Shadow Control. Real Power of a Succubus. Experiment
Shadow ControlShadow Control is a unique global research project aimed at studying all kinds of manifestations of the invisible world. One of the trends in our research is practical experiments. In this episode, we present to your attention the results of our first experiment of that kind: - What is the real power of a succubus? - In what cases do shadows manifest themselves metaphysically? - When is it easier for shadows to connect to a person? - Is it possible to transfer a shadow from one person to another? - Can a person resist an attack of shadows? - What can a person do when being attacked by shadows? This experiment vividly demonstrates how powerful metaphysical manifestations of shadows from the invisible world may be in the visible world. We suggest that you see everything with your own eyes! If you have any constructive suggestions or ideas, please write to the project email shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com THE SHIELD: https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-shield ABOUT MAGIC: https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-magic ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website https://allatra.tv/en5.56K views 2 comments -
Shadow Control. Victory Over a Demon
Shadow ControlThe Shadow Control project continues a series of experiments aimed at studying manifestations of the invisible world. In this video, an experiment is shown where a shadow is transferred from one person and another, and how the latter person escaped the shadows’ attack. - What does an attack of shadows on a person begin with? - How does a person’s quality of life change when shadows connect to him or her? - By what signs can a person understand that shadows are attacking him or her? - What is sleep, and how do shadows use it to connect to a person’s consciousness? - How do sleeping pills influence a person’s resistibility when shadows attack? - Can physicians or exorcists help a person get rid of a shadow attack? - How can any person protect themselves against shadow attacks? If you have any constructive suggestions or ideas, please email us at shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com After all, only together we can put an end to the game of shadows in our lives! Video "THE SHIELD": https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-shield Video "ABOUT MAGIC": https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-magic More videos of the Shadow Control project on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/ShadowControlOfficial ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website: https://allatra.tv/en #succubi #incubi #experiment1.83K views 3 comments -
Accessibility of Magic: Reality or a Trap? Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories. Alexander
Shadow ControlWhen a person is interested in something mystical, it is important to be vigilant. One has to pay for a desire to gain supernatural abilities, and the price is exorbitantly high. Your life will turn into suffering and pain. You will not find peace either day or night. Your life will be in the hands of shadows. Watch in this episode of Shadow Control: - A life story of a person who got tempted by an illusion of being chosen - Consequences of engaging in magic - How do carelessness and success in affairs give place to depression and a suicide attempt? - What can a desire to gain supernatural abilities lead to? - How do shadows gradually seize control over a person? Be vigilant and control your desires! Join the project, send your suggestions and stories to the project email address: shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com ABOUT MAGIC https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-magic KNIGHT OF THE SPIRIT https://allatra.tv/en/video/knight-of-the-spirit Books by Anastasia Novykh: https://allatra.tv/en/knigi-anastasii-novykh ALLATRA IPM official website: https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website: https://allatra.tv/en830 views 4 comments -
Active Sales of Life. Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories
Shadow ControlIn this episode of Shadow Control, which is entitled “Active Sales of Life”, you will hear a story of how, through a trite interest in knowing the future, magic comes into a person’s life, and then there come shadows as well. Facts: - how addressing mages and fortune-tellers becomes an everyday routine - why depressive and apathetic states start prevailing during the day - how fear and despair seize people - how shadows control one’s life and fill it with suffering There is also an answer to the main question: What do people pay with when engaging in magic? And who is behind all that? A topical story of a young couple who got into a total dependence on shadows. How intolerable your existence becomes when you live under the control of shadows. Sleep, wakefulness, work, relationships, leisure – everything is controlled. By whom? By demons. Thus, a person’s life turns into hell. In order to live in goodness, you should get from under the control of shadows and turn to the sun! The Shadow Control team continues collecting eyewitness stories. Together we can shed light even on the darkest hidden corners of the system. Join us! Send your stories, suggestions or ideas to our email address shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com ABOUT MAGIC https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-magic ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website https://allatra.tv/en Email: info@allatra.org info@allatra.tv869 views -
“Guardian” Demons. Shadow Control
Shadow ControlStrange, inexplicable road traffic accidents happen further more often nowadays. It becomes impossible to identify the cause of such accidents. Testimonies of participants and eyewitnesses sound like fiction. Something interferes in people’s lives, and this interference is mortally dangerous. This video contains a sensational statement and factual evidence of the manifestation of a shadow in our world. The shadow was not only visible but was even detected by the car’s sensors. A participant in a road traffic accident with a possible fatality is telling his unusual story. Main answers revealed in this episode: - How does a person’s emotional state relate to events in his or her life? - Do such accidents represent God’s providence or a trap of shadows? - Has everything ended happily, or perhaps dark games still continue? - What should you do if you have noticed manifestations of shadows on the road? Dear friends, please send your stories to our email and ask questions in the comments. Together we can do a lot. Where there is light, there is no place for shadows! Project email address: shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website: https://allatra.tv/en Email: info@allatra.org info@allatra.tv761 views -
Dependency on Shadows: Hellish Life. Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories. Eugene
