Vital-Vertical Relationship
5 videos
Updated 4 months ago
All about Jesus, connecting with Him, Heart To Heart. Learning Who He is, how He intervenes with us. The How to of having a personal relationship with Him.
Right Now
HeartTOHeartHeart To Heart with God is a great way to start our day because then we will be better and best as we get heart to heart to heart with people. Some people have said it would be so easy to be a Christian if it weren’t for people. Isn’t that the truth! We need that precious time with God as we enjoy our personal relationship with Him, worshipping Him, getting into His Word. Then before our feet hit the ground and our daily activity begins, we are more apt to Yield to God. Yield=Yes, I, Embrace, Lordship, Daily. So, we yield God our day. What do you want me to do today? Right Now! What priority do You have for my day? Right Now! What we do and what we say should have its origin in our today, because this is where God is Present in. We stumble the most when we bring something from yesterday into our day, something that is not reconciled, something from our past. It is so easy to stumble into fleshly behavior when we are living in the past with emotions and memories that are not reconciled with God’s forgiveness, grace and mercy. Bitterness and a bitter root in our soul often will spring up because we are not living in the Present with God, but in the past with our hurts and failures. Right Now! A good way to side step that stumbling block of living out of the past, when God is in the Present with us, is to every night before you go to sleep give God all those things that have not yet been reconciled. Hand all the situations in your relationships that you can’t fix to God and let go, yielding to Him as the Fixer, Renovator, Renewer, Reconciler. Right Now! Let be, be still and let Him work. When we live like this, with God, in the Present, there is peace in our soul because we have put all of our expectations in His Hands… it is kind of like the way this scripture speaks: Right Now! Hebrews 12:1-3 As for us, we have all of these great witnesses who encircle us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us. 2 We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention and expectation onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God! 3 So consider carefully how Jesus faced such intense opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls, so that you won’t become worn down and cave in under life’s pressures. TPT God bless you HeartToHeart audience. Right Now! I pray we stay in the presence of God today, Present with Him and enjoy the new things He has for us, the great God Adventure! Have a great week. God is with us, right NOW! Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v1pnb8j-present-now.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/contentment-tested/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/present-tense/161 views -
Begin Well ~ End Well
HeartTOHeartLife can be busy, busy, busy… do you want to have a winning life in a chaotic culture? It is kind of hard to do when we find ourselves in a frenzy of life happenings and realize we have put way too much on our life plate. I am thinking, we can juggle well if we start well and end well. It is that old powerful saying: I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. That sounds good, but what about practically applying it, what about our reality of truth? The reality of truth for me plays out with a really good start to my day. We can imagine that so many of us have so many opinions on how this shakes out, but I think only ONE truly holds the power to having a day where you are faithfully successful. Drum roll please… and that is the GOD of the Universe. What?!! Yes, you heard that right. The best start, the best way to begin your day well, is all contained in a bow. Who do you bow too? To begin each day well, we bow our lives to God. Our first step out, is down, bowing our hearts, our lives before God. It is good to bow before God and pray: “God, increase in me, and all things human nature, decrease”. Yielding our lives to God first thing every day, acknowledging Him, Who He is, and honoring, respecting and reverencing our Awe GOD, starts our day well. We have just made a heart to heart connection with the most powerful, wonderful, loving God in this entire universe! Now we can step out and go forward in the strength and love of Jesus Christ. Yes, anything is possible when you begin well! Oh, yes, I forgot the second part, ending well. Did you know that gratitude is the pathway to peace? We all love to lay our heads down and sleep in peace. Does that always happen. No. Not if we don’t set it up for peace to flow unencumbered by the situations of our day. The best way to end our day well is by taking a knee before God and bowing our hearts in gratefulness, recounting all the things He did for us in our day, thanking Him and giving Him the glory for all He has done. Then there are those pesky things that are still very unsettled, unreconciled, as we head to bed at night. The best thing to do with them is put them in God’s hands, and all the expectations tied to them, in the palm of His hand, let be, be still and know He is God and rest peacefully. You have just had the reality of truth experience in how to begin your day well and end your day well. Happy Life! God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/vo4cx5-7-days.html https://rumble.com/van3wd-busy-stop-be-thankful.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/7-day-bow-encounter/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/thankfulness-2/266 views -
I Hear Him
