@SDK is ex CIA/NSA Contractor, Optics Engineer, Laser Pioneer, Truth Activist,
#OCCUPYTHEGETTYSteven D Kelley, here is some bio information. He is an; ex CIA/NSA contractor, whistle blower, optics engineer, laser pioneer and inventor, truth activist, reiki master, spiritual healer, psychic and remote viewer. If you would like to know Steven's story, to listen to the audiobook reading of his fascinating autobiography, Lasers, Caver's and Magic, it can be found on YouTube at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E78-ZL9Ik1Y&;t=2021s&ab_channel=Lasers%2CCavers%26Magic - To read the free pdf version of his book or to listen to, "Lasers, Caver's & Magic," you may go to this page from TruthCatRadio, at https://www.truthcatradio.com/lasers-cavers-magic/471 views 1 comment