The Final Prophecies (An End Times Documentary)
The Rapture ChannelThe validity of prophecy has been debated for centuries. It is one of the most controversial subjects in world religion today. Surprising research reveals that prophetic events foretelling future devastating political, financial and environmental change on a global scale may be closer and more real than many believe.60 views -
Is Genesis History? - Mountains After the Flood (2023 Documentary)
SStopCensorshipCanadaWhat if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now. Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science. In this unique sequel, we explore how creation science actually works. What did the Flood do to re-form earth? How did it shape the world we see around us? And why is Genesis so important to modern science? If Andrew Snelling’s theory is correct, his findings will directly challenge the conventional view that the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. Instead, they will provide clear evidence for a recent global Flood. 'Mountains After the Flood' is a very different film from our first film. It reveals the inner workings of creation science and shows how creation scientists link their discoveries to the history recorded in Genesis. It will give Christians everywhere a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible. 1. Introduction - 0:00 2. How Creation Science Works - 3:56 4. Taking the First Sample - 9:03 5. Overview of the Project - 10:14 6. Map of Grand Canyon - 17:45 7. Carbon Canyon Fold - 19:56 8. Cross-Sections & Monument Fold - 22:33 9. Regional Samples & Helipad Fold - 27:50 10. Uinta Mountains & Post-Flood World - 31:20 11. Flaming Gorge & Tilted Layers - 36:33 12. Sheep Creek Canyon & Folds - 41:31 13. Geomorphology & Catastrophe - 43:52 14. Fossil Butte & Green River Basin - 47:34 15. Digging for Fossils - 51:35 16. Thin Sections & Scanning Electron Microscopy - 58:10 17. Flying Over the Grand Canyon - 1:07:41 18. Cedarville: Reviewing the Thin Sections - 1:20:01 19. Cedarville: Examining the SEM Slides - 1:27:57 20. Pikes Peak: The Future of Creation Science - 1:35:45 21. Credits - 1:43:00 Support creation science by donating to the Genesis Fund: https://bit.ly/genesis_fund Purchase the film on DVD/Blu Ray/Streaming: https://bit.ly/mtns-after-flood Purchase the Creation Bundle: https://bit.ly/ighcreationbundle Review the Technical Papers associated with this film: https://isgenesishistory.com/papers/ Visit our website for hundreds of videos and resources: https://isgenesishistory.com135 views -
Documentary: Is Genesis History?
The Michelle Moore ShowIs Genesis History (2020) 𝘐𝘴 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺? is a documentary series that reveals how science intersects with the Bible. In over a hundred videos, scientists and scholars explore the evidence for creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, a global Flood, a tower of Babel, plus hundreds of other fascinating aspects of God’s creation. Dr. Del Tackett serves as your guide in this amazing series that has impacted millions of people worldwide. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are of those of the content of this broadcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities related to and of The Michelle Moore Show or Truth Talk America Network. You are encouraged to do your own research to come to your own conclusions. The Michelle Moore Show (Weekdays) 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST Michelle’s Links: WAVWatch: https://buy.wavwatch.com/?ref=MICHELLE100 Enter CODE: MICHELLE100 at checkout to save $100 on your order! 1st National Reserve (Gold & Silver): https://www.1stnationalreserve.com/ 1-800-321-8700 *Mention 'The Michelle Moore Show' when you call! Dr. Michelle's Tooth Powder & Dental Products: https://livingwellwithdrmichelle.com/shop/?sld=michellem (Use the Code: MICHELLEM @ Checkout to save 10% on your purchase!) Safe Sleeve: https://www.safesleevecases.com/?afmc=20i&utm_campaign=20i&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate USE CODE: FIRST10 for 10% off your first purchase! WEBSITE: http://MichelleMooreShow.com or https://linktr.ee/gomichellemoore WHERE TO WATCH: TRUTH TALK AMERICA NETWORK: https://TruthTalkAmerica.com RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TheMichelleMooreShow RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TruthTalkAmerica ODYSEE: https://www.odysee.com/@TheMichelleMooreShow BITCHUTE: https://BitChute.com/TheMichelleMooreShow TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leadershippower TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@gomichellemoore TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gomichellemoore/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gomichellemoore Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are of those of the content of this broadcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities related to and of Truth Talk America Network. You are encouraged to do your own research.22.9K views 19 comments -
