911 Entire Pentagon Footage with missile impact never shown to public video 2
DAMOMARKTHUMBNAIL. 1968 ISRAELI SHEKEL THE HISTORY OF A LIE: To concentrate in their hands all the capital of the nations of the all lands; to secure possession of all the land, railroads, mines, houses, to be at the head of all organisations, to occupy the highest government posts, to paralyze commerce and industry everywhere, to seize the press, to direct legislation, public opinion and national movements--and all for the purpose of subjugating all nations on Earth to their power!' With the press in our hands, we can turn wrong into right, dishonesty into honesty. We can shake all foundations and shake families. We can destroy faith in all that our enemies, until now, have believed. We can ruin credits and arouse passions. We can declare war; we can award fame or disgrace. We can uplift or ruin talent. The Jewish chronicle of London, said in 1919: There is much in fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism. Henry T Ford. The star of David, the Jewish national emblem, is a six pointed star, formed by two triangles, one standing on its base, the other on its apex. Deprived of their base lines these triangles approximate the familiar Masonic emblem of the square and compass As the jew is the past master in the art of symbolism, it may not be without significance that the Bolshevik star has one point less than the star of David. For there is still one point to be fore filled in the world Program as outlined in the Protocols---and that is the enthronement of our leader. When he comes the world autocrat for whom the whole program is framed, the sixth point may be added. The five points of the star now apparently assured are the Purse, the Peerage, the Press, Palestine and Proletarianism. The sixth point will be the prince of Israel. Democracy as practiced in Western Europe to-day, is the forerunner of Marxism A.H During this phase of his progress the chief goal of the Jew was the victory of democracy, or rather the supreme hegemony of the parliamentary system, which embodied his concept of democracy Marxism, whose final objection was, is, and will continue to be, the destruction of all non-Jewish national states. A H Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. Plato KARL MARX: THE THEORY OF COMMUNISN CAN BE SUMMED UP IN ONE SINGLE SENTENCE, THE ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Ex certs from the book Pawns in the game. William Guy Carr. Admiral Barry Domville...suspected the Bolshevik revolution in Russia had been plotted and planned, financed and directed, by the men who considered the liquidation of the British empire was essential before they could achieve undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and man power of the entire world. Both Captain Ramsey and Admiral Domvile tried from 1936 to 1939 to prevent Britain becoming engaged in a war with Germany, because they considered international Jewry intended to arrange a war in which the German and British empires would destroy each other. The people who survived could be easily subjugated by communism afterwards in exactly the same way Russia had been communized. Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich agreement. Peace in our time. Immediately after this announcement was made the press controlled by the international bankers, started an anti Fascist campaign of hate. Captain Ramsey had promised Chamberlain that he would produce documentary evidence to prove a conspiracy existed to force Britain into declaring war on Germany. This evidence consisted of secret coded cables from Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt. Even though Britain had declared war, Hitler refused to depart from the policy he had set forth in Mein Kampf regarding Britain and her Empire. He ordered the Generals in command of the famous Panzer corps, to halt on May 22nd 1940, when they could have easily driven the British armies into the sea or made them surrender. They wanted Chamberlain out of the way so they could put Winston Churchill in his place and turn the phoney war into a shooting war. History reveals that Mr Chamberlain was ousted as prime minister in May 1940 in much the same way as Asquith was ousted in 1913. Churchill assumed office as Prime Minister May 11th, 1940. He ordered the R.A.F to start bombing German cities and towns that night. On May 23rd 1940 during the first two weeks of Mr Churchills Premiership he used the obsolete regulation (18-B) to arrest all of the prominent people who had tried to prevent Britain being dragged into a war with Germany. Many hundreds of British subjects were arrested without any charge being made against them. They were thrown into prison without trial under Regulation 18-B, which deprived them of rights and privileges of the Habeas Corpus act. Magna Carta was ignored and ridiculed. Captain Ramsey, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, their wives and friends were thrown into Brixton prison, they were treated like criminals, and far worse than prisoners on remand. Captain Ramsey tells the whole story of the events that led up to his arrest and imprisonment in his book the Nameless War, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile tells of his experience in his book from Admiral to cabin boy. These are books which should be read by every person interested in the continuance of freedom.528 views 1 comment -
9/11: World Trade Center Building Demolition Evidence (Part 1 of 7)
CLANSONDid you know [or even aware] that a third building also "collapsed" on 9/11 2001 at 5:20 PM (EST)?!? World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, housed offices of the CIA, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts [up to 4,000 cases] of corporate tax fraud; including the ENRON and WorldCom scandals), United States Secret Service, Department of Defense, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Securities, Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) [with more stock fraud records], Citibank’s Salomon Smith Barney, and Mayor Rudy Giuliani's United States federal government "emergency bunker" -- just to name a few! ALL evidence records and back-up tapes of corporate fraud electronic mail from September 1998 through December 2000 stored in this building were conveniently destroyed to rubble in 6.5 seconds. "Case [literally] closed!" FOREKNOWLEDGE: BBC REPORTED A THIRD BUILDING, WTC 7, 'COLLAPSED' ON 9/11 23-MINUTES BEFOREHAND On the