), and they are not figured the same way, then why is the Greek word PASCA (πασχα) translated as EASTER in the King James version (and in the German Lutheran Bible): and only in one verse: Acts 12.4? The answer is that it is a deliberate insertion of the name of a pagan god worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons and the Germanic tribes dueling the time the Bible was translated into those languages. Venerable Bede, An early historical writer in the 700’s clearly states that Easter is the name of the English fertility goddess. Fertility goddess worship goes back to Genesis and the Tower of Babel: before all people were scattered into different languages, cultures and lands. Therefore the fertility goddess name changed many times.even in the Bible: Asteroth (which is the plural of Ashter). Also, Artemus of the Ephesians is another name. One other Biblical reference is the Queen of Heaven (or Queen of the Sky) who in the Scriptures is NOT referred to as Mary (Miriam, Maria) the mother of our Jesus (Yeshua the Jewish Messiah), but it refers to a fertility goddess in the book of Jeremiah. All this being said, what do we do? How do we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus (Yesu, Yesua, Yeshua)? Easy, do it the way God set it uo thru Moses. the Bible says: the Sunday after PASSOVER is called First Fruits! FIRST FRUITS is WWJD’s next video.67 views -
Pentecost Error
WWJDSandyLynnPENTECOST is celebrated by both Judaism and Christianity. Yet both figure it differently: CHRISTIANITY *Resurrection Day +50 days JUDAISM *2nd day of Passover + 50 omers OUR PROBLEMS ARE THREE FOLD Problem One is that we are flat ignorant of the Word. Problem Two is that we trusted someone else to spoon feed us what the Word is suppose to say instead of what it actually says. Problem Three is that this deception has gone on for millenium so that it has become so engrained in our belief system that it is hard for folks to open their minds to the fact that what we understood truth to be is just flat wrong! Ask yourselves this question: “If Pentecost is celebrated by both Christians and Jews why is it on vastly different days and why is it figured vastly different ways?” The answer is they cannot both be correct and be at odds; therefore, one of the two, or both are wrong. BOTH ARE WRONG CHRISTIANITY: One cannot count off 50 days from Resurrection Day (as I was also taught) to Pentecost Sunday: mathematically that will put you on the second day of the week and is the tradition of men and not Biblical! JUDAISM: Nor can one count off Omers from the second day of Passover. This also is the tradition of men and not Biblical. For starters, this method makes Pentecost be on some other day of the week instead of “the morrow after the Sabbath.” But, you must also figure it differently if that day of Pentecost happens to land on the 1st day of the week! So it is not Biblical! HOW DID WE GET HERE Christianity —post Constantine, avoids anything Jewish: such as Sabbath worship. Judaism —Post Jesus (Yeshua HaMasiach) avoids anything Christian: such as Sunday worship. THIS IS WHAT IS BIBLICAL: "'These are the set feasts of YAHWEH (יהוה), even holy convocations, which you shall proclaim in their appointed season. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, is YAHWEH’S (יהוה) Passover (Pesach, פסח, πασχα). On the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of matzah (unleavened striped pierced bread) to YAHWEH (יהוה). Seven days you shall eat matzah (unleavened striped pierced bread).’” —Leviticus (Va Yikra) 23.4-6 YAHWEH (יהוה) spoke to Moses (Moshe, Musa) saying, “Speak to the children of Israel (Yisra'el), and tell them, 'When you have come into the land which I give to you, and shall reap its the harvest, then you shall bring the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the Kohen: and he shall wave the sheaf before YAHWEH (יהוה), to be accepted for you. On the next day after the Sabbath( Shabbat שבח) the Priest (Kohen) shall wave it.’” —Leviticus (Va Yikra) 23.9-11 "'You shall count from the next day after the Sabbath (Shabbat שבת), from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths (Shabbatot) shall be completed: even to the next day after the seventh Sabbath (Shabbat שבת) you shall number fifty days; and you shall offer a new meal offering to YAHWEH (יהוה).’” —Leviticus (Va Yikra) 23.15-1676 views