Original Content
10 videos
Updated 9 months ago
This is where Subscribers and Visitors alike can view original content done during our time with UG:Media
Monster Series Book Launch Party 20 11 2019
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Wednesday November 20th 2019 UG:Media was invited to The Monster In Mummy series book launch written by Donia Youssef. At The Tatttershall Castle Boat by The London Eye. Where a host of Celebraties were attending including Jethro Sheeran Kojo Rigulet and Zed Regal. And UG:Media caught up with Jethro, Donia and many others for an interview for our UG:VOD youtube Channel with our reporter Danny Jay. UG:Media links https://www.youtube.com/@ugmedia3290 facebook.com/ugmediaglobalfacebook.com/ugmediaglobal instagram.com/ugmediaglobalinstagram.com/ugmediaglobal (website) https://theug.media/ you can find out more about the artist by interviewed by going to the following links: Jethro Sheeran http://www.alonestar.co.uk/ Social links (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/alonestarmusic/ (SoundCloud) soundcloud.com/alonestar (Skype) jethrosheeran (Instagram) instagram.com/alonestarSheeran (Twitter) twitter.com/alonestar1 Herbert Skillz Social Links (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/HerbertSkill... (Twitter) herbertskillz_ (Instagram) herbertskillz_beats (youtube) HerbertSoundMakers Kojo Rigulet Social links (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... (Twitter) https://twitter.com/kojosound (Twitter)kojosound Indya Social Links (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/IndyaOfficial/ (website) http://indyaband.com/home (Instagram) https://instagram.com/indyabandofficial (Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/album/1kaE3b... (Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/album/76jl7L... (Soundcloud) https://soundcloud.com/rock-chick-nat (Twitter) https://twitter.com/indyaofficial (Youtube) • Indya - Tha Final... Donia Youssef Social Links (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/donia.youssef1 (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/themonsterin... (Website) http://www.tinyangels.co.uk/ (Website) https://www.themonsterinmummy.com (Instagram) the.monster.series Music used for intro Soul Bossa Nova Quincy Jones And His Orchestra Big Band Bossa Nova Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-ndMMYhmi0 Track performed by Alonestar Raise em up (feat. Jethro Sheeran & HerbertSkillz) Alonestar, Tightest Raise Em Up Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxTWzIYWCp0 Disclaimer All video footage is my own Original content and Copyright Adam of Coventry Photography and Production United Kingdom All Music used is not my own work I do not hold any Copyright or Publishing Rights for the Product.28 views -
BadgerFest 2019 Day 1 Friday 18th October 2019
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2019 UG:Media was invited to cover Badgerfest 2019 at The Bread Shed in Manchester, The UG:Media team had exclusive access to most of the bands that played throughout the two day Festival.UG:Medias very own MadMartin. Interviewed 7 of the 20 odd bands that played over the two days and he also got an exclusive interview with the man himself, John Badger who is the Organiser of the Badgerfest UK festivalsFor more info go to the following links below: Bands Interviewed on Day 1 were: 40,000 Legues https://www.facebook.com/40kLeagues/ E-Mail leagues.40000@gmail.com Dakesis https://www.facebook.com/Dakesis/ http://www.dakesis.com E-Mail management@dakesis.com Bands Interviewed on Day 2 were Archetype https://www.facebook.com/wearethearch http://www.archetypeuk.bandcamp.com E-Mail acecaseman@yahoo.com Beyond salvation https://www.facebook.com/beyondsalvation beyondsalvationthrash@gmail.com http://www.beyondsalvation.bandcamp.com Mortishead https://www.facebook.com/Mortishead/h... E-Mail mortisheaduk@gmail.com Sworn Amongst https://www.facebook.com/swornamongst/ E-Mail stephen@echelontalent.agency http://www.swornamongst.co.uk BadgerFest https://www.facebook.com/badgerfestival/ E-Mail badgerfestival@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/TheBreadShed E-Mail thebreadshed@hotmail.com http://www.Bread-Shed.co.uk23 views -
BadgerFest Day 2 pt 2
