Fall of Cabal Part 1
CaptKylePatriotsThe Fall of the Cabal series has been one of the best ways to educate yourself and others on the Deep State (illuminati) and the depth of it all. Presented and created by Cynthia Koeter and Janet Ossebaard. FallCabal.com Here is part 1. Please join our Telegram channel so you can listen live and take part in the Q and A discussion segments where Capt. Kyle and his guests answer questions from our members. Join our telegram channel with this link: https//t.me/CaptKylePatriots Capt Kyle Renegade Matrix Warrior A member of family of light Warriors for altering systems of consciousness within the free will universe. More places to find Capt Kyle CaptKyle Patriots Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Capt-Kyle-Patriots-112426071739797/ CaptKyle Patriots Telegram channel https//t.me/CaptKylePatriots CaptKyle Patriots Twitter (X) page https://twitter.com/CaptKylePatriot14.1K views 3 comments