10 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Cancer wasn't aroubd..cancer has been cureavle..
the cures are ALWAYS covered up and silenced🤬
Dr. Robert Malone Explains Why Raw Milk Isn't a Vector for Oral Transmission
Asher PressDebunking Bird Flu Fear Porn: Dr. Robert Malone Explains Why Raw Milk Isn't a Vector for Oral Transmission "It seems like we may have put a stake right through the heart of the, bird flu vampire. It's it's looking encouraging. And and again, to follow Dave's footsteps and your own comments, Many thanks to the War Room Posse for your support and, recognition and, unwillingness to buy into the propaganda that was circulated regarding avian influenza." "There was just another report out recently that, shocker, in non human primates, so this is monkey models, it turns out that avian influenza is just not very infectious when by the oral route. Who cares about that?" "Well, that was all the threat about raw milk. Remember all the fear about milk and that the cows had avian influenza, and they were gonna put it in the milk, and we were all gonna get avian influenza from drinking the milk?" "Well, it turns out somebody did the science and published it recently in a stunning, reversal of, the Journal of American Medical Association, I think, is the is the publisher for this." "But, it's it's turned out that, bird flu is not very infectious by an oral route when you drink it. It is infectious to some extent in non human primates, in in the nose and upper airways, but not in the gut."482 views -
SusieQ4uTales Of The Olde World The world used to be filled with giant trees. Now we're left with tiny remnant. the last of the giant forests. The redwoods and giant sequoia are the most substantial but there are pockets of giant forests still existing in diverse places. These giant trees are spoken of in mythology and were revered as sacred. Unfortunately they are all but gone and even the largest tree in the world, the Hyperion, is forbidden by authorities to access and is punishable by a $5,000 fine and jail time. Check out our last video on lost civilization in North America: •AncientRuinsinAmeri... https://youtu.be/tDdFEjZ2c_s?si=CrNYomqiBZocadd8561 views -
Drs make money from Chemo 97% failure rate
TheGalacticFederationDrs make money from Chemo331 views -
Controlled Opp PRO 'Virus' & Pedo TRUMP Gatekeeper Psyop 'The People's Voice' in Plain Sight!
KimOsboelOriginal title: Australia - 'VIRUS' Turbo Cancer to Spread Like Wildfire and Kill BILLIONS in 2 Years' Yeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' is STILL Pushing 'Viruses' and they also like and trust Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump. "Those who tells the Stories, Rule Society!" Plato (423-348 BC) "The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) 'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) "A Lie told often enough Becomes the Truth!" - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) “Control language and you control thought; control thought and you control action; control action and you control the world.” - Peter Kreeft (1937-?) Research this: Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof that No 'Virus' NEVER has been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists? Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof who Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump really are? Both Fucking Documented and Confirmed! Ask yourself Fucking why? Don't they want people to know the Truth? Is that 'The People's Voice' ? And again another 'Coincidence'? There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'! -- The People's Voice 95.6K followers 9 hours ago 32.2K Views https://rumble.com/v5yca3b-australia-turbo-cancer-to-spread-like-wildfire-and-kill-billions-in-2-years.html https://rumble.com/c/THEPEOPLESVOICE https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/?s=Pedophile In a chilling new revelation, Australian officials are now warning that turbo cancer is set to spread like wildfire in the next two years, killing hundreds of millions around the globe. Here at The People’s Voice, we’ve been sounding the alarm about this very outcome, and with heavy hearts, we report that our worst fears have been confirmed. The announcement that “all hell is about to break loose” marks a shocking admission from one of the most vaccinated nations in the world. This is not just a health warning—it’s a desperate acknowledgment of the severe consequences of the FAKE global 'VIRUS' vaccination campaign.883 views -
MYSTERIOUS DEATHS of SCIENTISTS who were working with the Government
