Visions of Mana
60 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier.
Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix.
Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024.
Watch and chill 😎
Visions of Mana -Part 1- Warm Memories Begin
Astral Doge Plays!We begin the game with two people running from their village before taking control of Val, the main character in the game while learning about the Alms from each village to go on a pilgrimage to the Mana Tree. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎13 views 1 comment -
Visions of Mana -Part 2- Leaving Home
Astral Doge Plays!Val and Hinna leave home for the first time toward their long journey to the Mana Tree. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎18 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 3- The Aery Passage
Astral Doge Plays!Val and Hinna arrive at the Aery Passage on their way to the village of Longren. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎19 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 4- Longren, the Vale of Wind
Astral Doge Plays!Val and Hinna meet someone who needs help when they arrive in the village of Longren, where they are to meet the Alm of Wind. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎45 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 5- Careena Cares
Astral Doge Plays!After completing some side quests for Longren, Val and Hinna arrive back in town to resolve the side quests and help Careena out to begin the festival for the Alm. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎30 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 6- Light in the Mountains
Astral Doge Plays!Val and others spot a light in the distance where a former town was destroyed years ago and decide to investigate. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎23 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 7- Luna Appears
Astral Doge Plays!The moon elemental appears and declares a new party memeber to be its new Alm. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎13 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 8- A Huge Squid
Astral Doge Plays!The party arrives at the town of Rhata to board a ship that gets attacked. Will they survive? Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎3 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 9- The Road to Illystana
Astral Doge Plays!We venture toward Illystana, finding a lot of goodies and baddies along the way. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎9 views -
Visions of Mana -Part 10- The Illystana Alms Ceremony
Astral Doge Plays!After arriving at Illystana, the party explores the city and participates in the ceremony to bless the Alms on their way to the Mana Tree. Visions of Mana takes place in a fantasy world sustained by the Mana Tree, a magical tree whose energies sustain the world. Every four years, a being dubbed the Faerie travels to villages tied to the elements and chooses one resident as an "alm" who will go on a pilgrimage to restore the flow of the Mana Tree under the guardianship of a Soul Guard soldier. Developed by Ouka Studios and published by Square Enix. Scheduled for release worldwide on August 29, 2024. Watch and chill 😎7 views