Short Cuts
12 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Short videos and cut clips from longer videos on various topics.
( KEV'S SHORT CLIP AIRED NOV 11, 2024) Democrat press conference explaining their lost
KevinsCornerKev does a mock press conference of the democrats after the election beatdown from Trump 2024. Thanks for watching! -------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support the channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553450 views 6 comments -
(SHORT CLIP AIRED NOV 12, 2024) 5 free tips to help the Democrats ...
KevinsCornerTITLE: 5 free tips to help the Democrats for the next election DESCRIPTION: Spoof video where Kev shares with democrats five tips to help them prevail in future races after the election beatdown from Trump 2024. (1) more name calling (2) keep up with defund the police (3) more gender pronouns (4) more crazy spending (5) bring in more undocumented immigrants Thanks for watching! -------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support the channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553 YouTube Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBnkaI8DxO8294 views 1 comment -
Kevin discusses Lord Jamar of Brand Nubians and other Black people's responses to Obama's shaming of them.
KevinsCornerLord Jamar Goes Off On Kamala Harris About Her 2Pac & Collard Greens Comments & Says She’s Not Black (original content: The Art Of Dialogue https://youtu.be/25Dyd_kkYo4 ) -------------------------------------------------------- Kevin's Corner full show Original youtube video title: Blacks react to Obamas' crap! link: https://youtu.be/KeSn1lqlB7c -------------------------------------------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support my channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553384 views 6 comments -
Sensitive Crying Van Jones all busted up over Biden Stepping Down
KevinsCornerKevin's Corner. LIVE daily at 7pm https://www.youtube.com/@kevinellerbe/streams Merch Store: https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=2388149920589747891.07K views 13 comments -
Kevin's Rant - I wanna see ...
KevinsCornerI want to see all of the deep state exposed, I want to see the government streamlined, I want to see us get out of these wars overseas, stop spending money, I want to see our economy come back because Trump's holding folks accountable, I want to see good common sense policies, I want to see law and order , I want to see the border closed and undocumented criminals deported, I want to see our schools go back to teaching, I want to see ... -------------------------------------------------------- Original youtube video title: Election gloat party in Kevin's corner! link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jh0RI_9aMs&t=2954s -------------------------------------------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support my channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553289 views 4 comments -
Kevin's take on Tim Walz's ad to encourage manly men to vote for Kamala.
KevinsCornerWalz created an ad for men to show he's a man and men should support Kamala Harris. He's outside with his dog working on his truck. Kevin does his version of the ad. Very funny! -------------------------------------------------------- Kevin's Corner full show Original youtube video title: Tim Walz new ad appealing to men, definitely made me want to vote Democrat! link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QATPrVQz6dc&t=8s -------------------------------------------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support my channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553385 views 2 comments -
Kevin's over-the-top reaction to Biden calling all Trump supporters garbage. Kev's so crazy.
KevinsCornerKev's upset that Joe Biden called all Trump supporters garbage in response to comedian Tony Hinchcliffe's Puerto Rico garbage joke at the MSG Trump rally. The Whitehouse changed the Biden garbage comment transcript and inserted an apostrophe to make supporters possessive instead of plural. GASLIGHT -------------------------------------------------------- Kevin's Corner full show Original youtube video title: Biden calls Trump supporters garbage and busted me up on the inside link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oexloETQcqI -------------------------------------------------------- If you have a little bit of spare change, please support my channel. Merchandise Store https://www.zazzle.com/store/kevinscorner?rf=238814992058974789 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kevinscorner CASHAPP Donations https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Just Download the cash app https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553492 views 4 comments -
Let's check out our backup QB K Harris
KevinsCornerProtect Your Retirement with Precious Metals! https://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^ Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... To donate to Kevin's Corner just Download the cash app1 https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553 Or use PayPal paypal.me/kevinscorner https://xtremeteez.com Email: For Speaking Engagements kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... Minorities for Trump https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....130 views 5 comments -
Yes there is *@$* What?
KevinsCornerhttps://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... To donate to Kevin's Corner just Download the cash app1 https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553 Or use PayPal paypal.me/kevinscorner https://xtremeteez.com Email: For Speaking Engagements kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... Minorities for Trump https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....55 views 6 comments -
Antonio Brown Such a waste of talent
KevinsCornerwww.noblegoldinvestments.com paypal.me/kevinscorner https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... https://xtremeteez.com Email: For Speaking Engagements kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... Minorities for Trump https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....14 views