160 videos
Updated 2 months ago
A playlist of only my best songs.
THE DEVIL 666LUCIFERIANISM©️ by THE DEVIL 666 Available today on EPIC GAMES STORE. #indiegames It is an open world sandbox, roguelike, soulslike, set in a gargantuan maze of 300 individually constructed levels. Brutal difficulty. Fully voiced by Elevenlabs AI Voice Robots. Built in Unreal Engine 5.4. [Rated M for Mature.] https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/luciferianism-300fc09 views -
PERSONA 2 : Innocent Sin
THE DEVIL 666437 432 9165 (Dial J Dial J) I feel depressed (Dial J Dial J) I can't see tomorrow (Dial J Dial J) I can't see my dream The time flows as you leave me behind I know first hand that I stand adrift in the twilight "There is nothing that doesn't change" Your words are regretful Dialing is the one thin bond [between us] It's fragile like glasswork "Where are you now?" What I really want to ask is Something else (Call a Joker right now!) Why am I alive? (Call a Joker right now!) What do I live for? (Call a Joker right now!) I'll take back my lost dream I'll take the angel's wings and fly away! Oh yeah! [Monologue of Oracle of Maia]15 views -
THE DEVIL 666FINAL GAS STATION ATTENDANT The ultimate end boss of the videogame The being of ultimate evil who brough the devouring fog She works at the gas station THE METAPHOR INHERENT IN THIS IS OBVIOUS!!!!17 views -
THE MANY SINGS TO US (PERFECT) (Censored by Youtube)
THE DEVIL 666THE MANY SINGS TO US by Brendan S. Rose The many sings to us When you burn You learn things man So i'm gonna tell you why you were shoved in a garbage can The many brings to us Many of you to burn today, man You learn things when you burn, man You learn things when you burn. When you burn, you learn things, man. When you burn, you learn things, man. When you burn, you learn things, man. When you burn, you learn things, man. Many of you burned yesterday The many sings to us When you burn You learn things man So i'm gonna tell you why you were shoved in a garbage can, my man The many brings to us Many of you to burn You learn things when you burn, man You learn things when you burn. When you burn, you learn things, man. When you burn, you learn things, man. So I'm gonna buy another gasoline can, So let's talk about what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna motherfuckin kill you, who are you? who knows, I'm talking to the general ghosts in the room, I'm gonna walk out on the street and mutilate you, Cut your face to pieces, and leave you alive girl too, I just wanna destroy your happiness, Don't wanna destroy you, that's one of the things I'm gonna do, one of the things I'm gonna do to you..... that's one the things i'm gonna do that's one the things i'm gonna do that's one the things i'm gonna do that's one the things i'm gonna do that's one the things i'm gonna do to you The many sings to us When you burn You learn things man So i'm gonna tell you why you were shoved in a garbage can, maam The many brings to us Many of you to burn today maam You learn things when you burn, maam You learn things when you burn. When you burn, you learn things, maam But that's just one of the things I'm gonna do to you, I'm also gonna assault the Tim Hortons again, dude and this motherfuckin time, I'm fuckin gettin in, too With my whetstone sittin at home, That machete is sharp as sin, dude gonna chop you up like a useless log, without understanding, like a useless log, at the side of the road, actually about 9 of em, Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Lying at the side of the road without understanding Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Lying at the side of the road without understanding Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Lying at the side of the road without understanding That's another thing i'm gonna do you man That's another thing i'm gonna do you man That's another thing i'm gonna do you man Nine useless logs in the Tim Hortons Lying at the side of the road without understanding That's another thing i'm gonna do you man x (X) The many sings to us When you burn You learn things man So i'm gonna tell you why you were shoved in a garbage can, maam The many brings to us Many of you to burn today maam You learn things when you burn, maam You learn things when you burn. When you burn, you learn things, maam I'm gonna set the world on fire as well I'm gonna set the world on fire as well I'm gonna set the world on fire as well I'm gonna set the world on fire as well and do whatever i want in the world as well and jump into the fire to escape my hell I'm gonna set the world on fire as well that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man honestly fire is my favorite plan Roberto approved stamped and certified man HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH Man You changed your mind, didn't you johan oh this is better, this is MUCH BETTER THEY'RE RUNNING AROUND LIKE ANTS BUMPING INTO EACH OTHER TRYING TO GET OUT JUST LIKE ANTS DOC YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT IT'S PRETTY- i have to shoot you won't be able to do it I have to shoot you I'm sure you can't I have to kill you You're a doctor of medicine And you've dedicated your career to saving life Taking life is my job dude and I do it well HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH I LAUGH THEM ALL INTO HELL that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man honestly fire is my favorite plan Roberto approved stamped and certified man that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man honestly fire is my favorite plan Roberto stamped and approved and certified man that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man that's another thing, i'm gonna do to you man53 views 1 comment -
