Nimrod: The True Story of the Tower of Babel - Trey Smith
Old World Disclosure and forgotten historyTreySmith/GodInANutshell https://www.youtube.com/@treysmithnutshell Nimrod: The True Story of the Tower of Babel is an expositional study on the Biblical Nimrod by Trey Smith: https://www.godinanutshell.com/ In this roughly one hour study on Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, we examine and make the case that these events recorded in the Book of Genesis were factual history. This study is provided in full by Trey Smith and the God in a Nutshell project. Channel Disclaimer: As always I do not take credit for the content or the research represented here, nor do I seek to profit from it, I seek only to act as a gatekeeper to the truth.2.88K views -
The Titanic Secret Of Jekyll Island! - Robert Sepehr
Old World Disclosure and forgotten historyJekyll Island is located off the coast of the state of Georgia, where a secret gathering of elite bankers and politicians took place in 1910 laying the foundations for the Federal Reserve System in 1913, a year after the sinking of the Titanic (or sister ship Olympic). Three of the wealthiest Americans living at the time, none of whose wealth came from banking and all opposed to the formation of a central bank, passed away on the maiden voyage of Titanic: (((Benjamin Guggenheim))), (((Isidor Straus))), and John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time. Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author (books also available through other book outlets) http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00... Thank you for supporting Robert Sepehr! http://buymeacoffee.com/robertsepehr Robert Sepehr Links https://linktr.ee/RobertSepehr Channel Disclaimer: As always I do not take credit for the content or the research represented here, nor do I seek to profit from it, I seek only to act as a gatekeeper to the truth.3.59K views 1 comment -
Aliens & Demons - Michael S. Heiser
Old World Disclosure and forgotten historyUFO conventions may not seem like a good place for a Christian theology professor, but that’s where you can sometimes find Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament scholar and author of the book, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. Dr. Heiser’s interest in UFO stories has led him to ask intriguing questions like, are all these stories of unidentified objects in the sky and alien abductions merely the product of sci-fi fantasy run amuck or could there be something deeper hidden under the surface? In this provocative documentary, Dr. Michael Heiser explores the unexpected intersection between UFOs, alien abductions, the world of angels and demons, and the ancient texts that speak of them. Channel Disclaimer: As always I do not take credit for the content or the research represented here, nor do I seek to profit from it, I seek only to act as a gatekeeper to the truth.4.31K views 1 comment