GitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICEOriginal Jack "PizzaLover - PedoBastard" Dorsey and many more already executed - FIRST INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP ON THE TWITTER FILES -->> https://rumble.com/v21r8os-interview-with-president-trump-on-the-twitter-files.html?mref=nmtun&mrefc=2 - FBI - FBI instructed Twitter to censor the biggest story of the election -->> https://rumble.com/v21s6ui-fbi-fbi-instructed-twitter-to-censor-the-biggest-story-of-the-election.html?mref=nmtun&mrefc=2 - TWITTER FILES PART 7 - FBI was running a psychological operation against Twitter executives -->> https://rumble.com/v21s67g-twitter-files-part-7-fbi-was-running-a-psychological-operation-against-twit.html?mref=nmtun&mrefc=2 - TWITTER DORSEY WAS A PEDO BASTARD TOO - TRUMPED -->> https://rumble.com/v1n5w3k-twitter-dorsey-was-a-pedo-bastard-too-trumped.html - TWITTER‘S TRANSGENDER AGENDA - PEDO DORSEY -->> https://rumble.com/v1lz6x8-twitters-transgender-agenda-pedo-dorsey.html - TWITTER - THE FRAUD BOT Elitist snobs COMPANY -- https://rumble.com/v1q6p57-twitter-the-fraud-bot-elitist-snobs-company.html - 💥 TWITTER FILES and RUSSIAGATE - False Claims Of Russian Election Interference confirmed ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v2596gj-twitter-files-and-russiagate-false-claims-of-russian-election-interference-.html - 💥 FBI - FBI instructed Twitter to censor the biggest story of the election --->>>> https://rumble.com/v21s6ui-fbi-fbi-instructed-twitter-to-censor-the-biggest-story-of-the-election.html - B💥💥💥💥M Watters: "The FBI rigged the 2020 election". --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ix9lx-bm-watters-the-fbi-rigged-the-2020-election..html - 🔥 5:5 HOW TRAITORS & PEDO CRIMINALS HAVE END - LAST RATS ARE NEXT ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1jspx5-55-how-traitors-and-pedo-criminals-end.html - >>> Death PENALTY for >> HIGH CRIMES >> TREASON >> CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - NO MERCY NO DEALS https://t.me/GitmoTV https://t.me/TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE4.12K views 6 comments