Megiddo II: The New Age - by Chris Pinto (2005)
PlanetlampBest Historical breakdown of the repackaged satanism and witchcraft referred to in our day as "New Age" spirituality and it's link to satan's End Times Deceptions! The Lie of the Serpent is the second part of the controversial Megiddo series, which next focuses on the highly influential New Age movement. But is the New Age really new? Or does it represent the ancient doctrine taught by the serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden? The answer will startle and amaze you as you learn the influence of the serpent's teaching through the spiritual explosion of occult activity in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of the greatest and most recognized people of the modern era (including Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler and Hillary Clinton) have been influenced by the movement that has re-awakened mankind's communication with the spirit realm, and re-shaped the Western view of God and His relationship to mankind. What are the implications of this "paradigm shift" that seeks to introduce a new Earthly consciousness? Will this new consciousness really bring mankind into the dawning of a golden era? Or the awakening of another dark age? Full of highly detailed research and exhaustive documentation, Megiddo II challenges even the most skeptical viewer to consider the consequence of the awakening taking place before our very eyes. Join speakers Dave Hunt, Caryl Matrisciana, Dr. Kent Hovind, Pastor Joe Schimmel, and Dr. Stan Monteith who expose the movement that seeks to unite mankind in a one-world religion through the United Nations. New Age adherents claim to await a “universal Christ” to lead the world. What happens to those who will not follow this world leader? And are there sinister warnings against those who refuse to be “initiated” into the New Age?1.44K views 3 comments -
Megiddo: March to Armageddon
FreedomMovementThis documentary explores Bible prophecy concerning the last days and the kingdom of Antichrist, tracking the history of the New World Order from the pages of Scripture through the Globalist New World Order revolution that is sweeping the world. Popular subjects in this film include the prophecies of Revelation and Daniel, as well as the history of the Illuminati and Freemasonry with regard to the World Revolution Movement. ... Featuring never before seen interviews with leading researchers, and specially designed 3D animation graphics, Megiddo is engineered as a creative witnessing tool to convince believers and skeptics alike that we are currently in the End Times. It exposes the conspiracy of the demons who currently rule over humanity and their enmity against God and his Creation, which ought to be obvious to everyone by now. ... See also: Megiddo II: The New Age https://rumble.com/vz85e2-megiddo-ii-the-new-age.html ... SEMPER LIBERTAS https://FreedomMovement.info638 views -
Creation Seminar 1 - The Age of the Earth (FULL) Kent Hovind
Truth In GenesisGiving scientific evidence to prove a literal six-day creation, Dr. Kent Hovind refutes evolution's proposition that the earth has evolved over billions of years. The first of seven in the seminar series, The Age of the Earth, uncovers the follies of the Big Bang theory as well as exposing the religious beliefs of evolution.612 views -
Creation Seminar 2 - The Garden of Eden (FULL)
Truth In GenesisThe Garden of Eden, part two of the seminar series, describes the earth as it was before the worldwide flood. Dr. Hovind explains in detail how it was possible for man to live over 900 years, for plants and animals to grow much larger than today, and for dinosaurs to thrive along with man. He also talks about the giants that the Bible talks about in the book of Genesis.196 views -
Creation Seminar 4 - Lies in the Textbooks (FULL)
Truth In GenesisIn part four of the seminar series, Dr. Hovind shows how public school textbooks are permeated with fraudulent information in order to convince students that evolution is true. Lies in the Textbooks is a must-see for every public school student, teacher, parent and school board member.202 views -
Creation Seminar 5 - The Dangers of Evolution (FULL)
Truth In GenesisDr. Hovind reveals the terrible effects evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of evolution-based philosophies, he exposes evolutionary propaganda in its effort toward the "New World Order."216 views -
Creation Seminar 6 - The Hovind Theory (FULL)
Truth In GenesisThe Hovind Theory blends scientific observations with Scripture in a fascinating explanation of what caused Noah's Flood, the ice age, the formation of coal, mountain ranges, and the Grand Canyon. Dr. Hovind gives logical answers to the physical anomalies that geologists cannot explain with the evolutionary theory.208 views