Round 2 - Kapner vs King
theadamkingshowIn this deeply anticipated rematch, King and Kapner square off again to resolve some unfinished business...4.9K views 60 comments -
A Must Share: Stew Interviews Brother Nathanael Kapner On Who Really Controls Global Power 18+++
teddolbiRabbi on Antisemitism - When their (human race) attitude towards the Jewish People Changes, the world is perfect https://odysee.com/@R.A.I.N.:0/Rabbi-When-their-human-race-attitude-towards-the-Jewish-People-Changes-the-world-is-perfect:3 . IDF Unit 8200 Officer Defines Enemies of Israel, Presents Precise Solutions, Is Extremely Honest https://rumble.com/v45jrth-idf-unit-8200-officer-defines-enemies-of-israel-presents-precise-solutions-.html . Judge w/Aaron Maté : Biden Boxed In. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rxWhPVzYHk . His Excellency Bishop Williamson Debunks the Accepted Holocaust Narrative - Terrible Thing To Say! https://rumble.com/v41t2n2-his-excellency-bishop-williamson-debunks-the-accepted-holocaust-narrative-t.html . Interviews of Bishop Richard Williamson Part VI: lies piling over lies, from Holocaust, 911 to Covid https://rumble.com/v41pfx9-interviews-of-bishop-richard-williamson-part-vi-lies-piling-over-lies-from-.html . . Benjamin H. Freedman: 1961 Willard Hotel Speech (Full Unedited)-Genesis WWI WWII and WWIII 2:45 min https://rumble.com/v3nczn4-benjamin-h.-freedman-1961-willard-hotel-speech-full-unedited-genesis-wwi-ww.html . . Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years, Talmud - Book by Professor Israel Shahak Review https://www.unz.com/article/jewish-history-jewish-religion-a-review/ Short Version https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/10/jewish-history-jewish-religion-the-weight-of-3000-years/ The Book https://www.islam-radio.net/islam/english/books/jewhis/ . . The International Jew – Book by Henry Ford Preface http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee261/FrankPilla/6_20_13/FORD_zpse1879765.jpg Index https://www.islam-radio.net/ford/index.htm The Book https://www.islam-radio.net/ford/TheInternationalJew.pdf . . Brother Nathanael illustrates The Protocols of the Elders of Zion https://rumble.com/v3zywfg-brother-nathanael-illustrates-the-protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion.html . The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion (1903): Full Audiobook in modern English https://rumble.com/v3zys5a-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-1903-full-audiobook-in-modern-e.html - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 3h 39m Plus Books https://rumble.com/v401x8y-the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-3h-39m-plus-books.html . . President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has me convinced. Let’s send him more money. https://rumble.com/v48tsk2-president-zelenskyy-of-ukraine-has-me-convinced.-lets-send-him-more-money..html . Holly Sh*t: New York Tunnel Rabbis. Tunnel Linking Synagogue to Women's Ritual Bath Discovered https://rumble.com/v47hoy6-new-york-tunnel-rabbis-linking-synagogue-to-womens-ritual-bath-is-discovere.html . Alex Jones Interviews The Controversial Brother Nathanael Kapner But Immediately Regrets It https://rumble.com/v44z2so-alex-jones-interviews-the-controversial-brother-nathanael-kapner-but-immedi.html . . STAY THE F-CK AWAY FROM BLACK PEOPLE https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111782225922811384 . EDUCATIONAL: ABOUT FOUNDING FATHERS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111771560252244960 . BROTHER NATHANAEL NEWS https://www.realjewnews.com/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/brothernathanael/ .. REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111730502667078300 .. WOKE WEST: DIVERSITY IS ITS STRENGTH HARD HITTING INFO https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/109047406004836961 . NEWS THAT DID NOT MAKE THE NEWS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111719010942719891 . BANNED FILMS DOCUMENTARIES https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111735973550485697 . FORBIDDEN VIDEOS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111735991661412921 . HARD HITTING INFO ON THE TRUE NATURE OF BLACKS. https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/110966861764981392 . . SOURCE https://rumble.com/v47ugdb-live-stew-interviews-brother-nathanael-kapner-on-jews-zionism-and-who-reall.html BACKUP https://rumble.com/v4904sx-stew-interviews-brother-nathanael-kapner-on-jews-zionism-and-who-really-con.html . Time Stamps 49:00 Jews Want to Destroy White Christian Majority in USA. They want to destroy the whites. 56: 00 the CV19 Injections distributed in Israel were Saline/Salt-Water .6.51K views 31 comments -
