The Twin Towers & WTC Complex
5 videos
Updated 1 month ago
The construction of the World Trade Center, the Towers and buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and Building 7
Were the twin towers & building 7 a conventional controlled demolition on 9/11?
Revisiting 9/11Thought experiment. Conventional controlled demolitions vs what we saw on Sept 11, 2001. Can you spot the difference? What do you hear or don't hear when comparing the two towers to conventional controlled demolitions? Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition. Truth seekers have been bamboozled by the "trusted experts" for nearly 2 decades. Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-operation-reason-building-7-didnt Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement? What happens if you ask TRUTH questions? Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking297 views 1 comment -
America Rebuilds 2002
Revisiting 9/11But do they address the questions? Find more uncensored content on this Odysee channel: @911revisited:782 views -
Original WTC Design Features History Channel, 2002
Revisiting 9/11"History® produced a 1-hour documentary about the world trade center in the spring and summer of 2001. This is part of the first segment. No one had any idea that the World Trade Center would no longer be standing at the time this program was originally scheduled to air." Let's go back in time and see how these, once the tallest buildings on Earth, functioned.76 views -
Building the World Trade Center
Revisiting 9/11PBS Building the World Trade Center PANYNJ, 1983158 views -
WTC New York Twin Towers Construction
Revisiting 9/11If you want to be able to really see what all the problems of the government's narrative is, as well as the "truther movement" you need to watch a couple of video's regarding the construction of the Twin Towers and all the buildings at the world trade center. People have forgotten just how MASSIVE the Twin towers were, and HOW MUCH steel was used in the construction of them.188 views