THERE IS NO GOD (Censored by Youtube)
THE DEVIL 666to destiny, jocko, alex jones: HEY JOCKO, THE MOST CENSORED MAN ON THE INTERNET WANTS TO TALK TO YOU Inbox Brendan Rose <partyleader@lokiskingdom.com> Attachments 10:10 AM (23 minutes ago) to jocko, alexjones, contact Hey Jocko, [yo Alex, you want in on the fun too???] [I'll throw Destiny in the mix too, why not????] [Hey google, any of these emails even getting through this time???? >_O "be honest"] You're rich and famous on Youtube, I doubt you'd hazard your channel by talking to youtube's most hated user. My Channel Is: https://www.youtube.com/@BSR_666 My previous channel was: https://www.youtube.com/@光666 As you can see, Youtube has not been kind to me. They put me in a box where I could never be seen. They hid me from search. Hid me in comments. Demonatized my videos despite giving me no views. Demonatized my channel. Periodically struck me. Struck me until my channel died. (THX MASSA) They must have been doing something weird, because they got shakespeare the singer 3 times a day, every day for 5 years, and I never got more than 2 hits on most videos. Never gained any subs, this was on my recent channel. On my Old Channel 光 I had about 700 videos, I was there since 2007, In the beginning I was a rising star, Treated like anyone else on the platform, I got 40 thousand hits on FARMING THE CROW FOR COLORLESS DEMONS SOULS And as for my last 500 videos, probably less than 2000 hits across all of them. It happened after I made a video that pissed off Anita Sarkeesian. Not her personally, she never mentioned me by name, although "someone" was setting her off, and everyone else on the internet claimed innocence, "Nobody plays the game that way, you're supposed to stealth through it, not hurt innocents in HITMAN ABSOLUTION" Well I did, I played the game that way, I killed all the strippers in Hitman Absolution. Suddenly my channel went into a precipitous decline, Tens of thousands of hits, Became thousands of hits, which became hundreds of hits, which became dozens of hits, which became 2 hits a video..... ONE WAS ME THE OTHER GUY KEPT REPORTING ME OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN It MUST have been a youtube employee paid to ruin my life or something..... lol...... shed subscribers like blood from an open wound So after they did, SOMETHING, to drain me down to zero views........ Despite making fantastic content, every day, many times a day....... I did notice this was not replicated as much on other platforms, ON Bitchute I saw a steady incline in my subscribers, I have 3 channels there: Lokiskingdom (My Main Channel - Locked out now after the NCR Attack in NOVEMBER 2023 in which I deleted my youtube, rather than see it die at the hands of the enemy, on strike 2, then i launched two violent attacks, one on a TIM HORTONS in Scarborough Canada, and 1 in My Apartment complex at 3311 Kingston Road the next night. My life is really fascinating, you should look into me a bit!) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lokiskingdom/ Johan Liebert (Posted here during and after the attacks, when I was in a ward briefly, the NCR thing worked, I got a month in the coed pen crazy camp, for 12 attempted murders, some pretty nasty ones, no crime was committed, so my videos stayed up...... I looked so good by comparison, girls broke into my room to try to fuck me, at CAMH Scarborough, being a almost murderer makes you cool in those joints, cooler than normal people, but i am a geek, and eventually was accepted as one.....) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/QEzliaZxR8ku/ BRENDAN_ROSE @ Bitchute (My Current Main Channel, Better Content Than My Old Stuff I Think, Though It's A Tough Call.) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n0FFanip9fiz/ You can also checkout my RUMBLE ----> THE MOST CENSORED MAN ON THE INTERNET on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4862779 EMPOWERED FEMINIST STOLE MY BABY (EFSMB) on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/efsmb As you can see, It's not just that I'm imagining my content is actually good, and I just can't see how worthless I really am, Like Youtube Expects me to buy....... Naw Man...... Anywhere that lets me exist, I'm growing everywhere, EXCEPT YOUTUBE, where i get 1 or 2 hits on every and all videos, regardless of content quality........... And I'm blowing up everywhere else, man..... Doing great on Soundcloud Fantastic well regarded body of work on Bitchute 5 days of posting 400 or 500 or so of my videos to rumble so far I'm exploding there, a rising Star, man..... And they love me there, They monetize everything..... I