LIVE: Brother Nathanael Kapner Reacts To Tucker/Putin Interview, NATO/Ukraine War Propaganda EXPOSED
Stew Peters NetworkFrom the Stew Peters Network, the producer of the World-Changing Documentary Died Suddenly, comes what will be yet another EXPLOSIVE documentary that will change the way you think about Taxes and the American government! Watch Slave Nation at: https://stewpeters.com/watch-slave-nation-now/ Brother Nathanael Kapner is back with Stew to talk about Vladimir Putin’s Russian Orthodox roots and NATO propaganda. Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com! Keep The Stew Peters Show FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below! Protect your retirement and wealth, get up to $10k in FREE SILVER using this link: http://stewlikesgold.com 100 million Americans suffer from fatty liver, it's time to stop it! Go to http://www.getliverhelp.com/STEW to claim your special offer & receive a FREE gift - bottle of Blood Sugar Formula 70 Ingenious DIY Projects to Survive a World Without Electricity: https://nogridprojects.com/stew/ Bioptimizers can help YOU feel great! Control your blood sugar levels and energy with Blood Sugar Breakthrough buy clicking the link and using code stewpeters10 at checkout: http://bioptimizers.com/sp Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to http://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF! Health resolutions can be made easy with Field of Greens! Get started on their super-fruit and vegetable supplements to support your whole body by going to http://www.fieldofgreens.com/ and use promo code STEW for 15% off! The U.S. power grid is on the brink of collapse, prepare for the future with Survival Scoop https://survivalistscoop.com/stewpeters Let This Soft Candy Melt In Your Mouth To Rebuild Your Gums and Teeth. To learn more, go to https://prodentim.com/stew Jumpstart your body with the world's strongest IGF-1 at http://www.getigf1.com/. Use code STEW & Save 50% with autoship.81.1K views 301 comments -
LIVE: Stew Interviews Brother Nathanael Kapner On Jews, Zionism, & Who Really Controls Global Power
Stew Peters NetworkBrother Nathanael Kapner joins Stew Peters for the full hour to talk about Jews, Zionists, and what the scriptures say about the spirit of the antiChrist. Watch this new segment NOW at https://StewPeters.com Keep The Stew Peters Show FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below! Protect your retirement and wealth, get up to $10k in FREE SILVER using this link: http://stewlikesgold.com 100 million Americans suffer from fatty liver, it's time to stop it! Go to http://www.getliverhelp.com/STEW to claim your special offer & receive a FREE gift - bottle of Blood Sugar Formula Stew Peters has carefully crafted his own line of supplements, PURGE your Body of The Invaders! Go To https://purgesuddenly.com Order your tickets today for the premiere Patriot freedom rally of 2024! Speakers include Stew Peters, Steve Kirsch, and Mindy Robinson. Orlando, FL, February 2-5, reserve your spot today! https://restorefreedomrally.org Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to http://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF! Start the 14 day sleep challenge and get rejuvenated with Bioptimizer's Magnesium Challenge by checking out http://www.magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters and use code stewpeters10 at checkout! Your New Years health resolutions can be made easy with Field of Greens! Get started on their super-fruit and vegetable supplements to support your whole body by going to www.FieldofGreens.com and use promo code STEW for 15% off! The U.S. power grid is on the brink of collapse, prepare for the future with Survival Scoop https://survivalistscoop.com/stewpeters Let This Soft Candy Melt In Your Mouth To Rebuild Your Gums and Teeth. To learn more, go to prodentim.com/stew Satellite Phone is here to keep you connected when the grid goes down. Check out https://sat123.com/stew/ and use code Stew for all sorts of off-the-gird tech! John Jubilee of Energized Health says you can transform your body with deep-cell hydration! Find the step-by-step by going to http://EnergizedHealth.com Jumpstart your body with the world's strongest IGF-1 at http://www.getigf1.com/. Use code STEW & Save 50% with autoship.119K views 698 comments