☠️ Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty‼️ - Dr Robert Malone
QspecialForcesWE ARE AT WAR GOOD vs EVIL - For all those who are still not aware that we are at war - There are white hat militaries (EarthAlliance + GalacticAlliance) (=Military = Q, +ANONS = Digital Soldiers -> GREAT AWAKENING) >> 💫⚔WWG1WGA GOOD vs 👹🏳️🌈 EVIL PEDOS, LGTBQ, SATANISTS, TRANNIES etc >> BLACK HATS MILITARIES (DARK FORCES, REPTOS, ARCHONS, SATAN) (= DEEPSTATE, NWO, NAZIS, ZIONISTS, KHAZARS >> GREAT RESET) - 🔥 PLANDEMIC 3 - UNITED we stand, devided we fall -->>> https://rumble.com/v263iv4-plandemic-3-umited-we-stand-devided-we-fall.html - Into The Light (2023) - "Out Of The Shadows" we now take you "Into The Light" --->>>> https://rumble.com/v376hl7-into-the-light-2023-out-of-the-shadows-we-now-take-you-into-the-light.html - Also watch the VIDEOS BELOW and CONNECT THE DOTS -->>> 🔥 ROCKEFELLER PROJECT LOCKSTEP 2010 🔥 --->>> https://rumble.com/v1zznnk-rockefeller-project-lockstep-2010.html - 🔥 Episode 16 - Modern Warfare. What is it - and why is it important? -->> https://rumble.com/v22rrbk-the-best-kept-secret-episode-16-modern-warfare.-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-im.html - 🔥 THE DARPA PANDEMIC ASSASSINATION PROGRAM - DARPA, CRISPR 🔥 ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v2abjei-the-darpa-pandemic-assassination-program-darpa-crispr.html - 🔥 BIOWEAPON LABS 🔥 Pentagon confirms Ukraine's role in "biodefense" with 46 biolabs ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1qzlcu-pentagon-confirms-ukraines-role-in-biodefense-with-46-biolabs.html - 🔥 DARPA DEW - DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS FOR MIND CONTROL - EXPOSED - Dr James Gioardo ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v231i6e-darpa-dew-direct-energy-weapons-for-mind-control-exposed-dr-james-gioardo.html - 🔥 DARPA responsible mRNA vaccines - TRANSHUMANISM IS GENOCIDE ---->>> https://rumble.com/v27yuym-darpa-responsible-mrna-vaccines-transhumanism-is-genocide.html - DARPA - DEW - THE HIVE MIND >>>> 🔥 Remote control assasinations of individuals - DARPA and Co -->> https://rumble.com/v210uaq-remote-control-assasinations-of-individuals.html - 🔥 DARPA and RAND - MK ULTRA by NAZI SS CIA TRORTURE PROGRAM -->> https://rumble.com/v21vf96-darpa-and-rand-mk-ultra-by-nazi-ss-cia-trorture-program.html - BACKGROUNDS - WHO ARE THEY?? -->> 🔥The Best Kept Secret of the Deep State🔥 ALL PARTS: >>>> 🔥 Episode 1 - What is the Deep State? -->> https://rumble.com/v22rbj8-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-1-what-is-the-deep-state.html - 🔥 Episode 2: There is a company called Ericsson -->> https://rumble.com/v22rcmu-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-2-there-is-a-company-called-.html - 🔥 Episode 3: SWEDEN - It's a small country, but sharp. Very sharp. -->> https://rumble.com/v22rdly-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-3-its-a-small-country-but-sh.html - 🔥 Episode 4: Esse non videri. Acting without being seen. -->> https://rumble.com/v22reay-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-4-esse-non-videri.-acting-wi.html - 🔥 Episode 5: George Soros. Who is he, really? -->> https://rumble.com/v22rf94-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-5-george-soros.