afternoon of 9/11 and AFTER both twin towers collapsed, BBC News correspondent, Jane Standley, reported LIVE that the Salomon Brothers' Building (WTC 7) had collapsed, unaware that the intact building is clearly visible behind her. WTC 7 not only housed Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Emergency Management bunker, but also housed offices for the CIA, FBI, SEC, and the Secret Service. It is VERY important to pay close attention to the LACK of public, official, and media attention to WTC 7. Most people are unaware that a WTC 7 building existed; much less, do NOT know the circumstances surrounding its collapse. Do you know that this building has already been rebuilt? This may very well be because those involved did not want to draw attention to this building. Such publicity may have caused people to ask about a building so blatantly ignored on that fateful day. And, if they knew, they may have started poking around for answers to the obvious questions! You would think that rebuilding the first WTC structure would have been a LOUD statement to the so-called terrorists. You would also think it would stand out as a symbol of American strength and resolve. And yet, the reconstruction of this building went on completed with a virtual media blackout and to the surprise of anyone who eventually finds out about it. It is equally vital to ask these questions: If construction of the new WTC 7 was started in 2002 and completed in May of 2006, when was the replacement building originally planned? How long does it take to draw up the plans? And most importantly, why did the government NOT tell the American people -- [if] it has nothing to hide. Over 3,160 architects and engineers confirm it 'collapsed' by a controlled demolition. VISIT: AE911Truth.org for additional interesting video evidence. *** Second American Revolution: Rise Against US Government Corruption http://tinyurl.com/pr6ufxz FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 US Code § 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.619 views -
9/11: World Trade Center Building Demolition Evidence (Part 6 of 7)
CLANSONDid you know [or even aware] that a third building also "collapsed" on 9/11 2001 at 5:20 PM (EST)?!? World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, housed offices of the CIA, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts [up to 4,000 cases] of corporate tax fraud; including the ENRON and WorldCom scandals), United States Secret Service, Department of Defense, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Securities, Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) [with more stock fraud records], Citibank’s Salomon Smith Barney, and Mayor Rudy Giuliani's United States federal government "emergency bunker" -- just to name a few! ALL evidence records and back-up tapes of corporate fraud electronic mail from September 1998 through December 2000 stored in this building were conveniently destroyed to rubble in 6.5 seconds. "Case [literally] closed!" FOREKNOWLEDGE: BBC REPORTED A THIRD BUILDING, WTC 7, 'COLLAPSED' ON 9/11 23-MINUTES BEFOREHAND On the afternoon of 9/11 and AFTER both twin towers collapsed, BBC News correspondent, Jane Standley, reported LIVE that the Salomon Brothers' Building (WTC 7) had collapsed, unaware that the intact building is clearly visible behind her. WTC 7 not only housed Mayor Rudy Giuliani's Emergency Management bunker, but also housed offices for the CIA, FBI, SEC, and the Secret Service. It is VERY important to pay close attention to the LACK of public, official, and media attention to WTC 7. Most people are unaware that a WTC 7 building existed; much less, do NOT know the circumstances surrounding its collapse. Do you know that this building has already been rebuilt? This may very well be because those involved did not want to draw attention to this building. Such publicity may have caused people to ask about a building so blatantly ignored on that fateful day. And, if they knew, they may have started poking around for answers to the obvious questions! You would think that rebuilding the first WTC structure would have been a LOUD statement to the so-called terrorists. You would also think it would stand out as a symbol of American strength and resolve. And yet, the reconstruction of this building went on completed with a virtual media blackout and to the surprise of anyone who eventually finds out about it. It is equally vital to ask these questions: If construction of the new WTC 7 was started in 2002 and completed in May of 2006, when was the replacement building originally planned? How long does it take to draw up the plans? And most importantly, why did the government NOT tell the American people -- [if] it has nothing to hide. Over 3,160 architects and engineers confirm it 'collapsed' by a controlled demolition. VISIT: AE911Truth.org for additional interesting video evidence. *** Second American Revolution: Rise Against US Government Corruption http://tinyurl.com/pr6ufxz FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 US Code § 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.852 views -
'Why Did James Fetzer Menace Dr Judy Wood Over Directed Energy Weapons' - 2013
Info WormPublished on Jul 1, 2013 "This raises serious questions , James Fetzer controls most of the narritive in main stream media , but if you look back 6 years you see James Fetzer mimicking Dr Judy Wood points endlessly . So why the flip and why the threats to silence Dr Woods , Fetzers has no issue with Dr Steven Jones , Dr Greg Jenkins , Dr Neils Harrit , Alienscientist , because they repeat the same lines for a decade about 911 . Dr Judy Woods gives you endless amount of new info all of it backed up . So why does everyone flock to Jim Fetzers associates and why do they ignore Dr Judy Woods remarkable research , remember James Fetzer is not a engineer he teaches language " If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691 Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)1.95K views -
Zeitgeist: 9/11
911 Must See DocumentariesDirector Peter Joseph Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007) is a treatment on Mythology and Belief in society today presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues. https://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/watch-now Fair Use Act Disclaimer This site is for educational purposes only!! **FAIR USE** Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.16K views 11 comments -
No planes on 9/11 ???
