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Dr. James DiNicolantonio: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 29]

8 videos
Updated 8 months ago
If you’re looking to gain control of your health during a pandemic, the place you may want to start is the immune system. To gain a better appreciation for what modern research and data are saying about the immune system and the actionable steps to strengthen it, we’re turning to a best-selling author and internationally known research scientist. You don’t have to wait for a vaccine to give yourself a better chance to fight off infections, reverse chronic disease and live a healthier life, and today’s guest will prove that with data and science. This is the Story of 'The Immunity Fix' with Dr. James DiNicolantonio.
  1. The Story of ‘The Immunity Fix’ with Dr James DiNicolantonio
  2. How to Use Diet to Boost Your Immune System
  3. What a COVID Task Force Should Look Like
  4. Is Hot or Cold Therapy Better for the Immune System?
  5. How Viruses Boost Our Immune System
  6. The Top Supplements for an Immunity Fix
  7. Can Melatonin Actually Restore Circadian Rhythm
  8. Is Lack of Purpose Making You Sick?