-who-is-he-re.html - 🔥 Episode 6: Russia, the Deep State and the Cold War - Part one -->> https://rumble.com/v22rg3u-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-6-russia-the-deep-state-and-.html - 🔥 Episode 7: Russia, The Deep State and the Cold war - Part two -->> https://rumble.com/v22rh4c-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-7-russia-the-deep-state-and-.html - 🔥Episode 8: Raoul Wallenberg - What really happened to him? -->> https://rumble.com/v22riaq-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-8-raoul-wallenberg-what-real.html - 🔥 Episode 9: An illusionist never reveals his magic -->> https://rumble.com/v22rjig-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-9-an-illusionist-never-revea.html - 🔥 Episode 10: The Hidden Enemy listens, to everyone -->> https://rumble.com/v22rk62-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-10-the-hidden-enemy-listens-.html - 🔥 Episode 11: General George S. Patton - The Murder of an American hero -->> https://rumble.com/v22rm1q-the-best-kept-secret-of-deep-state-episode-11-general-s.-patton-the-murder-.html - 🔥 Episode 12: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Blackmail business -->> https://rumble.com/v22rn5k-best-kept-secret-episode-12-jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-and-the-black.html - 🔥 Episode 13 - The Lord of the Rings and the All-seeing Eye -->> https://rumble.com/v22ro22-the-best-kept-secret-episode-13-the-lord-of-the-rings-and-the-all-seeing-ey.html - 🔥 Episode 14: Money Mechanics, the Foundation of Globalism - THE NWO -->> https://rumble.com/v22rpcq-the-best-kept-secret-episode-14-money-mechanics-the-foundation-of-globalism.html Episode 15 - Roe v. Wade - The Hidden Agenda -->> https://rumble.com/v22rqc0-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-15-roe-v.-wade-the-hidden-ag.html Episode 17 - Denazification -->> https://rumble.com/v22l2vc-the-best-kept-secret-of-the-deep-state-episode-17-denazification.html - ROCKEFELLER 🔥 PROJECT LOCKSTEP 2010 --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1zznnk-rockefeller-project-lockstep-2010.html - THE PLAN - 🔥 WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030 ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1my4lc-october-7-2022.html - Also watch DIGITAL ID = NAZI ID NWO AGENDA >>> ⚠️ 🔥BUILD BACK BETTER 🔥 THE GREAT RESET - EXPOSED! 🔥 -->> https://rumble.com/v1l8ne9-build-back-better-the-great-reset-exposed-.html - 🔥 Blockchain technology is the globalists NWO method for rolling out the Social Credit System ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v21c2n0-blockchain-technology-is-the-globalists-nwo-method-for-rolling-out-the-soci.html 🔥 Young aglobal Leader & New GB PRIME MINISTERS Rishi Sunak - OWNER OF Infosys, who runs the largest digital ID/ social credit system in the world --->> https://rumble.com/v1ptvib-rishi-sunak-owner-of-infosys-who-runs-the-largest-digital-id-social-credit-.html - 🔥 THE BLACK AWAKENING & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - 🔥 THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 12 - BILL GATES, DARPA & TRANSHUMANISM -->> https://rumble.com/v1rgx26-the-sequel-to-the-fall-of-the-cabal-part-12-bill-gates-darpa-and-transhuman.html 🔥 DIGITAL ID = NAZI ID FOR TRANSHUMANISM -->> https://rumble.com/v1jv78p-digital-id-nazi-id-for-transhumanism.html 🔥 QUANDT FAMILY OWNS THE TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL ID = NAZI ID FOR TRANSHUMANISM -->> https://rumble.com/v1kww0l-digital-id-nazi-id-for-transhumanism.html 🔥 DIGITAL TYRANNY and the QR CODE -->> https://rumble.com/v1jzfbt-digital-tyranny-and-the-qr-code.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=12 🔥🔥SONG BIRD🔥🔥 - the CABAL NWO CORONA JAB PLAN EXPOSED ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1klkzz-trailer-song-bird-the-cabal-nwo-corona-jab-plan-exposed.html37.7K views 59 comments