Real rockets vs fake rockets hiding the flat earth.
Flat Earth Clock app[Dec 7, 2017] [DITRH] Faking rockets is done many ways. Some are rocket assisted blimps. Other are projected CGI and cartoons. Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! More info found at https://www.FlatEarthDave.com App Referral code: FErkvst To book Flat Earth Dave on your show click the link at the top. Detoxify your life! Remove Nano Toxins! Buy "MasterPeace" Holistic Detoxification. Link here: https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=24315 Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back. https://tinyurl.com/FECrashCourse-B We live in a world of lies pushed on us by the upper levels of the world controllers. It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them they have been lied to especially when they are unknowingly addicted to the fear. If the FOUNDATION of your world belief is that you are on a spinning water globe pear rocket flying through an infinite space vacuum, then you will not know WHO you are, WHERE you are and WHAT you truly are. You will be lost and feel insignificant not KNOWING that you are at the center of creation rather than on a speck of dust in an ever expanding universe. With that belief you can be convince of anything. To wake up you MUST start with the foundation of your world and from there you can see beyond the imaginary curve. The FLAT EARTH SUN, MOON & ZODIAC CLOCK app is the best tool for discovering flat earth and introducing it to friends and family. It visually shows how the sky is a perfect clock and brings you the latest google censored flat earth content. The FAQ page will answer all your questions on how and why flat earth is hidden. Got a reason you think Flat Earth is impossible, we have an answer that you haven't thought of yet. Take the FE Clock challenge. Watch the featured video every day for 2 weeks and see what happens. Just search "Flat Earth Clock" by Blue Water Bay in Google Play or the Apple App Store. It will be the best $2.99 you've ever invested. Avoid the knock off apps on Google Play, they are FREE and still NOT worth the price. Download and check it out today! Apple: https://tinyurl.com/FEiOSapp Android: https://tinyurl.com/FEdroidApp Both: https://qrco.de/bbizVA APK: https://flatearthvideosearch.xyz/FE_CLOCKcurrent.apk Support this channel and FLAT EARTH awareness: https://www.patreon.com/DITRH For one time donations: PayPal.me/DITRH Venmo: dtweiss FaceBook. https://www.facebook.com/TheFlatEarthPodcast Brighteon: https://brighteon.com/channels/ditrhinterviews/search? BitChute: https://bitchute.com/ditrhinterviews Brighteon: https://brighteon.com/channels/ditrh BitChute: https://bitchute.com/ditrh Rumble: https://rumble.com/DITRHinterviews Brighteon: https://tinyurl.com/DITRHiBlist Instagram: @Theflatearthpodcast Web3: https://flatearthdave.tv X: https://x.com/thefepodcast MEDIA INQUIRES: https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com/book-dave-for-an-interview/ If you are a show host and think Flat Earth is stupid and impossible, let's do a Q&A on your channel. podcast, science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education137 views -
Jordan Maxwell – Gov Gave Our “Birth Certificates” to Central Banks as Collateral For Their Loans
WWaking the World upAmericans today are nothing but Slaves. Then we have to pay taxes and have the IRS police to make sure we do. It goes for whatever the Government wants not for what the people need. Two Types of Law on this Planet: Civil Law – Common Law – Law of the Land Admiralty Law – Maritime Law – Law of the Water – this is Banking Law. We are a PRODUCT of this law as we came from the water in the womb from our Mother. This is why the ship is sitting in its’ birth “canal”, it’s tied to the Dock, the Captain has to give a Certificate of Manifest to the Port Authorities because Money is changing hands. When we are born we have to have a Birth Certificate. It must be signed by the Dock – “doctor”, that is where the ship is tied to – the dock. We came down from the Birth Canal, we are a Maritime Admiralty Product. Your mother signs your Birth Certificate as an Informant and not a “Parent.” Why does it say Informant? The mother must INFORM the BANK that she has just produced another PRODUCT to be used as collateral and can be bought and sold. England, the British Crown, owns your physical body. That’s the law. On the back of your SSI Card will be Numbers in RED. This designates the Serial Number of your Stock. If you are Wealthy, you are a Preferred Stock. If you are Poor, you are a Common Stock. We are constantly being bought and sold on the stock market. If we could get our Original Birth Certificate back we would find on the back of it are all the banks around the world that used your birth certificate because you are a stock in a Maritime Admiralty Banking scheme where the Banks profit from you. The Corporation creates a SECOND You. That second you that they control, that they created is ALL Capital Letters. Check your Electric, Cable or Gas bill out or if you get a ticket for speeding – they all will be in Capital Letters. We are part of the Luciferian Beast System. Anything having to with Corporate business is going to be all Capital Letters. If you sign a contract with your name in all capital letters you can be taken to Court. The Judge sits on a Bench. The world Bench in Latin is Bank. The Judge works for a Bank. All money collected goes to the Crown and they decide how it is allocated back. If you live in California you are a franchisee of a Foreign Corporation. The 1849 Constitution of California says that no California citizen will ever pay taxes in California state. BUT, if