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2019 UG:Media was invited to cover Badgerfest 2019 at The Bread Shed in Manchester, The UG:Media team had exclusive access to most of the bands that played throughout the two day Festival.UG:Medias very own MadMartin. Interviewed 7 of the 20 odd bands that played over the two days and he also got an exclusive interview with the man himself, John Badger who is the Organiser of the Badgerfest UK festivalsFor more info go to the following links below: Bands Interviewed on Day 1 were: 40,000 Legues https://www.facebook.com/40kLeagues/ E-Mail leagues.40000@gmail.com Dakesis https://www.facebook.com/Dakesis/ http://www.dakesis.com E-Mail management@dakesis.com Bands Interviewed on Day 2 were Archetype https://www.facebook.com/wearethearch... http://www.archetypeuk.bandcamp.comBa... www.archetypeuk.bandcamp.com E-Mail acecaseman@yahoo.com Beyond salvation https://www.facebook.com/beyondsalvat... E-Mail beyondsalvationthrash@gmail.com http://www.beyondsalvation.bandcamp.com beyond_salvation_thrash Mortishead https://www.facebook.com/Mortishead/ http://www.MORTISHEAD.comE-Mail mortisheaduk@gmail.com Sworn Amongst https://www.facebook.com/swornamongst... stephen@echelontalent.agency http://www.swornamongst.co.uk BadgerFest https://www.facebook.com/badgerfestival/ E-Mail badgerfestival@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/TheBreadShed... E-Mail thebreadshed@hotmail.comhttp://www.Bread-Shed.co.uk17 views -
BadgerFest 2019 Day 2 pt 1
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2019 UG:Media was invited to cover Badgerfest 2019 at The Bread Shed in Manchester, The UG:Media team had exclusive access to most of the bands that played throughout the two day Festival.UG:Medias very own MadMartin. Interviewed 7 of the 20 odd bands that played over the two days and he also got an exclusive interview with the man himself, John Badger who is the Organiser of the Badgerfest UK festivalsFor more info go to the following links below: Bands Interviewed on Day 1 were: 40,000 Legues https://www.facebook.com/40kLeagues/ E-Mail leagues.40000@gmail.com Dakesis https://www.facebook.com/Dakesis/ http://www.dakesis.com E-Mail management@dakesis.com Bands Interviewed on Day 2 were Archetype https://www.facebook.com/wearethearch... http://www.archetypeuk.bandcamp.comBa... www.archetypeuk.bandcamp.com E-Mail acecaseman@yahoo.com Beyond salvation https://www.facebook.com/beyondsalvat... E-Mail beyondsalvationthrash@gmail.com http://www.beyondsalvation.bandcamp.com beyond_salvation_thrash Mortishead https://www.facebook.com/Mortishead/ http://www.MORTISHEAD.comE-Mail mortisheaduk@gmail.com Sworn Amongst https://www.facebook.com/swornamongst... stephen@echelontalent.agency http://www.swornamongst.co.uk BadgerFest https://www.facebook.com/badgerfestival/ E-Mail badgerfestival@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/TheBreadShed... E-Mail thebreadshed@hotmail.com http://www.Bread-Shed.co.uk20 views -
Badgerfest Day 1 15 10 2021
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Friday 15th October our very own Mad Martin and Adam visited The Bread Shed Manchester for Badgerfest 2021 where we interviewed a couple of bands, with live sets from Badger and the Mushrooms, Grief Ritual and Foetel Juice. Bands Featured Grief Ritual(Live Set and Interview) Website: https://griefritual.co.uk/ Bandcamp: https://griefritualmusic.bandcamp.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/griefritual/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7hM17... Twitter: https://twitter.com/grief_ritual Youtube music: / grief ritual - topic Basement Torture Killings(interview) Bandcamp https://basementtorturekillings.bandc... Big Cartel https://basementtorturekillings.bigca... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Basementtort... Foetel Juice(Live Set) https://www.facebook.com/FoetalJuice/ foetaljuice.bandcamp.com To follow Badgerfest and to keep up to date for up and coming badgerfest events go to the following links Twitter: https://twitter.com/badgerfestival Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badgerfestival/ https://badgerfest.bigcartel.com Special Thanks to all bands featured for recording of their live sets and interviews. All content Copyright UNITED GLOBAL MEDIA 2021 (UG:Media, UG:VOD) Website theug.media and ADAM OF COVENTRY PHOTOGRAPHY AND PRODUCTION UK 2021 All videos, Audio with kind permission from Badgerfest organisers58 views -
Coventry From the Air PT 2 (Coventry Building Society Arena and Hawksbury Junction)
adamofcoventryproductionukDisclaimer All video footage is my own Original content and Copyright Adam of Coventry Photography and Production United Kingdom All Music used is not my own work I do not hold any Copyright or Publishing Rights for the Product. Track Used: The Rhapsody - Prince Igor (Feat. Warren G & Sissel) (Radio Edit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1B4y8k38L0 https://www.warreng.com/ https://www.facebook.com/warrengeefunk/ https://twitter.com/regulator?lang=en23 views -
