playlist thumnail


13 videos
Updated 18 days ago
WATCH ALL EPISODES: ✔️ The series chronicles the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics". Set after the year 2627, the series takes place in a post-apocalyptic jungle in the vicinity of the ruins of New York City (now known as "The City in the Sea"). Societies have had to re-learn 20th-century technology, lost due to a never-explicitly-stated catastrophe, and have only been partially successful in doing so. The Mechanics have maintained much "Old World" technology and knowledge. Jack Tenrec's often-reluctant companion is Hannah Dundee, an ambassador from Wasoon somewhere south, a place technologically much further behind than the City in the Sea. Dundee hires Tenrec as a liaison, while she attempts to create clear communication between her land and the modern civilization. Since the catastrophe, much of the former United States has gone wild with many species of dinosaurs spontaneously reappearing after going extinct. Together, Jack and Hannah confront the serious issues facing the futuristic environment that humanity has come to inhabit. Jack also has Hermes, a juvenile "cutter" that Jack hand-reared after the latter's mother's death. Gentle with Jack and Hannah, he can still be rather fierce when angered. The show also includes a race of intelligent lizards called "Griths". Jack and his crew square off against opposition including the triumvirate Council of Governors, particularly Jack's archenemy Wilhelmina Scharnhorst, and Hammer Terhune's gang.
  1. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 1 Rogue
  2. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 2 Dino Drive
  3. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 3 Death Ray
  4. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 4 Siege
  5. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 5 Wild Child
  6. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 6 Mind Over Matter
  7. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 7 Survival
  8. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 8 It Only Comes Out at Night
  9. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 9 Remembrance
  10. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Episode 10 Pursuit