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Questions from PSALMS Series

8 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Here is Open Door's series in the Book of Psalms. From this book, we find answers to many different important questions. This series began in October, 2023. __ Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos from start to finish so many people online will find them. Then, share them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth!
  1. Who am I and WHY am I Here? – BAPTIST SERMON
  2. Fundamental Question: What is a human's value? Here's the Bible's answer.
  3. Questions from Psalms: How Can I Be Happy? (Psalm 1)
  4. ✅ EXCELLENT SERMON – How to Have Peace In the Paths of Life!
  5. Why Am I So Forgetful? – FULL SERMON
  6. Fantastic Sermon – How to Face ANY Fear in Life!
  7. Why do GOOD Things Happen to Bad People? (Psalm 73)
  8. Fantastic Message – What Can I Do When Trouble Overwhelms ME?