you say you are a US Citizen you are admitting that you work for a Private Corporation called United States, Inc. Therefore, you are Franchisee of a Foreign Corporation. Therefor you must pay the California Franchise Tax Board, not the California state tax board because there isn’t any. You work for the Queen / King of England and your ass is owned. ALL Presidents are Presidents of a British Corporation. They are SELL OUTS. Traitors. They are SELECTED and not Elected by the people like we are to believe. It is all a secret system – it is all an ILLUSION. Nothing we have been taught is true. All Capital Letters means you are a Corpse, you are Dead, you are assumed Lost at Sea. You are a Strawman. You are in a Masonic / Luciferic System in which they control us by Loans- Usury, Taxes and Courts. The Courts are owned by the British Crown. Who was the enemy of this country when it was being Founded? Who were the Americans fighting and dying for this country? The Russians and the French supported us and thought it was a good idea that someone stood up for themselves. The ENEMY when we founded this country was ENGLAND. British Royalty! The Americans kicked the British out and won the war which embarrassed the Kind of England. The Royals decided that they are not going to send another Army back over, they decided to just OWN us by lending money and creating the Corporation – The United States. They incorporated the Court System in America. Judges wear black. Black is the color of Death. The people running this country are nothing more than Traitors who have sold our country out. They have complete control over our military. How and Why? They FUND the military. It’s all one big ass lie. It’s a joke. And the Jokes on the Americans. We need to get rid of the Federal Reserve which allows them to rape and enslave us all. It doesn’t have to be this way, we just need to wake up and say the hell with this sh*t. Trump acts like he is bringing the Republic back. People don’t think Trump is from a “Royal Bloodline???” Then you are Sleeping! The ONLY way this is possible is to get RID of the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve and to make American Money, not British Satanic Crown Fake Money. *Please Check Out My Other Jordan Maxwell Videos: Jordan Maxwell – Admiralty Law -- https://rumble.com/v4uq1w8-jordan-maxwell-admiralty-law.html Jordan Maxwell – Church is an Organized Crime – An Entertainment Affair -- https://rumble.com/v4wo61k-jordan-maxwell-church-is-an-organized-crime-an-entertainment-affair.html Jordan Maxwell – Forbidden Knowledge -- https://rumble.com/v4czgu6-jordan-maxwell-forbidden-knowledge.html Jordan Maxwell – Money is Water -- https://rumble.com/v4j7njr-jordan-maxwell-money-is-water.html Jordan Maxwell – The Black Cube of Saturn – Why Priests & Judges wear Black Robes -- https://rumble.com/v4uc3nt-jordan-maxwell-the-black-cube-of-saturn-why-priests-and-judges-wear-black-r.html Jordan Maxwell – The World is Run by the Spirit World -- https://rumble.com/v4uwwmi-jordan-maxwell-the-world-is-run-by-the-spirit-world.html **************************************************** Source For This Video: Jordan Maxwell – America -- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1qb1s ******************************************************* EARN Unlimited 1.5% Cash Back on every purchase, every day. 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JWO - Jewish World Order Depopulation Plan - Protocols of Zion Agenda 2030
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedJWO - Jewish World Order Depopulation Plan - Protocols of Zion Agenda 2030 The Satanic Zionist Jews Plan to Take Over the World. Synagogue of Satan. The NWO Jew World Order with Rothschild as their King worship Satan and are Talmudic Jews. They follow their master plan the Talmud book. They have been working since over 1500 years to produce this protocols to take over the world and enslave humanity. This is also why the Jews have been kicked out over 1000 times of different countries and States. Jewish People are brainwashed and follow their their leaders without even knowing all this. They are all sheeps sleeping followers who follow orders and think it's GODs plan for them. They follow their Rabbies appointed by God they think. They control people by Religions. These Jewish on top also control every other Religions worldwide. Books: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion https://mega.nz/#F!clYiGSyL!UJj-fSOCgz3p0spxOdSodQ Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! 👉 WATCH Climate Change, Geoengineering, Chemtrails Secrets Here: http://skieswatch.com 👉 WATCH More Flat Earth Documentaries Here: https://WatchFlatEarth.com 👉 BREAKING Awakening Secrets You Need To Know ASAP! Click Here: https://greatawakening.io 👉 Join Our Telegram for Great Awakening Daily News: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 WATCH MORE Plandemic Documentaries Here: 🍿 https://www.awakeningmaster.com/plandemic 👉 WATCH Vaccines Truths and Secrets Here: http://waccines.com 👉 WATCH Climate Change, Geoengineering, Chemtrails Secrets Here: http://skieswatch.com 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn 👉 Join the Wisdom Academy and Get the Book & Course of Wisdom Here: https://awakeningsecret.com globalist, globalists, Zion, Zionist, Zionists, Zionism, Luciferianism, Lucifer, Luciferian, Evil, Nasty, Childmolesting, Childsacrificing, BurntheTalmud, talmudic, talmud, talmudicjews, jews, jew, jewish, Lucifarian, Lucifariandoctrine, mustwatch, Israel, hamas, lie, satanic, satanism, satanist qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america16.2K views 51 comments -
The "Christopher COLUMBUS Story": Another Jewish Hoax?!