Coventry From the Air PT 1 (University of Warwick, Manor Farm and Walsgrave)
adamofcoventryproductionukDisclaimer All video footage is my own Original content and Copyright Adam of Coventry Photography and Productions United Kingdom. All Music used is not my own work I do not hold any Copyright or Publishing Rights for the Product. Track Used: is When the World Comes Apart by Gary Numan from the Album "Savage: Songs From A Broken World", Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5E6RTDA7oc&list=PL7fJyYK0GW60EXr4q2FzarV4I9JzXnBJN&index=6 https://garynuman.com/ https://www.facebook.com/GaryNumanOfficial https://twitter.com/numanofficial https://www.instagram.com/garynuman/ http://vevo.ly/vPQa1N29 views -
Postcard From Coventry
adamofcoventryproductionukNothing special just a piece of video and music starring three Coventrians one going to work in the morning Andy McGeechan, one going to meet an friend at lunch time Joanne Gailey and Karen and one coming home Tony Ally late at night. with music from Eyes Of Isabel. Additional Filming by Andy McGeechan Aerial Videography by Adam Peter O'Neill Directed by Andy McGeechan 16mm Damaged Film Effect created on DaVinci Resolve Studio Cast: Morning Commuter - Andy McGeechan Lunch time lady 1 -Joanne Gailey Lunch time lady 2 - Karen Moomin as herself Rosie as herself Evening Commuter - Tony Ally Radio Announcer - Adam Peter O'Neill Featured Music Morning Commuter music bed-Sax Deep House - 2B Studio Lunch Time Meeting Music Bed - Advertising Upbeat Corporate Happy (Long) Telekinetic - Eyes of Isabel(with permission) Intensity - Eyes of Isabel(with permission) for more videos from this brilliant band go visit https://www.youtube.com/@eyesofisabelofficial Remember to like, comment, share and subscribe16 views -
Drumming Up Change Pt 1
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Saturday 16th November 2019 UG:Media had exclusive access to 'Drumming Up Change'. UG:Medias very own MadMartin spent some time interviewing most of the bands between their busy Giging Schedule at Rebellion Manchester.The Charity event was organised by John Badger (Organiser of Badgerfests 2017-2019).'Drumming up change ' was in aid to raise money and awareness Primarily for Mental Health and The Homeless.All Monies raised during the event would also be split between Papyrus (Young Persons Suicide Prevention) and for the Big Issue North. Bands Interviewed were: Scott Beveridge Project https://www.facebook.com/ScottBeverid... http://www.sbpmusic.com Stormrider https://www.facebook.com/stormriderof... Twitter: stormridermetal Instagram: stormriderofficial YouTube: stormriderofficialWebsite: http://www.stormriderofficial.com Agent 47 https://www.facebook.com/ Agent47UK/Website http://www.4GEN7.com Instagram @agent47band Twitter @agent47uk / agent47uk Cresent Halo https://www.facebook.com/CrescentHalo... Kringer and the Battle Katz https://www.facebook.com/Kringerandth... Website: http://www.kringerandthebattlekatz.bi... Inpavidus https://www.facebook.com/impavidusuk Website: http://www.impavidus.bandcamp.com https://twitter.com/Impavidus2016 https://www.instagram.com/impavidusuk/ / @impavidus6090 BadgerFest All Star Covers Band49 views -
Drumming Up Change Pt 2
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Saturday 16th November 2019 UG:Media had exclusive access to 'Drumming Up Change'. UG:Medias very own MadMartin spent some time interviewing most of the bands between their busy Giging Schedule at Rebellion Manchester.The Charity event was organised by John Badger (Organiser of Badgerfests 2017-2019).'Drumming up change ' was in aid to raise money and awareness Primarily for Mental Health and The Homeless.All Monies raised during the event would also be split between Papyrus (Young Persons Suicide Prevention) and for the Big Issue North. Bands Interviewed were: Scott Beveridge Project https://www.facebook.com/ScottBeverid... http://www.sbpmusic.com Stormrider https://www.facebook.com/stormriderof... Twitter: stormridermetal Instagram: stormriderofficial YouTube: stormriderofficialWebsite: http://www.stormriderofficial.com Agent 47 https://www.facebook.com/ Agent47UK/Website http://www.4GEN7.com Instagram @agent47band Twitter @agent47uk / agent47uk Cresent Halo https://www.facebook.com/CrescentHalo... Kringer and the Battle Katz https://www.facebook.com/Kringerandth... Website: http://www.kringerandthebattlekatz.bi... Inpavidus https://www.facebook.com/impavidusuk Website: http://www.impavidus.bandcamp.com https://twitter.com/Impavidus2016 https://www.instagram.com/impavidusuk/ / @impavidus6090 BadgerFest All Star Covers Band42 views