The truth and reality in the horrors of victims of child trafficking
EXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABALALSO WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW >>> Interview with Child Survivor Anneke Lucas talks about The Darkest Thing in Humanity & Love at the Same time. Part 1 - Anneke Lucas had been abused as a child sex slave in the elite paedophile network that became later known in the Dutroux case. After a healing process that took decades, she now offers a unique insight into the psychology of her former abusers as well as the global power structure. "The power structure only exists to protect power abuse." As part of the Anneke also talks about the use of Ultra Mind Control --->>> https://rumble.com/v32q0ca-anneke-lucas-talking-about-the-darkest-thing-in-humanity-and-love-at-the-sa.html - WHATS UNDER THOSE "SUPERMARKETS".... - WALMART WAS A CHILD SEX AND ADRENOCHROME worldwide LOGISTIC NETWORK OPERATOR --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ljel9-walmart-was-a-child-sex-and-adrenochrome-worldwide-logistic-network-operato.html15.4K views 8 comments