Stew Peters NetworkGermar Rudolf, Founder of Holocaust Encyclopedia, joins Stew Peters to discuss the recent findings that Christopher Columbus was actually a Jew, and the entire Columbus story was just another Jewish trick. Watch this new show NOW at https://StewPeters.com! The world needs to know the truth that fake history has concealed. WATCH Old World Order, and find out more at: https://stewpeters.com/owo/ Become an SPN member to gain access to exclusive content and unlock premiere benefits, including personal interactions with Stew, VIP event tickets, and live giveaways.https://stewpeters.locals.com/support/promo/STEWCREW1 Check out the Stew Peters Store for all things Stew Crew merchandise and more! https://spnstore.com/ These loyal and courageous sponsors chose to stand with us despite the cancel culture backlash. Support their bravery below: Energized Health’s deep-cell hydration is the key to curing chronic pain, inflammation, and weight gain. To find out more, visit: https://www.energizedhealth.com Cortez Wealth Management makes financial planning for you and your family. Find out how you can rely on this America First financial advisory and get your retirement plan today by calling 813-448-3446 or by visiting https://cortezwm.com Red light therapy is scientifically proven to prevent and beat cancer, autoimmune disease, thyroid disease, arthritis, dementia, and tinnitus while achieving great results with weight loss, wrinkles, acne, and stem cell regeneration. Watch medical journalist Jonathan Otto's free training and get the best at-home red light therapy devices at the lowest prices. Go to: www.myredlight.com and use the promo code STEW10 for an additional 10% off your order! Please support your child’s natural immunity as we send them back into the school year with Z-Spike Gummies and use code SPN for buy one get one 15% off at: www.zstacklife.com/spn Head to https://bioptimizers.com/stewpeters and use promo code stewpeters to get your MassZymes with 10% off. Your future self will thank you! Take back our CULTURE by listening to independent music that shares our VALUES! Go to https://www.rebunkedrecords.com/ to get your album today. Click here https://www.youtube.com/@RebunkedRecords to watch the music videos for all the songs and here https://libterylinks.io/Rebunked for links to all of Scott’s Projects. If you like the song “Unjected Gal”, check out Unjected, now back in the Apple App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unjected/id1568168879 and Google Play Storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unjected.app. Don’t miss your chance to own this one-of-a-kind Holocaust encyclopedia. You can get yours by visiting http://holocaustencyclopedia.com/ or at https://armreg.co.uk/product/holocaust-encyclopedia/ using promo code “stewlikesbooks” for 15% off your order. Preserve heart-health and be the best version of yourself with Cardio Miracle by checking out: http://HighPowerHeart.com. Kuribl- We have brand new CBG/CBD flavors,visit https://kuribl.com/ to see real testimonials on the benefits such as pain relief, brain support, and better sleep! Use promo code “Stew20” for 20% off. Visit www.fieldofgreens.com and use promo code "STEW" for 15% off and free shipping. Stay up-to-date with Stew by following him on all socials! Twitter: https://twitter.com/realstewpeters Telegram: https://t.me/stewpeters Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters Youtube: https://youtube.com/stewpeters56K views 327 comments