playlist thumnail

Islam & Christianity, Quran & Holy Bible, Allah & Yahweh, Jesus Christ & Muhammad, Tafsir and Sunnah/Hadith.

20 videos
Updated 2 months ago
This Playlist have videos which shows that Islam is from the Devil (Satan), Allah the god of Islam is the Devil (Satan), Muhammad the prophet of Islam is a Child of the Devil (Satan), Islam is FALSE, Allah the god of Islam is a Pagan Idol Moon god, Muhammad the prophet of Islam is a False prophet and Islam is of the Devil (Satan). Watch more of my videos about Christianity & Islam, Holy Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) & Quran (Qur'an / Koran / Al-Qurʼān), God Yahweh Almighty from the Holy Bible (Holy Scriptures / Torah is Pentateuch / Tanakh / Canonical Gospels / Acts / Epistles / Revelation) & Allah the god of Islam, Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God & Muhammad the prophet of Islam, Tafsir and Sunnah a.k.a. Hadith in my Playlist here so enjoy. "Fair Use" - Songs / Tunes / Music
  1. Welcome to ShariaTube
  2. Does Qur'an 2:256 Show That Islam Is a Religion of Peace? David Wood
  3. Muhammad: The White Prophet with Black Slaves. David Wood
  4. Is Muhammad the Prophet Like Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18? A Reply to Zakir Naik
  5. Is Muhammad Mentioned in Deuteronomy 18? (A Reply to Shabir Ally)
  6. Zakir Naik Proves That Allah Is a Mouse! (Song of Solomon 5:16)
  7. Is Muhammad Mentioned in Song of Solomon 5:16? (A Reply to Shabir Ally)
  8. Ahmed Deedat's claim of Muhammad in Isaiah 29:12. (Christian Prince replied to Ahmed Deedat)
  9. Is Isaiah 29:12 a Prophecy about Muhammad? A Reply to Zakir Naik
  10. Sam Shamoun responds to Yahya Snow on the Implications of John 1:19-21.