Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
RAVries👉📌A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. ~ Edward R. Murrow📌 America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 American documentary by filmmaker and activist Aaron Russo, covering a variety of subjects that Russo contends are detrimental to Americans. Topics include the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags, Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the use of terrorism by the government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights. 📌THIS DOCUMENTARY REVEALS THE DEVELOPMENTS THAT PAVED THE ROAD, AND PRIMED THE MINDS OF THE MASSES, FOR THE CovID19 CRIME, WHICH IS THE LAST & FINAL STEP TOWARDS THE REALIZATION & IMPLEMENTATION OF A WORLDWIDE TOTALITARIAN CORPORATE SYSTEM OF MURDER, EXPLOITATION & CONTROL.📌 🔻👇🔻 When watching this documentary, ALL MUST COMPREHEND, that there are TWO SYSTEMS OF LAW. One is the system of law, that almost everyone BELIEVES is the law, which is Common Law and Criminal Law. The other is a system of corporate statutes, also referred to as statute law. And it is THIS system, that rules in total & complete violation of Common Law and Criminal Law, in the ENTIRE global human farm of today. Thus, when you see, and hear, in this documentary, that a judge does not allow Supreme Court decisions, or the Law, in his courtroom, or you see and hear the statements of other judges, that act in total & complete contradiction to & violation of Common Law or Criminal Law, which you believe is the law, it is because ALL judges of today DO NOT REPRESENT THE SYSTEM OF LAW, THAT YOU THINK OR BELIEVE THEY DO. Judges of today are -- ALL -- COMMERCIAL bankers, representing the commercial globalist system of UCC law. UCC is short for Uniform Commercial Code. To learn more about this fraudulent and criminal system of UCC statute law, that rules alone in this human slave farm (that's what it is) of today, please watch the following presentations (some of which are also inserted in the list (at the bottom in this description) of other documentaries that you can also watch, to learn more about the world that we live in, and how and why it runs the way it does.. 👉KNOW WHAT YOU ARE & STAND YOUR GROUND!! 👉David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law https://rumble.com/v20lkhe-david-icke-common-law-is-the-real-law-of-the-land..html 👉📌The following is a concise excerpt taken from the video “David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law"📌 👉Understand UCC Maritime Admiralty Law & Liberate Yourself From Commercial Globalist Enslavement https://rumble.com/v1qsgpy-understand-ucc-maritime-admiralty-law-and-liberate-yourself-from-commercial.html 👉HOW TO OWN “YOUR” STRAWMAN & LIBERATE YOURSELF FROM THIS CORPORATE GLOBALIST BANKERS SLAVERY SYSTEM https://rumble.com/v1qlr4v-how-to-own-your-strawman-and-liberate-yourself-from-this-corporate-globalis.html 👉THE LEGAL FICTION: The Nature of the Cage That We ALL Can & Must Walk Away From. END GLOBAL SLAVERY! https://rumble.com/v1qbv83-the-legal-fiction-the-nature-of-the-cage-that-we-all-can-and-must-walk-away.html 👉THE UNITED STATES & THE WORLD ARE A CORPORATE ROTHSCHILD (BRITISH “CROWN”) OWNED & RUN SLAVE COLONY https://rumble.com/v1qb1lz-the-united-states-and-the-world-are-a-corporate-rothschild-british-crown-ow.html 👉Pandemic is the New Eufemism for Financial Coup & the Radical Engineering of Global Governance https://rumble.com/v1riphc-pandemic-is-the-new-eufemism-for-financial-coup-and-the-radical-engineering.html 👉Central Banks: The use of sovereign immunities and secrecy to engineer a global coup - Deliverance from Deceit 2022 https://rumble.com/v1snrj2-central-banks-the-use-of-sovereign-immunities-and-secrecy-to-engineer-a-glo.html The documentary examines the genesis and functions of the privately owned Federal Reserve System. The film reveals that the Federal Reserve System is a system of privately held, "for profit & control" corporations, not a government agency, and that the Fed was commissioned to print fiat money on behalf of the -- also privately owned and run, corporate -- government, at a fee ultimately paid for by US citizen, paying the personal "income tax". The film also refers to the fact that the United States dollar is not backed by gold, and states that this means that the dollar has no real backing, other than perpetual future income tax payments. Consequently, the film states that Federal Reserve Notes, I.E. $US bills, represent only debt, instead of wealth. The documentary shows that the secret owners of the private corporate Federal Reserve System, that are never spoken about in the MSM, also control and manipulate, what is sometimes referred to as the "business cycle of economic expansion and retraction", by either putting new debt notes into circulation, to increase the ease of obtaining credit, which devalues the currency, then compounds inflation by increasing interest (prime) rates, or by withdrawing these corporate debt notes from circulation, which has the opposite results. The documentary reveals that this counterfeit & fraudulent manipulation is responsible for a 96% devaluation of the "American", I.E. corporate $U.S. fiat currency, since it was made possible to increasingly sever the link with gold backing by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The documentary shows that this process of "creating", I.E. counterfeiting new "money", I.E. unbacked counterfeit and debts creating, fiat currency, and then adding it to the "money", I.E. fiat currency debt notes supply is known as debasement and is a cause of inflation. In this way, the documentary concludes that the private corporate Federal Reserve System simultaneously controls the supply of "money", I.E. counterfeit fiat currency, as well as its value. The central thesis of the documentary may be that this monetary policy is the strongest form of governance that has ever existed, and is central to the unconstitutional, global power grab ambitions of the private interests that control the Federal Reserve System. The documentary reveals that most "Americans", I.E. Rothschild & cronies controlled and exploited U.S. citizen, are kept ignorant of how the private debts creating and