We Cry Holy! Come Jesus Come! Praises Going Up - Blessings Coming Down!
Watchman On The WallPraise the Lord, Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2022&version=KJV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2028&version=KJV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbNV0ZZjuW0 MP182 views 3 comments -
The Complete 21 Delta Prophecy - נבואת 21 הדלתא
Watchman On The Wallministermaxson@comcast.net This message was given over a 9 day period in June 2021 as things shown were occurring at times in REAL time and other times the very next day. If you are just now starting to watch this pray it isn't too late!!30 comments -
7-23-21 Miracle Day - 21 Delta Today Israel & France Make The Snakebite Mandatory!
Watchman On The WallThis is the important conclusion to a prophecy given last month all coming to pass today and it's spinning out of control. Banned From YouTube spread this far and wide please for Jesus! Original Here In Full: The Complete 21 Delta Prophecy - נבואת 21 הדלתא https://rumble.com/viug83-21-delta-complete-21-.html1.16K views 16 comments -
UN Resolution 377 For Israel Invoked: Sudden Destruction!
Watchman On The WallPraise the Lord, Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!304 views 2 comments