Supplements and Binders
3 videos
Updated 10 months ago
EarthEmpathsCensored on the YT, Amandha Vollmer can be found on the following platforms. I have followed her since way before the Scamdemic and found her empathic, clinical, and through research of natural health has always been helpful. Since the beginning she has voiced her concern and incredulous disbelief that so many have fallen for the greatest democide in human history. Christine first came across Amandha's work in late 2018 and felt a strong resonance with her. Amandha's wealth of knowledge, her authentic spirited delivery of truth, and the beauty of finding the courage to be self-reflective are human qualities which are truly admirable. In our talk she exposes her own vulnerabilities and shares her journey as a healing arts practitioner. When any human steps onto the path of seeking knowledge and truth there are many challenges along the way; we explore some of these and what it takes to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles. A short bio and where to find Amandha's body of work: Amandha Dawn Vollmer (ADV) holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology from the University of Lethbridge. She is a professional Eclectic Holistic Health Practitioner, helping people to prevent disease and heal naturally for over 15 years. She owns and operates YumNaturals Emporium http://www.yumnaturals.store in Ontario (Canada) where she designs and produces handcrafted, all-natural body care remedies, since 2012. She is also a blogger, vlogger and the mother of a young and creative daughter. She shares her precious holistic health knowledge and the wisdom of Mother Nature in articles and countless videos on her blog called http://www.Yummy.Doctor Amandha's public email: info@yumnaturals.net415 views -
⚕️ 🎗️ "Cancer the Forbidden Cures" - BigPharma Hijacked Natural Cures For Poison and Millions Have Died * Treatment Links 👇
Real Truth Real NewsA 2010 film by Italian film director Massimo Mazzucco. This film discusses how certain wealthy people took control of Western medicine (in the US and/or in Europe) in the early 1900’s and created a medical establishment which acted and continues to act to unethically shut down alternative or natural medicine. The film then goes on to discuss numerous specific alternative, nature based cures for cancer and how each of them has been shut down by the medical establishment. 👉 Fenbendazole and Ivermectin For Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/4s3fse74 👉 Cancer/Parasite Connection Ivermectin Treatment: http://tinyurl.com/yddkyneh 👉 Vitamin B17/Apricot Seeds For Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/mvpbkt6s 👉 How Sugar Fuels Cancer Cells: http://tinyurl.com/5n7xnyv2 👉 Green Barley Grass For the Treatment of Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/2dcshz54 👉 Chemo: Are There Better Treatments? http://tinyurl.com/bdhes2k6 👉 Berberine For Fighting Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/2s4ynvm7 👉 Big Pharma Videos: http://tinyurl.com/32zzc9z7 👉 Cancer Videos on My Rumble Channel: http://tinyurl.com/y45t4w6h 👉 BOOK: "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin at Amazon: https://amzn.to/3HCUn6l . ⭐️⭐️⭐️ . 🟣☮️ MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals and Toxins: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk . 🟣 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends "Spike Support" With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv . 🟣 Dr. Peter McCullough’s Covid-19 and Spike Protein Treatment Protocols: http://tinyurl.com/42u3hpwd . 🟣 "The Wellness Company's" Emergency Kits contain medications such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Generic Z-Pak, Budesonide and Nebulizers. Check Them Out: http://tinyurl.com/4nyb5evz 👉 Z-Detox Formula With NAC: https://tinyurl.com/2p8y8df2 . 🟣 Order Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroqine - Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline - Budesonide and Many Other Meds Separately Online : www.BodywisePharmacy.com . 🟣 Covid Vaccine Detox - Please Share With Others: www.DiamondzDetox.com . 🟣 Fenbendazole and Ivermectin to Treat/Cure Cancer: https://tinyurl.com/3w48er2u . 🟣 Organic Vitamin B17/Apricot Seeds/Laetrile/Amygdalin Products For Cancer: https://tinyurl.com/3bkctc98 👉 BOOK: "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin: https://amzn.to/3HCUn6l . 🟣 Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): Article and Purchase Link: https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3 . 🟣 EDTA Chelation Cream Detoxifies Heavy Metals, Graphene, Parasites, Nano Particles and More. Info and Where to Purchase EDTA: https://tinyurl.com/4fv7s43m . 🟣 Remove/Detox Graphene Oxide Nanobots After the Covid Jab: http://tinyurl.com/4zstjzze . ♥️Any Tips Are Greatly Appreciated! http://tinyurl.com/yc3krtp6 ▶️ My Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com ▶️ My RealTruthRealNews Website: www.RealTruthRealNews.com ▶️ Follow Me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/Diamondz ▶️ Follow Me on Telegram For World and Health News: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews17.7K views 42 comments -
💥🔥 Veteran Saves Mother's Life With Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments ... More Info Below 👇
Real Truth Real NewsMore Info on Chlorine Dioxide and Where To Purchase Here: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2022/06/10/miracle-mineral-solution-mms-for-detox-and-other-amazing-health-benefits/ More Alternative Health Treatments: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/ Video source: Stew Peters on Rumble . 🛑👉 EDTA Detoxifies Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels, Parasites, Nano Particles and Does MUCH More! Info Including an Important Video and Where to Purchase EDTA at this link: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/03/24/edta-detoxification-for-metals-graphene-hydrogels-mercury-and-more/ 🛑 Covid Vaccine and Graphene Oxide Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com 🛑 Spike Protein Detox: https://www.twc.health/?ref=Diamondz To Get 10% Off, Use This Code at Checkout: GAILHENDRICKS 🛑 Heavy Metals Detox: https://tinyurl.com/r8fwe4s9 🛑 Parasite and Full Body Body Detox: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/high-quality-full-body-detox-and-cleansing-products/ 🛑 NON-Covid Vaccine Detox: https://earthley.com/product/vaccine-detox-herbal-extract/ref/Right2Live/ . 🛑 Order Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com . 🛑 "The Cancer/Parasite Connection" With Cures https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/the-cancer-parasite-connection-and-treatments-including-detox/ . 🛑 Miracle Minteral Solution (MMS): Article with Purchase Links: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2022/06/10/miracle-mineral-solution-mms-for-detox-and-other-amazing-health-benefits/ . 🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko's Awesome Products Include "Z-Detox" For Covid Vaccine Protection - "Z-Flu" Protection Against Colds and Flu and "Z-Sheild" which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://zstacklife.com/products/z-shield?ref=lxoi8kWFn8tvph . 🛑 Organic CBD Oils For Humans AND Pets/Detox Products/Zeolite: https://bodywise.thegoodinside.com . 🛑 Pet Detox and Gut Health: https://tinyurl.com/d8774jtt ♥️ Great Article on Dog Gut Health: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/03/08/probiotics-for-happy-and-healthy-dogs/ ♥️ Challenging Big Pharma's Lucrative Over-Vaccination of People and Animals: https://over-vaccination.net/questionable-vaccines/pet-vax/ . 🛑 My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/fgMp4RX9ZrplYzhh . 😎 All Donations to Help Support My Channel Are VERY Much Appreciated! Thank You So Much! https://tinyurl.com/349t4rx57.69K views 15 comments