Strange Realm clips
6 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Clips from the show of interesting and very unusual topics! From super-science to esoteric history, we hope you find these snippets fun and informative!
Do You Know the Dark Secret of Electric Eels?
Strange RealmDown in the dark waters of the Amazon, electric eels lie in wait to snag a meal, stunning their prey with a massive electric shock. But there is more to the story: the eel's zap produces, in the water around it, the effect known as electroporation, which makes biological cells more permeable. This then leads to horizontal gene transfer amongst the wild river life! Can the eels' electric shocks be used in bioengineering or medical science? Scientists may just be hard at work right now, finding out! Get the scoop here from Frobisher Smith and Raven Black in this brief segment. ------------------------------- Links: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-zap-from-an-electric-eel-could-give-nearby-organisms-new-genes Clip originally aired on Strange Realm episode #42: https://rumble.com/v41wzkk-strange-realm-ep.-042-dec.-17th-2023.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp33 views 1 comment -
Should You Learn TWO Languages at the Same Time?
Strange RealmThe answer may surprise you! It turns out that learning two languages at once, instead of just one, can often be a great idea for adult language learning. All the benefits of bilingualism are enhanced by going multilingual, and recent studies suggest that the drawbacks in speed of learning are not too severe. It just might be worth it to start learning another language if you are already learning one. Frobisher Smith and Raven Black break it down for you in this short segment. ------------------------- Links: https://www.popsci.com/diy/can-you-learn-two-languages-at-once/ https://preply.com/en/blog/learn-two-languages-at-once/ https://www.clozemaster.com/blog/learning-two-languages-at-once/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14790718.2020.1779726 Clip originally aired on Strange Realm episode #25: https://rumble.com/v3a5w7m-strange-world-ep.-025-aug.-20th-2023.html46 views 1 comment -
Would You Open the Door to the Zapotec Underworld?
Strange RealmIn 1674, a priest published his account of visiting the ruins of the Zapotec city of Mitla, and in it he described a vast underground temple with four interconnected chambers, the last of which featured a stone door leading into a deep cavern. The Zapotec believed this to be the entrance to the underworld, known by them as Lyobaa ("place of rest"). Recently, an international team of archaeologists announced that they found this fabled underground labyrinth — right where the legends said it should be. Frobisher and Raven take a look at this archaeological expedition and discuss the Zapotec temple in connection to other similar underworld temples found elsewhere in classical antiquity. Would you unseal the entrance to Hades? ------------------------- Links: https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/07/archaeologists-may-have-found-ruins-of-fabled-entrance-to-zapotec-underworld/ https://classicalgreece.omeka.net/items/show/34 Clip originally aired on Strange Realm episode #19: https://rumble.com/v2z8gcm-strange-world-ep.-019-july-9th-2023.html73 views 1 comment -
The Doctrine of Signatures - What Is It?
Strange RealmThe Doctrine of Signatures is a major principle of traditional healing, medicine and herbalism: the idea that God has provided for us the signs within nature to know what to use to heal ourselves, that the signature of the malady will take some form within its natural remedy. Here John Frobisher Smith and Dr. Raven Black introduce the topic and give an overview covering the basics, controversies, and how establishment materialist Scientism could be missing out by denying the reality of this concept.64 views -
Is The Earth's Spin Accelerating???
Strange RealmIs our planet speeding up? Or slowing down? Or perhaps, some kind of secret third thing?! Frobisher explores this topic and tries to break it all down while not getting to exasperated at the shambolic state of Science Journalism, in this clip from one of his rare solo episodes.10 views -
Introduction to Donut Earth Theory
Strange RealmTaking you through the billowy toroidal layers of Earth's outer protective shell, and then out past the Van Allen Belts into the 4th Dimension to introduce you to the Astounding 5-Days-in-One 4D Time Donut! Join us here on Donut Earth, won't you?41 views 1 comment