Revisiting 9/11The cover picture is one of the indisputable proofs that everything that has been said about the twin towers is false The footprint of the Imperial Japanese Zero kamikaze plane on the side of HMS Sussex, 1945. And it would be the same with the twin towers without magic... A plane does not fit in an entire round... even though the thousands of metals are much thicker than this boat hull And above all the wings do not fit So it's all wrong... And it gets worse and worse... 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html Jerm Warfare: https://jermwarfare.com/ 9/11 Plane research: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/566 views -
Hurricane Erin - Pt.1 Manufactured Storm | IRREFUTABLE Episode 6
Info MatrixHurricane Erin - Pt.1 Manufactured Storm | IRREFUTABLE Episode 6245 views -
Dr. Judy Wood - Directed Energy Weapons | GlobalBEM
Just a DudeEvidence Of Breakthrough Energy Technology On 9/11 Dr. Wood makes superb and quite convincing observations about the evidence from 9/11 and also cautions her listeners from making speculative assertions that disregard the evidence. Ironically, most of the actual physical evidence from 9/11 was intentionally destroyed/removed under the authority of the New York Governor at the time. Release Date: 2012 ............... 🔗 All Credit To GlobalBEM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadSaWyiozg 🔗 GlobalBEM WebSite: https://globalbem.com/ ............... ✳️ Watch - 9/11: An Infinite Dream ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v2ynjo6-911-an-infinite-dream.html ✳️ Watch - On September 10, 2001, Def Sec Donald Rumsfeld Announces That $2.3 Trillion Were Missing From Pentagon ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v18pjcx-september-10-2001-def-sec-donald-rumsfeld-announces-that-2.3-trillion-were-.html ✳️ Watch - Cynthia McKinney Questions Donald Rumsfeld About The Missing Trillions, Human Trafficking & 9/11 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v18pojl-cynthia-mckinney-questions-donald-rumsfeld-about-the-missing-trillions-huma.html ✳️ Watch - Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Take On 9/11: "They Wanted It To Happen" ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkby8-former-gov.-jesse-ventura-take-on-911-they-wanted-it-to-happen.html ✳️ Watch - Geraldo Rivera Does 9/11 Truth Segment About Building 7 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk21x-geraldo-rivera-does-911-truth-segment-about-building-7.html ✳️ Watch - Do You Support A New 9/11 Investigation!? ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk5md-do-you-support-a-new-911-investigation.html ✳️ Watch - Bill Cooper Predicted 9/11 In Advance And 'Died' Shortly After ► HERE: https://rumble.com/vxkorj-bill-cooper-predicted-911-in-advance-and-died-shortly-after.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk7kx-911-suspects-the-dancing-israelis.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 - In Plane Sight ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkgv9-911-in-plane-sight.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 War Games ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jki1e-911-war-games.html ✳️ Watch - JFK To 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkpv5-jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick.html ✳️ Watch - WWE Predictive Programming 9/11 In 1989 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v23vy5u-wwe-predictive-programming-911-in-1989.html ............... ► If you're reading this, please throw a 😎 in the comments section! Thank you! ............... PLATFORMS WHERE YOU CAN FIND ME: • Telegram: https://t.me/JustDudeChannel • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JustDudeChannel • Gab: https://gab.com/JustDudeChannel • Minds: https://www.minds.com/justdudechannel/?referrer=justdudechannel ............... SUPPORT JUST A DUDE: • PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/4a95f9t414.1K views 22 comments -
9/11 Alchemy - A Big Idea
Revisiting 9/119/11 Alchemy: A Big Idea | 20 Years Later A 20-year memorial documentary produced by Chris Hampton, dedicated to exposing the real truth about what happened on 9/11 by referencing interesting numerological symbology.. Give him a follow on Patreon, look for Chris Hampton.3.21K views 15 comments -
9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality (Full Documentary)
Ihateusernames123465https://conspyre.tv/video/11252/9-11-alchemy-facing-reality-full-documentary310 views