A Global Flood & The Ice Age - What Does Geology Tell Us?
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Michael J. Oard explores the evidence for only one Ice Age caused by the global Flood just a few thousand years ago. He also looks at the associate mysteries of the Ice Age. Since the 1700’s we’ve been told that the there have been many ice ages over millions of years, but now meteorologist Michael Oard shares evidence the main-line scientific community won’t tell you. He’ll share compelling evidence for only one Ice Age not long after the end of the global Flood as recorded in the Bible. He’ll show how the Flood produced the right conditions to develop the Ice Age in 500-700 years, then how a catastrophic melt off transpired in only 50-70 years. He’ll also share why only one Ice Age explains many associated mysteries such as the extension of the woolly mammoth and other mammals, massive permanent climate change, and the spread of man and animals after the Flood. He’ll show how the Biblical record makes much more sense of what we find the in the geologic record. -Flood Geology -Cascade Mountains of Oregon -The Extinctions -Wet Deserts -Flood Erratic Boulder -Lake Bonneville Flood -Extinction of Woolly Mammoths -Five Major Ice Ages -Theories of the Ice Age -Noahs Flood & Ice Ages -Depth of Ice -Jackson Hole -Lake Roosevelt -The Laurentide Ice Sheet -Warm Period -The Little Ice Age -Astronomical Theory -Post Flood Ice Age -Chinook Effect -The Late Ice Age -Dust Storms -The Ice Age Video Credit: @Christian Movies346 views 2 comments -
Forbidden History - Footprints in Stone (Evidence of a Young Earth)
Amos37Does the fossil record give us evidence of man and dinosaurs living contemporaneously? If there was evidence, what would be done with it, and how would today's academia respond? Journey on an adventure, digging into the past, exploring the present, and uncovering the truth about dinosaurs, man, and their footprints in stone. https://www.footprintsinstone.com/the-footprints/delk-footprint/ The Paluxy river controversy began around 1982 with Dr. Baugh’s discovery of a human footprint 17″ from a dinosaur track on the McFall property after excavating the overburden. The Dallas Fort Worth Star ran several articles one titled “Tracks Step on Evolution”. Dr. Baugh was contacted by the three major national news TV stations, ABC, CBS, and NBC for an interview. Dr. Baugh was promised a TV interview but it never materialized. However a national radio interview was carried out and aired with ABC. Additionally, reverend Stanley Taylor’s film “Footprints in Stone” was made in 1972 and continued to be circulated around the US. All the publicity of Glen Rose finally got the attention of atheist groups and individuals. Several teams came down to see the tracks. A very young Richard Dawkins even showed up in the town of Glen Rose to belittle the so called “human footprints” in a documentary that was shown on NOVA. But the biggest antagonist of the human tracks was a computer programmer named Glen J Kuban who was living in Ohio at the time. If one Googles “Paluxy River tracks” Kuban’s website is one of the first of many to come up to debunk the tracks and discredit Carl Baugh and Don Patton’s credentials. He and Ron Hastings, a science teacher from TX, traveled to Glen Rose and investigated the Paluxy tracks around 1985. They were even included in the documentary which featured Richard Dawkins debunking the “man track” claims. They took pictures, measurements, and gathered data finally concluding that the tracks were a type of dinosaur track called a tridactyl metatarsal track. Kuban pointed out that tridactyl prints were seen in most of the prints in the “Taylor” trail. The atheists cried foul and said that the tracks were made by dinosaurs and not humans. So what is the evidence? See testimonies and more evidence. https://www.footprintsinstone.com/the-controversy/442 views -
Mount St Helens Eruption Catastrophe & Noahs Flood
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.What did Scientists learn from the aftermath of the Eruption of Mount St. Helens? Dr. Steve Austin explores how the events at Mount St. Helens could give us a key to the past in understanding how the catastrophic world wide flood changed the face of the earth. This is observation science and not theory. Take a Geological look at how a Canyon was formed in 6 days! -Rapid Strata Formation -Rapid Erosion -Logs and Log Deposits -Peat & Coal Formation -Biological Recovery In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists.” Thirty years later, geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about the catastrophic processes that reshaped the terrain and how they support the Biblical record of Earth’s history. He presents his research on how the events at Mount St. Helens reveal catastrophic processes in other geologic features such as the Grand Canyon and petrified forests at Yellowstone. The formation of these features has been thought to have taken millions of years, but because of the events at Mount St. Helens, it can now be explained by catastrophic processes, especially the Global Flood recorded in the Bible. Video Credit: @Christian Movies564 views 3 comments