CodeBreakers Live: What’s going on with the Inauguration? | With Clay Clark
Kim Clement - House Of DestinyGIVE A TAX-FREE DONATION: Tithe.ly: https://buff.ly/4f4VcEk What’s going on with the Inauguration? Drones, the Trump Inauguration moving indoors—could this be a security measure? Today, I am joined by Clay Clark from the Reawaken America Tour, and we’ll dive into what he has uncovered. Back in 2007, from Arizona, my father prophesied about Donald Trump, declaring he would be at the helm for two terms. This is God’s promise, and today we’ll break it down together. HOW DOES THE GREAT RESET AND THE 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION WORK? https://buff.ly/4hoIBfF China’s Top Drone Maker Removes Security Features at a Very Weird Time - https://buff.ly/4gdff2U Elon Musk & Netanyahu - https://buff.ly/40IPmST Covid 666 - https://buff.ly/3CsnVEq Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? - https://buff.ly/40utuum May You Live In Interesting Times Chinese translation - https://buff.ly/4an6iT0 The Year of the Snake - https://buff.ly/3CjnpbV Iain m banks culture series - https://buff.ly/40CfnV0 Doge Eastern Roman Empire - https://buff.ly/4hjKWZa _________________ Join the Kim Clement Prophecy Vault Today! 🔗 https://prophecyvault.houseofdestiny.org/info/ GIVE A TAX-FREE DONATION PayPal: https://bit.ly/3AxIMSn WEBSITE: https://bit.ly/3Ayf3bY CALL TO DONATE: 866-546-4366 Text GIFT and any amount to 43965 SEND YOUR DONATION TO: MAILING ADDRESS: House of Destiny PO Box 470529 Tulsa, OK 74147-0529 PARTNER PROGRAMS: https://bit.ly/3AzqDU4 __________________ Buy from My Pillow and use the Promo Code for up to 80% discount - Kim Clement: https://www.mypillow.com/kimclement Secure your financial freedom in Gold or Silver. Use reference Kim Clement on the form: https://bhpm.com Email us your prayer requests: Hope@houseofdestiny.org JOIN KIM CLEMENT EMAIL LIST: https://bit.ly/3GWeUCU ___________________ SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: FACEBOOK: @prophetkimclement / @houseofdestinynetwork TWITTER: @prophetkim / @HOD_online INSTAGRAM: @officialkimclement / @houseofdestinynetwork RUMBLE: https://bit.ly/3L8ZVXy TIKTOK: @ProphetKimClement TELEGRAM: https://bit.ly/3HdhxQU TRUTH SOCIAL: https://bit.ly/3n7C56u _________________________________ WEBSITE: http://www.houseofdestiny.org ONLINE STORE: https://bit.ly/44ab1nU From My Garden Mantle Now Available - https://bit.ly/41W1gYc Kim Clement - “Daily Light Devotional”: https://bit.ly/41GYYN7 Prophetic Revelations: A Collection of Letters from the Pen of Kim Clement: Available with a gift of $25 or more! https://buff.ly/3R1zmq3 #houseofdestiny #kimclement #prophecy #Trump #inauguration17.1K views 54 comments