playlist thumnail

Europa - The Last Battle

29 videos
Updated 20 days ago
This playlist contains scenes unsuitable for children under 18 years of age to watch! —— A quite different point of view on our common history than what the official mainstream one that we all have been taught in school tells us. —— The introductory video contains a prediction quoted from a dream in 1871 about everything that is supposed to happen by the will of God in the following videos; and today, during WWIII. —— Please do watch this playlist as a dystopian, if anything like some sort of science-fictional story, and not as some mindless racist anti semitic slur. —— As it does not fit in with our contemporary public opinion of what our history was, and may thus seem confusing. —— It is, however, encumbered with having been produced by an obviously well meaning young Swedish boy, but with little or no formal English education or practical experience; narrating throughout the series with a heavy Swedish accent, that also may confuse most listeners. —— Pronouncing words like "jet fighter" as "yet fighter", "joy" as "yoy"; vocalised consonant sounds, like S and Z (as in "as", "is", and "magazine") with no vocal cords ever; while "embassy" strangely enough is being pronounced like "embazzy" with vocal cords. The French name "Versailles" is confusingly being pronounced like "varsolle"; "Roosevelt" as "rose-welt"; "challenge" as "shallenge", "typhoid" as "t-yu-phews", and so on. —— It's almost like we need to both understand; and be used to listening to both English and Swedish, to naturally understand what is being narrated here. —— God's ways are unsearchable, until we realise who and what the Creator of all is. —— And why we all are created here to do God's bidding, no matter what It chooses to be, and do not arrest-, nor deny it! —— This is the age of fear and suffering (Pisces year 1—2150 after the alleged birth of a Christ). And increasingly stressful for 126 more years, according to the astrological plan of the ages. —— Until we all collectively are mature enough to transition into the age if Aquarius co-creating a heaven on earth. —— Until then the majority will maintain its belief in fear creating evil and experiencing all nuances of suffering, that will persist in mindless uneducated projectors that will make a havoc on everything, just like during the religiously suppressive dark middle ages of Europe. —— Billions of people will inevitably have to continue to suffer and die up until then. —— But while entering and residing in the age of Aquarius, no fear or suffering will anymore be possible to want to experience by anyone.
  1. Europa - The Last Battle (Trailer) - Most Censured Documentaries in the WORLD!
  2. The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini,dated 15august,1871 graphically outlined plans for 3 world wars to usher in the satanic zionist jesuit pagan Nazicomunist World'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnostica
  3. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part One
  4. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Two (The Bad War)
  5. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Three (The Rise of Adolf Hitler)
  6. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Four (Judea Declares War on Germany)
  7. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Five (The Final Solution To The European Problem)
  8. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Six (Operation Barbarossa)
  9. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Seven (Floods of Blood)
  10. Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part Eight (The Holocaust)