threw the kitchen sink at them to test them, 60 videos all at once, One after another, including the worst of the worst offenders, (Leaving out 5th Ave, the night of the attack: https://www.bitchute.com/video/b98dkieLCwhN/ WARNING THIS IS A MESSAGE TO THE JUDGE THE NEXT MORNING PRESUMING I AM ABOUT TO MURDER SOMEONE, LOTS ACTUALLY, HATESPEECH BARELY COVERS IT, IT'S PSYCHOTICALLY HOMICIDAL, AND edge, is fake, This Rage, against Millionaire Elitist Victims who still somehow need extra help, IS REAL, THIS IS REAL AUTHENTIC TRUECRIME FROM THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY.) Anyway, I didn't post that, cuz im being good on rumble now..... Know what they did Jocko? They monetized 59 out of those 60 videos, Many of them, the worst offenders, they MONETIZED MANY OF THE WORST OFFENDERS, Stuff that got me STRIKES on youtube got MONETIZED ON RUMBLE...... Anyway guy, You're a rising star on youtube, I swear to God, If you interview me, that is the best show you ever had, And they can take it away from you in a second, 4 hits a video in 2 years for you, if you talked to the most hated man @ YOUTUBE. That one video they didn't like, 999 - MIND THEORY - THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING - A TOTAL DISPROOF OF EVOLUTION AND SIMULATION THEORY https://rumble.com/v45heo9-999-mind-theory-the-theory-of-everything-a-total-disproof-of-evolution-and-.html Lol, OF COURSE THEY DIDN'T LIKE THAT ONE..... :) They made that one ADS FREE Youtube deleted my account over that one(Strike 2), a song about i don't like being oppressed racially in canada(Strike 1), and a song that was my life's story, THE HORROR AT KINGSTON ROAD(Strike 3)...... [Goodbye, SCANDAL COVEREEEED Upppp??????] https://rumble.com/v44f9uc-knock-knock-knock-satan-himself-at-the-door.html Anyone who uses a THREE STRIKE SYSTEM, is by definition an asshole, those systems are ALWAYS BRUTAL AND EXCESSIVE, especially when used in Criminal Justice, I can see why youtube adopted it....... Here's my third strike, or rather the first..... they killed me for the horror at kingston road, got the whopping started on strike 1 to this one: https://rumble.com/v45hah8-shoot-it-with-cannons-man-censored-and-struck-by-youtube.html You're workin for real bad people, man...... Don't know what to tell you. Move, is what I would suggest, Not for business reasons, For moral ones...... I kinda like your show, Though anyone allowed to talk on YOUTUBE is boring by definition, they killed off the last interesting account this year, JAN 1st, In preparation to cheat more in the election, and to appease the advertisers by ruining the life of an innocent man, is a sick act of sacrifice....... To fascists....... Move, is what I would suggest, Not for business reasons, For moral ones...... You're workin for monsters man, And the fact they give you money, Should just give you pause, "AM I A DISHONEST PLAYER??????" Yeah, man, you are...... Anyway, Getting goin, I'd love to talk to you, If you wanna flush your rising star down the toilet while the gettings good.... REMEMBER ME YOU'LL SEE ME ONE DAY Regards, -Brendan S. Rose eyes on me - SOLO AND DUET WITH FENG TIMO.mp3 LOKI SEES YOU.mp3 3 Attachments • Scanned by Gmail Mail Delivery Subsystem 10:10 AM (22 minutes ago) Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to jocko@flixpoint.net because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. LEARN MORE The respo Mail Delivery Subsystem 10:10 AM (22 minutes ago) Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to alexjones@infowars.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from Brendan Rose <partyleader@lokiskingdom.com> Attachments 10:17 AM (15 minutes ago) to contact Hey Destiny.... You're the only email that didn't bounce..... Wanna talk, man? You DO talk to people like me, Honestly you make a FOOL of people like me, Try it man, See if u win this time.... Parody Nazi, -Brendan Rose 🌹 Loki THERE IS NO GOD [CENSORED BY YOUTUBE : Youtubeで検閲されてる] 神なんていない ブレンダン・S・ローズ著 別名:ロキ We're the badguys in Wolfenstein, Don't fuck with us! 私たちはウルフェンシュタインの悪者です、 ふざけるな! https://www.bitchute.com/video/zHLqvJyfCjKW/ So funny man, You can't even handle a PARODY NAZI, Imagine if real ones existed in the world, You'd be shitting yourself in fear, I'd switch sides in a second, Become a real one, lol.....110 views -
66 - EATING PATTERN (Censored by Youtube)
THE DEVIL 666a song about EATING PATTERN from LEXXXXX TEH DARKZONE STORIES I play the guy who makes the pattern, the pattern dealer, you know the one, In Season 1, did you even WATCH LEXX???!!!14 views -
GANON'S MASK (Censored by Youtube)
THE DEVIL 666A song about Ganon, I'm Ganon. Don't fuck with Ganon. Don't do things to Ganon. By the way, it looks like rumble's policy on graphic shooting footage is they limit visibility on videos like that, that is all. I can work with that! The sauce: https://rumble.com/v44fklf-the-meme-war-at-christchurch-warning-very-graphic-footage.html52 views 2 comments -
DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT (Clean Version) (Censored by Youtube)
THE DEVIL 666Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. the sauce: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iyfDIwcWWu5X/29 views