Shadow ControlInterview with a person who called up succubi into his life. What everything begins with, and how demons enter a person’s life. Watch in this episode of the Shadow Control: - How shadows appear in a person’s life through his desire of magic - Why sex with a demon in sleep is a threat - How the shadows’ impact on a person is manifested - Consciousness is a traitor that takes the side of shadows - What a person feels under the control of shadows It is time to stop the play of shadows in our lives! We will appreciate your stories, assistance in information search, your help with video editing, and simply your letters! Please write to our email address: shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com ABOUT MAGIC: https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-magic PARANORMAL PHENOMENA IN A HUMAN BEING: https://allatra.tv/en/video/paranormal-phenomena-in-a-human-being ABOUT THE NINTH CIRCLE: https://allatra.tv/en/video/about-the-ninth-circle THE INVISIBLE WORLD: https://allatra.tv/en/video/invisible-world ALLATRA IPM official website: https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website: https://allatra.tv/en #ALLATRA #shadowcontrol #succubi740 views -
Poltergeist: a Product of Emotions? Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories
Shadow ControlA story of how negative emotions and a desire to attract attention of the opposite sex brings creatures of the invisible world into a person’s life. In their aspiration to stand out, attract attention to themselves and manipulate the opposite sex, people actively change their appearance, join various subcultures or plunge into diverse religious or esoteric trends, exchanging their life for magic. Meanwhile, they do not realize how unequal such an exchange is. Similarly, in this episode of Shadow Control, a young girl Yana is telling how magic entered her life, accompanied by something supernatural: a poltergeist. In this episode, you will see: - How the presence of shadows in a person’s life is reflected on his or her state, - What kinds of manifestations of the invisible world people face in their everyday life, - About cards and divination, and about what is transferred to a young fortune-teller along with the gift of divination. What role do shadows play in divination? Who controls whom: a fortune-teller controls shadows, or shadows control the fortune-teller? The Shadow Control team continues collecting and telling stories of people from around the world. By joint effort, we continue studying the influence of the invisible world on our everyday life. Dear viewers, please send your stories, suggestions, or ideas to our email address shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com PARANORMAL PHENOMENA IN A HUMAN BEING: https://allatra.tv/en/video/paranormal-phenomena-in-a-human-being Book AllatRa: https://allatra.tv/en/book/anastasia-novykh-allatra ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website https://allatra.tv/en E-mail: info@allatra.org info@allatra.tv736 views -
Sexual Fantasies: A Trap of Demons? Eyewitness Stories. Diana
Shadow ControlIt is not acceptable to talk about it in society, but it happens to many people. A frank conversation with a girl from the USA about her experience of sexual contact with shadows. • Watching porn movies: a harmless entertainment or a trap of third forces? • Consequences of early sex education • How much time do people spend on flirting in their life, and what is behind it? • What do uncontrolled thoughts and fantasies lead to? • How is a visit of incubi felt, and what does a person experience after such a connection? The more there will be people who start telling the truth about what is happening to them when the night comes and they stay alone, the sooner we will bring to light those who invisibly turn human life into hell. Friends, if you are interested in our Shadow Control project, if you have something to share or would like to join the large-scale research of this subject, please, send your letters to our email: shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com SEX AND THE SPIRITUAL PATH: https://allatra.tv/en/video/sex-and-the-spiritual-path SUICIDE. THE AFTER-DEATH FATE: https://allatra.tv/en/video/suicide-afterdeath-fate ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website https://allatra.tv/en Email: info@allatra.org info@allatra.tv1.21K views 2 comments -
How Does a Person Call Demons Into His or Her Life? Shadow Control. Eyewitness Stories. Lilia
Shadow ControlWe continue studying how shadows influence our everyday life. In this episode, an eyewitness of such influence, Lilia, tells us how strange events took place in her life, which are inexplicable at first glance. We express sincere gratitude to all people who have responded and sent us letters in which they share their stories and show a vivid interest in this subject. The issue of the influence of invisible-world shadows on our lives is indeed very pressing. In our daily fuss, we sometimes even do not notice how our actions are controlled, and how we act at the command of invisible puppeteers… We are sure that together we will be able to study this subject, find answers to relevant questions and, most importantly, understand how a person can protect himself or herself from the invisible influence. This is actually evidenced by the example of Lilia, who decided to talk about it honestly and openly, as well as by examples of other people whose stories you will also see on ALLATRA TV soon. We welcome your stories and assistance in searching and analyzing relevant information, your help in preparing the videos, and will simply be happy to receive your letters! Dear friends, please write us at: shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com THE INVISIBLE WORLD: https://allatra.tv/en/video/invisible-world #succubi #InvisibleWorld #incubi967 views -
Shadow Control. How a Diary Helps to Observe the Invisible World. Eyewitness Stories. Kristina
Shadow ControlViewers of the Shadow Control video series share their observations of the invisible world manifestations in their lives. Thus, Kristina has experienced an attack of invisible forces (shadows) that threatened to harm her. In order to shed light on the situation and escape the influence of shadows, Kristina decided to use the diary and write down everything that the invisible creature was instilling in her through thoughts. After all, just like any darkness does not tolerate light, in the same way, negative thoughts fear being exposed. Keeping a diary is a very good tool for exposing the work of negative forces. Accurate recording of thoughts that come into one’s head makes it possible to look at the situation from aside and to understand what is really happening. We sincerely thank Kristina for sharing her experience. Friends, we wait for your videos where you share your observations of the invisible world manifestations. Together we can put an end to the game of shadows in our lives! If you have any constructive suggestions or ideas, please write to the project email address shadowcontrol2020@gmail.com All episodes of the Shadow Control: https://allatra.tv/en/category/shadow-control ALLATRA IPM official website https://allatra.org ALLATRA TV official website https://allatra.tv/en E-mail: info@allatra.org info@allatra.tv927 views