SusieQ4uRenard Elizabeth Lane has been investigating one of the strangest scientist deaths. Did these scientists have the curees? https://rumble.com/v5u65ib-mysterious-deaths-of-scientists-who-were-working-with-the-govt.html455 views -
The 500-Million Year Old Cure for Everything
SierraDeltaMeet the Meister of the plant that can help everyone: Anthony D’Allesandro I have met a LOT of people that claim they understand plant medicine, but Anthony D’Allessandro is someone I really listen to. It’s rare to meet someone with so much insight, experience and intelligence around this subject. Even rarer to meet someone who walks the talk like this guy. Enjoy everything he has to say; it will serve you for life. Use code "mark" for 5% off of Anthony’s extraordinary medicinal manifestations at https://www.trillium-botanicals.com ****** Get on my email list to avoid censorship here: https://tmas.tv/marksemaillist ****** Get the new book by me and Abby Wynne here: https://bit.ly/MassProtection ****** Our “Sovereign Mastery” Course is here: https://cryptoclub.samcart.com/products/personal-financial-and-sovereign-mastery ****** Watch my film "Where You Attwood? Truth Across America" here: https://cryptoclub.samcart.com/products/where-you-attwood-truth-across-america-full-length-documentary ****** Get the incredible Lifewave patches to stimulate your Stem Cells here: https://lifewave.com/markattwood Get more info on the Lifewave business opportunity and help us spread the word about this amazing technology here: https://attwood-digital.aweb.page/p/d8a352c4-263a-4db6-a232-c84ba147d481 ****** 7 Steps to 100x Your Money with Crypto - Insiders 7-Page Special Crypto Investor Report https://cryptoclub.samcart.com/products/7-steps-to-100x-your-money---insiders-7-page-special-crypto-investor-report ****** Mark and Gary's Healing Centre in Ireland: https://live5dhealth.com ****** Get my book "God Wins" here: https://themarkattwoodshow.com/product/god-wins-book ****** All my show stuff here: https://theMarkAttwoodShow.com ****** My Bitchute channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/4tLO4FDtgyFY ****** Daily updates: My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/theMarkAttwoodShow ****** Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkAttwood 🔥 Support my online efforts: https://tmas.tv/TipJar 🔥 My Amazing Online Course: “How to Monetize What’s Already in Your Head, Create a New Income Stream and become Sovereign Quickly” (5 star ratings): FREE WEBINAR: https://tmas.tv/tmashow 🔥 🔥 🔥 THE FOLLOWING LINKS ARE OF RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT I USE MYSELF AND HELP SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL AND CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE IN MANY WAYS: 👉 The World’s BEST Orgonite here: https://ftwproject.com/ref/478 👉 Join me and Abby Wynne for an online Soul Retrieval Session here: https://tmas.tv/soulretrieval 👉 Life Force Elixir (start reversing the aging process today): https://tmas.tv/LifeForceElixir 👉 82% off the world’s most effective heavy metal detox spray: https://bit.ly/BEST-Zeolite 👉 Perfect Magnesium/Black Cumin Oil supplements: https://tmas.tv/activation2022 👉 Free Trial Offer to Improve your level of consciousness: https://tmas.tv/flfe 👉 Save money on crazy gas/petrol prices here: https://tmas.tv/morempg 👉 Subliminal Affirmations: https://tmas.tv/subliminalaffirmations 👉 The World’s best longevity supplements: https://tmas.tv/longevitysupps 👉 Tuning forks for health and spiritual growth: https://tmas.tv/TuningForks4Health 👉 Healthy Sugar!? https://tmas.tv/SugaVida 👉 Perfect Iodine: https://tmas.tv/iodineoffer 👉 Electrolysed High Vibration Water in your home: https://bit.ly/HighVibeWater 👉 Check out the amazing Spooky2 Rife and Scalar Wave equipment here: https://tmas.tv/spooky2rife 👉 The Hidden Secret to Detoxing: https://tmas.tv/hiddendetoxsecret 👉 Blue Light Blocking Glasses: https://tmas.tv/blublox 👉 Far Infra-Red & Red Light Therapy: https://tmas.tv/irsaunas 👉 Get grounded every day for massive health improvements: https://bit.ly/GroundingWithMark 👉 The Easy way to Invest in God’s Money: https://tmas.tv/godsmoney 👉 Learn how to compound Gold and Silver prices in your favour and escape the banks: https://tmas.tv/goldbusters 👉 Have more than £15k to invest? 