HeartTOHeartGod is speaking and He speaks to me a lot through His beautiful creation. He speaks hope, encouragement and peace through the beauty of His Creation. Sit - Look- Hear God through the beautiful creation all around us. When I have a chaotic day and chaos has filled my soul, I can sit by a beautiful lake and hear the peace of God, peace that disrupts my chaos and enters Shalom into my soul. Yes God speaks through the beautiful things He created. There is something about water, being near a lake, a beach or a mountain stream that always speaks peace to me. God said in the Psalms: Oh my people listen to Me. Listen to me in the sunrise, listen to me in the sunset. I hear Him in both those things. I hear God as I see the light glimmering on a lake, I know He is dancing joy upon my soul, light bringing glory to my spirit. I do hear God in the beauty all around me? Do you? Do you see and hear God in creation, and know that He is God, that He is speaking to us. God is all around us, He is in us and all we have to do is listen up. He still speaks. We focus on this world with our natural eyes instead of focusing with the “eyes of our spirit” we tend to lean into the worldly viewpoint instead of the kingdom perspective. Focus up and listen up, because God has not left us for a moment. He still speaks. DIG Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/beautiful-things-2/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/the-bridegroom-speaks-about-peace/ https://rumble.com/veosrt-beauty-is-tagged-by-peace.html God dwells in His creation and is everywhere indivisibly present in all His works. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them. - A. W. Tozer Jesus Said: “My church, beauty is a part of Me, a replica of My image which reflects the holiness and purity of My life. Look at the rose bud, it has a special beauty of its own, and as it is touched by the Master’s hand, this innocent, tiny and fragile bud becomes a beautiful, strong and highly fragrant rose. My bride, I designed you to have a beautiful spirit, enhanced by My purity, a righteousness you can find only in My Presence. Through My Holy Spirit, I have gifted unique splendor to all that I created; everything has special redemptive value and every created person has unique kingdom purpose. I have placed a beautiful inner spirit deep within human beings, created to blossom in due time with My holy nature and character.” The Bridegroom’s Voice KimberlyMac In reality, the truth of God is known instinctively, for God has embedded this knowledge inside every human heart. 20Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse. Romans 1241 views -
Right Here - Now
HeartTOHeartWe may feel isolated, alone and forgotten, but we are not. Look up to the hills and the mountains from where our hope comes from.(Psalm 121:1-8) I woke up this morning early with a lot of emotions swirling around my soul. It was a tornado that I was not going to step into. I opened up the WORD of GOD. Deuteronomy 31:6 is my strong anchor today. My anchor holds as I stand in the strength of this Word: So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. From the mountains we break forth in praise knowing no matter what we are growing through, we bow down before God and passionately tell Him we love Him. Perseverance is a testimony of our love for God. We stay the course no matter what, because we trust Him. Jesus is our enough, the ALL of our everything. We will go out with joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and the hills will break forth in praise.(Isaiah 55:11-13) Praise stabilizes our soul as we look up to God, knowing He is Supreme, knowing we are positioned under His Rulership of Love. There is no greater love, a love that anchors your spirit, a love that will never forget your, never forsake you, a strong reliable, patient enduring love. This is the love God has for us and it is a lie from the pit of hell if you think we have been forgotten by God. You have not. God is right here, right now and will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus sacrificed everything for us so we might have a future and a hope. No, we are not forgotten, we are not abandoned. The God of Justice will prevail and He will not fail us. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/firm-secure/164 views 1 comment -
Like A Cross +
HeartTOHeartHow wide open should our heart be? Mine is wide open! My Christianity, It is just NOT religion for me, it is much more personal, it is heart to heart relationship with God. There is nothing better than making it personal with God. I love, love, love my relationship with God. Heart To Heart with God, this is what we were created for. God relationship is what we human beings are wired for in our soul and our spirit. Yesterday God spoke to my heart about being my “Truest Christmas Gift” and I know without a doubt that in my vital-vertical relationship with God, that He is going to unpack this for me during the Christmas Season. Being in personal relationship with God is such a God Adventure of growing through this life on this side of heaven. God is constantly speaking, I hear Him all day long, I hear His heart for all of us. Oneness with God is so miraculous and it began with Jesus coming here to us. How personal is that? I will never get over that. Jesus came here to us. What a HUGE gesture of love Jesus made toward us. I receive it, God’s love. My relationship with Jesus is vertical and it is vital. My personal time with God creates in my heart a “Cross”… how??? Well, I am in a vertical relationship with God, it is very personal and so much more than Sunday Religion. I love talking with God, getting into His Word and He speaks… I listen… First, I change me up, my heart and my life, to the wisdom God shares. After my life is changed by it, then taking what I received from my heart connection with God, I share it horizontally with everyone God puts in my path that day. So my life is a Cross…+ a vertical relationship with Jesus strengthens me in ways where I can have my arms held out wide to the world… do you see the picture of the cross? Vertical with God, Horizontal with the world. Daily in my vital-vertical relationship with God, I receive from God, I open my heart wide to Him vertically in relationship with Him, then I open my life wide to the world, horizontally embracing others with the love and truth of Jesus. My life is a cross. I pray you too know the joy of reflecting the Cross of Jesus Christ through your life. God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v2lmn60-god-relationship.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v2x2ev3-led-by-god.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/gods-heart-desire/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/crosses/95 views