Genesis 50 Bible Study, God is Sovereign!
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we wrap up Genesis 50 and the entire book of Genesis! We look at Jacob’s death, and the embalming of Jacob (and Joseph) - were they mummified??? Also discussed is the threshing floor of Atad and Joseph’s brothers (yet again). We wrap up with Joseph’s death and a promise from God that he will remember his people in Egypt. The final few minutes Dave does a recap and overview of the point of Genesis. Outline 3:48 - Read Gen. 50.1-14 6:13 - Jacob, father Israel has died, he was “gathered to his people” 9:43 - Gen. 50.1 - Joseph wept. 42.24; 43.30; 45.2; 45.14-15; 46.29; 50.1 & 50.17 12:24 - Joseph directed his physicians to embalm his father. 19:33 - Gen. 50.7-9 - A very large company 24:16 - Gen. 50.10 - The threshing floor 26:47 - Gen. 50.12-13 The cave in the field of Machpelah 29:47 - Read Gen. 50.15-21 Joseph’s Brothers 30:48 - what you intended for evil, God meant for Good. 34:00 - Read Gen 50.22-26c 34:51 - Gen. 50.26 - Joseph died at 110 36:09 - Gen. 50.25 - God will remember you in Egypt - when you leave, bring my bones with you. 39:37 - Application of Genesis: GOD IS SOVEREIGN. Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD69 views 1 comment -
Genesis 48-49 Bible Study - Jacob’s Patriarchal Blessing on the Ephraim, Manasseh and his 12 sons.
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we cover both Genesis 48 and 49. In Gen 49 we look at Jacob’s blessing on his grandson’s Ephraim and Manasseh. Then in Genesis 49 Jacob gives his final “Patriarchal Blessing” on his 12 sons. This prophetic blessing, clearly inspired by God, is a foreshadowing of what is to come for the 12 tribes of Israel. Dave breaks down the 12 (or is it 13?) tribes of Israel and then concludes with a wrap up recap of Jacob’s live. 2:05 - Reading of GEN 48 5:50 - 48.01 - “Sometime Later” 6:47 - 48.3-4 - God’s blessing 10:04 - 48.5 - “Ephraim and Manasseh are mine” 11:29 - 48.13-20 - Jacob blesses Ephraim & Manasseh 13:18 - Quick History of Israel (Genesis to Malachi) 17:28 - Is it 12 Tribes of Israel or 13? 20:46 - Ephraim & Manasseh 23:00 - 48.22 - “one more ridge of land” 24:57 - Reading of Gen 49.1-28 29:00 - Reuben (vv. 3-4) 32:38 - Simeon & Levi (vv. 5-7) 36:13 - Judah (vv. 8-12) - most 38:56 - Zebulun (v. 13) 39:21 - Issachar - (vv. 14-15) 40:29 - Dan (vv. 16-18) 41:47 - 49.18 - “I look for your deliverance Lord” 43:26 - Gad (v. 19) 45:44 - Asher (v. 20) 46:07 - Naphtali (v. 21) 46:20 - Joseph (v22-26) 49:50 - Benjamin (v27) 51:58 - Reading of Gen 49.29-33 - A Final request 53:55 - God is Sovereign Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD187 views 1 comment -
Genesis 47 Bible Study - Jacob before Pharaoh, end of the famine.
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we look at Genesis 47 in which we see Jacob stand before Pharaoh and bless him. Pharaoh offers not only for all of Israel to settle in the region of Goshen (Rameses), but he also asks Joseph to have his brothers be responsible for shepherding Pharaoh’s personal flocks as well. We also discuss the economical system that Joseph uses to help Egypt get through the 7 years of famine on the land. 00:20 - Recap 05:45 - Gen 46.31-12 09:02 - 46.34 - “All shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians.” 13:49 - 47.2 - He chose 5. 14:49 - l47.9 - the few and hard years of my pilgrimage are 130 20:14 - 47.7&10 - “Jacob blessed Pharaoh.” 22:20 - 47.11 - “district of Rameses.” Ex 1.11 & 12.37 23:49 - Gen 47.13-31. 28:07 - Economics of the famine in Egypt 34:48 - 47.27, “They were fruitful and increased greatly in number.” 36:31 - 47.28 - “Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years.” 37:13 - 47.29 - “Put your hand under my thigh and promise” 40:13 - 47.30 - “Carry me out of Egypt and bury me with my fathers.” 41:32 - Closing question to consider. Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD58 views -
Genesis 43:17 - 44:34, Repentance and set up for restoration. Divination & witchcraft in the bible?
