playlist thumnail

Fallout 4

5 videos
Updated 5 months ago
I have played this game before but I have never finished it and I plan on finishing it this time for my channel. YouTube: @KoolBreeze420 If you can or want to help me out with some food money or buy me a Cola; now you can. I set up a tip jar on PayPal. If you're wondering why I made this tip jar link here's a bit of my story. I'm a disabled man and a widower. I get a pension of $1308.00 per month. Imagine paying out rent, services and food let alone things like computer parts. So the money will be going directly to food & maybe clothes if I get enough, it will not be going to alcohol or drugs ( I’m sure some would like to know this). For transparency sakes, I want you to know that it costs roughly 0.068 per dollar when it's converted to Canadian dollars, which I guess is fine but It feels kinda odd that donations are subjected to a fee. Thank you I can’t express how much you’re donations mean to me!
  1. Fallout Episode 4!
  2. Fallout 4 The first hour!
  3. Fallout 4 Episode 2!
  4. Fallout 4 Episode 3!
  5. Fallout 4 Episode 4!