No Fear
1 video
Updated 1 year ago
We human beings fall into fear so quickly. These videos will encourage you to live with No Fear, through the power of God's Truth.
We Fear Not
HeartTOHeart#1MinuteEncouragement Under the weight of illegitimate authority, there is much burden in our soul and on our lives, as the sowing of evil is intentionally strewn for our devise. Therefore, we cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in Him and we fear not. Evil forces are in play scheming and plotting to steal, kill and destroy our national freedom. Lawlessness, injustice, and the sowing of evil through the sins of corrupted, self-entitled leaders, who know no power higher than self, are in play, and the consequences are adversely affecting us all. We look away from our worldly viewpoint, we turn to God, we fully face God and we pray it up, asking for His intervention, for His deliverance from evil. Let it be so. #PrayItUP Light of God, shatter the darkness of deceit, expose and expunge evil, thwart the enemy’s plans. This battle is God’s battle. We walk in the victory He has already provided. Pray~ Trust~Believe~Watch~Wait~See. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/found-deficient/175 views 1 comment