Setting up Bullet Seating Dies/Seating Bullets using COAL and CBTO (EXTREME RELOADING ep. 14)
God, Guns, & Family ManGet comfortable folks, this video is a doozy. Lots of bullet seating topics will be covered in this video from setting up bullet seating dies, to understanding and measuring cartridge overall length (COAL), understanding and measuring cartridge base to ogive (CBTO), and finally actually seating bullets, along with lots of tips along the way. Timeline: 00:00 - Intro 00:54 - Type of seating dies 02:43 - Load data and COAL 07:28 - Setting up bullet seating dies 10:10 - Competition seating dies 12:23 - COAL and magazines 16:19 - Extreme seating 16:43 - Measuring CBTO 18:58 - What is ogive? 19:49 - A better way to measure 21:04 - Measuring run out 24:23 - Seating bullets 26:09 - Wrap up Links: Season 9 playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_KBTsQIm0U6_sHSNCOqdYymoIIzPTepP Measuring CBTO https://youtu.be/YTIFRL0ya4w?si=tm4UqOu8GBwro6B8 Concentricity https://youtu.be/XIUBCa4FCag?si=qejnwkbMiEPHSr2G Link to reloading checklist https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cz7ch7nc3ct1aoywm5a7w/Reloading-Checklist-sheets-20230801.xlsx?rlkey=h5lfhqcub225m3slceyjvr5x7&dl=0 (NOTE: You do not need a dropbox account to access this file)881 views