Dustin Nemos Victor Hugo Expose Alex Jones Sarah Gonzalez Roger Stone Selling Souls For Donald Trump
VictorHugoArtDustin Nemos and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo Expose Alex Jones, Sarah Gonzalez and Roger Stone urging Christians to Sell Their Souls For Donald Trump. If you value these truth tellers and can contribute to keep their reports coming, please do so by clicking on the links below: https://theserapeum.com/ https://victorhugocollection.com/ Victor-Hugo Vaca II claims "art is the last bastion of free speech" and as a dissident, Veteran, American refugee, living in the former USSR, Republic of Georgia, near the border with Russia, between War Zones and hot spots of global conflict, after escaping China, two hours before the last border closed, on the day that the Wuhan virus whistleblower, Dr. Li Wenliang died, he uses modern-art-gonzo-journalism to combat censorship on steroids during the information war. Known as, The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, the native New Yorker born in the same Elmhurst Hospital as President Donald Trump,is listed in the Library of Congress Reference Book, by DB Burkeman titled, "Stickers: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art", as "one of the most influential artists of our time", alongside The Wu Tang Clan, Banksy and Shepard Fairey. The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo founded and Trademarked, theModern Art Music Movement, the fusion of art, music, film, fashion, literature and education, fostering peace, love and compassionate wealth, worldwide and attended the prestigious United States Naval Academy alongside Carter Page in the Class of 1993. He has dedicated his life to shedding Light on the darkness so that the darkness cannot overcome it and starts every Modern Art Music Movement podcast by stating, "My job is not to be politically correct. It is to witness, observe, analyze and document, the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time." Victor-Hugo Vaca II can be reached at vhviipress@msn.com and links for his podcast channels on Rumble and BitChute can be found athttps://victorhugocollection.com/ Please purchase products from this link to support this podcast: https://ftwproject.com/ref/476/ Thanks. To purchase The Victor-Hugo Collection contact The William DeBilzan Gallery William DeBilzan Art Gallery Delray Beach Florida 561-266 2090 wdebilzan@gmail.com2.05K views 85 comments -
The Serpent Race and the Blueprint for World Domination. Ye Serpents. Oh Ye Vipers
TheWarAgainstYouThe Serpent Race and the Blueprint for World Domination. Ye Serpents. Oh Ye Vipers --- January 20th, 2023 --- Dedicated to B.F. Jackson, murdered along with his family in Mexico in 1960 for revealing this vid’s core content in his book, “The Mystery of the Serpent.” --- “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” --- — Jesus (Yeshua) Christ, addressing the Pharisees (Orthodox Jews) --- “Whoever is a friend of a Jew, belongs to them, becomes one of them. God cannot tolerate this mean people. The Jews have wandered from divine religion. You must not relent in your work which must show up Jewish deceit.” --- — The Prophet Mohammed --- “The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age. They are the carrion birds of humanity. They must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice. They are surely not real citizens. The Jews have practiced usury since the time of Moses and oppressed the other peoples. We are to ban the Jews from commerce because they abuse it. The evils of the Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of this people.” --- — Napoleon Bonaparte --- “The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack any of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, and confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects. Their charity is mainly a form of display.” --- — H.L. Mencken --- “The Jewish question is really the most serious of our problems.” --- — Henry Adams --- “Those Jews who still want to be the ‘chosen race,’ chosen by the late Lord Balfour, can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings.” --- — George Bernard Shaw --- “Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters, always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous.” --- — Voltaire --- “The day will come when all nations amidst which the Jews are dwelling will have to raise the question of their wholesale expulsion; a question which will be one of life or death, good health or chronic disease, peaceful existence or perpetual social fever.” — Franz Liszt --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES --- Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/rustybarrz/5.58K views 10 comments