Bill to End Dept of Ed Would Shift Many Functions to Other Agencies | The Newman Report
FreedomProjectLegislation filed in the U.S. Senate last month would end the U.S. Department of Education, but it would also redistribute many of its key functions to other federal departments and agencies. Much of the remaining funding would simply be handed to the states as block grants with some strings attached. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App www.freedomproject.com Follow Us Here: FreedomProject Media: https://www.freedomproject.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomProjectUSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/FREEDOMPR0JECT © FreedomProject 2024178 views -
Islamo-Marxist Regime Leads UN Push For “Greening” Education | The Newman Report
FreedomProjectBAKU, Azerbaijan — Children must be “educated” to become “green” activists for radical political and economic transformation to save the planet from alleged man-made global warming, top officials from the Islamo-Marxist regime told governments and kleptocrats assembled at the 29th annual United Nations “climate change” summit. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App www.freedomproject.com Follow Us Here: FreedomProject Media: https://www.freedomproject.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomProjectUSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/FREEDOMPR0JECT © FreedomProject 2024196 views -
At UN ‘Climate’ Summit, Brainwashing Children Takes Center Stage | The Newman Report
FreedomProjectBAKU, Azerbaijan — Indoctrinating children to believe in the man-made global warming hypothesis and teaching them to see the United Nations as the solution to that alleged problem is once again taking center stage at this year’s annual UN “climate” summit. UN leaders say global testing of children to ensure compliance is key to the agenda.198 views -
Government Schools Spent BILLIONS Fighting Parents, Study Shows | The Newman Report
FreedomProjectGovernment school districts across America spent a staggering $3.2 billion of taxpayer money last year fighting against parents and school board members concerned about the indoctrination and sexualization of children, according to a new study that examined costs nationwide. Critics blasted education officials over the news. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App www.freedomproject.com Follow Us Here: FreedomProject Media: https://www.freedomproject.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomProjectUSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/FREEDOMPR0JECT © FreedomProject 2024185 views -
NJ Democrats Protect “Freedom” To Give Obscene Material To Children | Newman Report
FreedomProjectDemocrat lawmakers in New Jersey just passed a bill granting government employees immunity from civil and criminal liability when giving children access to obscene materials at school or in libraries, sparking outrage among those seeking to protect minors. Predators, groomers, and perverts rejoiced at the news.170 views -
“Drag Me to Hell”: Calif. University to Host “Demonic” Drag Show | Newman Report
FreedomProjectA leading taxpayer-funded California university will host what organizers are calling a “demonic” drag show steeped in the occult later this month. Known as “Drag me to hell,” the horror-themed drag festival is being marketed as a “one-of-a-kind Halloween event” for students.211 views 2 comments -
1 in 3 Homeschooled by 2030 as 16 Million Flee Public School, Forecast Finds | Newman Report
FreedomProjectWith the ongoing exodus from government schools continuing to gather momentum, a new forecast by education researchers predicts that almost one third of school-age children will be homeschooled by the year 2030. Just half of the student population will remain in government education by then, the analysts found.202 views -
At “Summit Of The Future,” UN Doubles Down On Indoctrinating Children | Newman Report
FreedomProjectUNITED NATIONS — Government leaders representing the UN’s 193 member states adopted a massive “Pact for the Future” that escalates and reinvigorates longtime efforts to indoctrinate children worldwide. And of course, the entire scheme was justified under the guise of helping “future generations.”279 views -
Colleges “Rebrand” DEI Schemes, Flouting State Laws | Newman Report
FreedomProjectDishonest college and university officials are rebranding and renaming their “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) departments and programs to deceive donors and in some cases even authorities, according to a law professor tracking the scheming. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App www.freedomproject.com Follow Us Here: FreedomProject Media: https://www.freedomproject.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomProjectUSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/FREEDOMPR0JECT © FreedomProject 2024206 views -
With Harvard “Queering Education” Class, Gender “Cult” Powers On
FreedomProjectThe cult of queer is getting stronger. As tens of millions of American children struggle with reading and millions more deal with sex abuse at the hands of “educators,” Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education will teach future teachers how to combat the alleged evils of “heteronormativity” and “cisnormativity” in the classroom. Seriously. 📲 Watch More | FreedomProject Media App www.freedomproject.com Follow Us Here: FreedomProject Media: https://www.freedomproject.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomProjectUSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/FREEDOMPR0JECT © FreedomProject 2024248 views 1 comment