Beta Footage
7 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Press Releases, Old Footage containing Development Cycles that never made the Final Game and more!
Perfect for Translated Beta and Prototype of Games!
SONIC TOYS PARTY Leak: English Dubbed
未訳・MiYaku GamingThis was a leaked Trailer for Sonic Toys Party, I just commented on the Japanese text. Supposedly this is going to be an iPhone and Android Mobile Game App scheduled for release in Summer 2024. Original Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ksWPXs4sQ&t=12s&pp=ygUVc29uaWMgdG95cyBwYXJ0eSBsZWFr17 views -
Hey, listen! Swedish Beta Footage from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 1998
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp I stumbled upon this by chance when going through some videos dedicated fans found and I was looking for something that had Japanese Text or Audio and I found some things I never knew Navi said! Swedish Narration Translation by TheBreakingBenny, thank you so much for your help! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUUQJJuIi0z0VWeANBKEsw Also a huge shout out to Hohi Monster for providing another version of the Swedish Translation. I cut out most of the video to show case Ocarina of Time only, and due to fan request, you can find the original video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZlI7ubOpFc&t=266s I won't spoil the fun, watch it yourself! :D Don't forget to enable English Subtitles by pressing the CC button near the bottom right of the video.5 views -
Hey, listen! Navi Assists with Japanese in early Zelda 64 Development?
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp This was an odd and peculiar find because there was absolutely no intent to make this into a video. I was looking through footage Zelda fans posted of pre-release videos on VHS and something caught my ear! Due to my training in Japanese Translation recently, I thought I heard something in Japanese when I was reviewing this video. Then it caught my attention after several playbacks during video production, Navi was speaking Japanese! If I got the first time Navi speaks wrong, please let me know as it's not the best quality. You may notice the audio is a bit weird because I actually mastered the audio to focus on the game than the music. What I think I hear: やって! Alright! (You did it!) 行きてよ! Let's go! (Let's get moving!) If I got anything wrong here, please let me know and I will address it. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku7 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Beta - Atlanta E3 1998 Demo Gameplay Translated
未訳・MiYaku GamingThis was apparently recorded during an E3 event in Atlanta, showing off The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have specifically chosen areas that contain text. I tried hard to figure out the second line with the most text, but two Kanji characters were very difficult to figure out, so if anyone has a better solution on the Translation, please let me know.2 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Gaiden Beta IGN
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Before it was known as Majora's Mask, it was known simply as Zelda Gaiden. Be sure to enable Subtitles provided on the video! Let us know your findings and observations, we would love to know! This footage has been cleaned up and upscaled, color corrected due to coming off of a TV and the audio has had some mastering done to it for visual and audio presentation and clarity, due to being so old and grainy. Also, this video has also been upgraded to 60 Frames Per Second to meet HD standards. Don't forget to enable English Subtitles by pressing the CC button near the bottom right of the video.3 views -
VHS GameCube Japan Spaceworld 2001 - Luigi's Mansion Translated
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. This is footage of Luigi's Mansion on a VHS for Spaceworld 2001 on GameCube. It looks to be prerelease and has some obvious changes. Anyway, enable English Subtitles in the bottom right of the Video to enjoy it! If you can read and understand Japanese, awesome! I also upscaled this footage and increased it to 60 FPS.5 views -
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 - Beta footage From Sega Shinsaku Soft Video Vol 07 Translated
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. Special thanks to TimothyHD from Discord for being a supporter! Original Video downloaded from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu_JkxjhQAs&t=26s No English Subtitles for the video in that link, this video was upscaled, increased to 60 FPS and cleaned by me and translated entirely by me here too. Enable English Subtitles by pressing the "CC" button at the bottom right of the video. 日本人か他の国の日本語を知って人の為に、日本語字幕「サブタイトル」を欲しいなら、日本語の字幕「サブタイトル」は「CC」ボタンでこの動画の下右ですが、「CC」を押したら、日本語字幕がこの動画の下に表示されます。 オプションとして他の言語の字幕もあります。 英語字幕「サブタイトル」もあります、この動画の英語字幕で勉強と練習はとても便利です! This is Beta Footage of Sonic the Hedgehog from Sega Shinsaku Soft Volume 07. Before selling the game, this may have been a teaser or an advertisement and it contains footage of a time in development before release to the best of my knowledge. Let me know if you see anything interesting in this footage! The announcer is just creating hype for the game when it would sell. This video has been upscaled, cleaned and frames per second increased to 60 from its source to HD and 2K. この動画はアップスケールしたと60 FPSを増えたのソースから、HDと2Kでその動画のオプションもあります。1 view