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PRODUCTS Wav Watch: new frequency heal technologies: AMAZING Save $100 off each watch with promo Code Kevin100 https://www.wavwatch.com/ * LifeWave Stem cell patches and MORE: Unbelievable results- http://www.lifewave.com/GovernorKevin * COLD & FLU STOP: natural, SAFE and effective medicine; BIG PHARMA alternative: For more info, lab tests, witness testimony or to order Cold & Flu stop please visit: https://www.coldandflustop.com/ PROMO CODE "KEVIN" for more savings! * BalancingBodyandSoulClick here to sign up! https://www.balancingbodyandsoul.com/plans-pricing This will be something to help you heal major issues and do deep work. https://www.balancingbodyandsoul.com/?ref=KEVINHOYT * If You found us on another platform; please find us, like, follow and subscribe all for free on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GrassRootsWarriorNetwork FOLLOW KEVIN: Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/KevinHoytVT Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kevin.hoyt.79?mibextid=ZbWKwL Telegram - https://t.me/kevinhoytchat TruthSocial - https://truthsocial.com/@KevinHoyt GrassRootsWarriorNetwork https://rumble.com/v5lbdzk-the-500-million-year-old-cure-for-everything.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp628 views -
Dr. Charles Simone: The DOD Created The Vaccines, What If Cures Already Exist? They Do
X22 ReportFind Out Which Olive Oil Is The Best For Your Health Watch the Short Video Got To https://GetOlive1.com/X22 Today’s Guest: Dr. Charles Simone Website: http://drsimone.com/ Make Your Pet Healthy Watch A Short Video Explaining How To Do It https://UltimateDogHealth.com/X22 Dr Charles B. Simone. I am an Internist, a Medical Oncologist, aRadiation Oncologist, and anImmunologist, trained at the Cleveland Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Simone begins by letting us know that the virus was created on purpose and the DOD created the vaccine and then it was sold to Big Pharma. This was planned false flag to remove the President of the US. The cures have always existed but Big Pharma has kept it from the people. Now the people are learning that they do exist and that the Big Pharma and the Gov has been trying to hide from us. All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.187K views 254 comments -
Dr. Carrie Madej: They're Hiding Natural Ways to Cure Cancer and Detox from the Vax & Shedding
Man in AmericaSTARTS AT 9PM ET: Join me for an important discussion with Dr. Carrie Madej. Follow Carrie and download her free detox guide at https://www.carriemadej.com/ To learn more about investing in gold visit - http://goldwithseth.com, or call 720-605-3900 For high quality storable foods and seeds, visit http://heavensharvest.com and use promo code SETH to save 15% on your order. Save up to 66% at https://MyPillow.com using Promo Code - MAN LISTEN VIA PODCAST: Apple: https://apple.co/3bEdO1S Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3u9k8Vd Podbean: https://bit.ly/3A4Jasy iHeart: https://bit.ly/3npOBea FOLLOW AND WATCH: Website: https://maninamerica.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/maninamerica Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@maninamerica Banned.Video: https://banned.video/channel/man-in-america Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/ManInAmerica YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/maninamerica Gab: https://gab.com/ManInAmerica Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManInAmerica Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/maninamerica Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManInAmericaUS Parler: https://parler.com/user/ManInAmerica SafeChat: https://safechat.com/channel/2776713240786468864 Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maninamerica2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maninamericaus128K views 189 comments -
Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Had Found Cure For 'Man-Made' Turbo Cancer
The People's VoiceLearn how to live a long healthy life: https://TheHealthyFat.com/TPV - Become a member of the world’s first ever cyber nation: https://joseon.com - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet The whole world was horrified when news broke about the Brazilian VoePass Airline crash that killed all 62 passengers onboard on Friday. Unfortunately, the news just got even worse. Doctors onboard the ill-fated flight bound for Sao Paulo’s International Airport were convinced they had discovered a cure for cancer – and clinical trials were in an advanced stage. Now, with the doctors tragically silenced by unseen forces, clinical trials have been halted, and surviving researchers acknowledge that crucial knowledge was lost with their untimely deaths. Mainstream media are working desperately to censor this information on behalf of Big Pharma, but the evidence is damning, and we need to work together to spread this information as far and wide as possible.208K views 222 comments