manipulating Federal Reserve fraud operates through actions of corrupt "politicians", I.E. corporate foreign agents, and an increasingly centralized MSM "media", I.E. propaganda channels. By using what the documentary calls legalistic and economic "mumbo-jumbo” terms such as 'monetizing the debt' or ‘adjusting monetary policy for increased fluidity of credit’, these interests conceal the true actions of the fraudulent Fed behind veils of legitimacy. Interviews are conducted with several organizations and elected legislators who support these views. An argument made in the documentary is that there is no reason why the Federal Reserve System should have a monopoly on the U.S. money supply. The documentary asserts that "America got along just fine before the Federal Reserve came into existence." This leads the documentary to the question of why the Federal Reserve System was created. The documentary contends that the U.S. Congress has no control or oversight over the Fed, and hence has no control over the value of U.S. money, I.E. fraudulent fiat currency. The documentary argues that Congressional control over the value of money is required by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. The phrase in question (clause 5) states that the United States Congress shall have the power "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin..." The documentary includes a call to action to abolish the Federal Reserve. In 2007, The Boston Globe stated that Congressman Ron Paul, "says he doesn't agree with all the documentary's arguments, but he says the documentary had 'a huge impact' on the support his campaign is drawing", a reference to Paul's presidential bid in 2007 and 2008. 👉📌WHEN CONSIDERING EVERYTHING YOU LEARN IN THIS DOCUMENTARY, THEN NEVER FORGET, THAT ALL OF THIS IS ONLY POSSIBLE, AND HAPPENING, BECAUSE "WE THE PEOPLE" MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR THE GLOBALIST CRIME SYNDICATE.📌 👉📌WE CONSENT, AND WE COLLABORATE WITH THIS CRIME AGAINST OURSELVES. WE ARE THE ONES TO MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN, EVERY DAY AGAIN -- FOR IF WE THE PEOPLE DON'T DO IT, THEN IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.📌 🔻👇🔻 Is the IRS today's Mafia? The Confessions of a Consigliere to Goombah (Goombah is a pejorative slang term for people of Italian descent, mainly in the United States, with several related connotations to the Mafia or gangs of Italian or Italian-American origin.) "The IRS has many similarities to the Mafia: 1. Though they are rarely seen in public, they are everywhere. 2. If you try to hide something from them, they will find it. 3. If you lie to them, you will regret it. 4. If you do not pay them, you will pay dearly. 5. If you do not play by their rules, you will lose everything. 6. If you fight them, you will lose. 7. If you run from them, they will find you. 8. When they catch you, make a good act of contrition because the consequences are deadly." Recall the fates of Al Capone and Luca Brasi. You do not want to insult either the IRS or the Mafia, unless you have a death wish and require the thrill of living on the edge for excitement in an otherwise dreary life (a not all too uncommon syndrome suffered by CPAs). Consequently, when making an offer in compromise or partial payment installment agreement with the IRS, first do the math to determine the reasonable collection potential substantiating your offer. Don’t just low ball any amount. About 90% of the offers in compromise are rejected because the offers are simply ridiculous, lacking any credibility. And you know what happens to those who insult the Don: they are found hanging on a meat hook in some remote, abandoned warehouse or enshrined in concrete in some bridge abutment. Neither is a very pleasant prospect. When dealing with the IRS, you’re dealing with an "all powerful", ruthless mob, insensitive to your personal concerns, wishes, problems, and reasons. Either you pay up or you swim with the fishes. It will seize your home, money, autos, personal possessions, anything of value. With the dexterity of a Mafioso cutting your heart out with a stiletto, it'll rip the money right out of your bank account without any advance notice before you can plead for mercy. So proceed with extreme caution. And, as Michael Corleone in The Godfather advises, if you do decide to make an offer, make an offer that cannot be refused. This illusory "all powerful" image of the IRS has only grown because, the vast majority of people, almost no one in fact, do not understand that the IRS is nothing short of an unlawful and criminal globalist mafia organization, with which they do not have to comply at all. And so the people now firmly believe that they must collaborate with the demands of this crime syndicate, and comply. Because of this massive misunderstanding, the IRS has gained the image of being an all powerful organization, which image would fall apart very quickly, if the people only knew the truth, and resolve to "serve no more", and simply laugh the criminal IRS out of the building. Then the emperor would show to have no clothes, and all his alleged bogus power would dissipate instantly. 👉📌A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. ~ Edward R. Murrow📌 . 🔻👇🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) https://rumble.com/v23eyba-aaron-russos-america-freedom-to-fascism.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: America Destroyed by Design - (Original Release 1998) https://rumble.com/v276ldg-america-destroyed-by-design-original-release-1998.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement - Alex Jones Documentary (2007) https://rumble.com/v26sxyw-endgame-blueprint-for-global-enslavement-alex-jones-documentary-2007.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: ENDGAME 1.5 — Advanced Blueprint For Global Enslavement. Welcome to the advanced PhD course in understanding the long-term goals of the global elite -- Class is now in session! (2007) https://rumble.com/v26wq6w-endgame-1.5-advanced-blueprint-for-global-enslavement-class-is-now-in-sessi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Rothschild IMF Pushes Plan to Plunder Global Wealth!! 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