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we see Joseph’s strategy to determine the true character and heart of his brothers continue to play out. Judah (Joseph’s 2nd oldest brother) leads the brothers back to Egypt, with Benjamin this time. Joseph then uses one final strategy, with the silver cup, to determine where Judah and the brother’s hearts are truly at. This week we also look at the question of divination in the bible. This word is used twice in Genesis 44, we discuss what divination is and what God thinks of it. Outline: 00:44 - Recap 03:41 - Reading Gen 43;15-34 06:51 - Gen. 43;18 - Joseph’s brothers were frightened. 09:45 - Gen. 43;21-23 - They found their silver? (42;27,35, 43;21-23) 14:56 - Your God has blessed you 15:51 - Gen. 43;32 - Egyptians will not eat with Hebrews 17:00 - Reading Gen 44 21:50 - Gen 44 strategy - what will they do w/ Benjamin? 23:41 - Gen. 44;9 - The one who has the cup will die! (Gen 31;32)c c 26:25 - Gen 44;16 - Total submission 27:59 - Gen 44;17 - A chance to ditch Benjamin / Judah steps up and falls to his knees! 30:29 - Divination - Does Joseph use “divination?” What is it and what does the bible have to say about Divination, sorcery, interpreters of omens, witchcraft, spell casting, those who are mediums or spiritists, who consult the dead, astrologers, stargazers, seers, diviners etc. 49:09 - Wrap up - Application. Scriptures on Divination: Gen 30;27, Lev 19;26, Deu 18;10-12, Acts 16;16, 1 Sa 15;22-23, Isa 2;6, Isa 8;19, Isa 47;13-15, Mic 3;5-7, Isa 44;24-25, Zec 10;2-4. Books referenced: J. D. Douglas, Zondervan’s New International Bible Dictionary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1987. Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2019. Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD83 views -
Genesis 42:1-43:16 - Joseph reunited with his “loving” brothers - Does God punish us when we sin?
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we see Joseph’s 10 brothers forced by famine to come down from Cannan to buy grain in Egypt. Joseph, confronted with the desire to reveal his identity to his long-lost brothers, maintains his hidden identity and follows God’s plan giving his brothers a time of reflection to allow his brothers the much-needed time to acknowledge and come to terms with their past treatment of their brother. Does God punish the brothers or does he discipline them? Does God punish us today when we sin? All this and more, discussed this week in our through the Bible study of Genesis. Outline: 00:30 - Recap, Joseph in Egypt. 04:28 - Gen. 42;1 - 43;16 - Scripture reading 12:46 - V. 2 & 5 - Famine in Canaan 16:03 - V. 9 - “You Are Spies!” 21:12 - V. 19 - The plan for his Brothers 22:57 - V. 21-22- “Surely we are being punished” 24:03 - V. 24 - Why Simeon? 25:32 - V. 27 - Their silver found 27:12 - V. 36-38 - “Everything is against me!” 31:09 - V. 43;1 - Low on food again, Jacob sends Benjamin 34:43 - Why is all this happening? V. 2 & 8 - God is protecting his people. 36:08 - Application - Does God punish us for our sins? Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD47 views -
Genesis 41 Bible Study - Pharaoh’s Dreams - Does God use Dreams Today?
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we look at Genesis 41 in which Pharaoh pulls Joseph out of prison in order to have him give God’s interpretation of his dreams. Through the process, God elevates Joseph to the highest level in all of Egypt, 2nd only to the king Pharaoh himself. Application: Does God speak to us through dreams today?26 views -
Genesis 37 Bible Study - Joseph, sold into slavery by his loving brothers.
Iron Sheep MinistriesThis week we look at Jacob’s 12 sons, focusing on his 2nd youngest, Joseph. Joseph is his father’s favorite and it drives his brothers to such anger that they sell him to a caravan of Ishmaelites headed down to Egypt. This week we turn our attention to the final chunk of Genesis as we start the story of Joseph and his journey from Cannan down to Egypt and the crazy turns his journey takes him on. Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD38 views