The Ocean: Unexplored and Mysterious - Quirks of Creation Episode 3
Quirks Of CreationWe’ve charted the surface of Mars, we know the names of stars billions of miles from our solar system, yet we’ve explored less than 20% of our own alien space - the ocean. What little we have discovered has amazed, confused, and mystified mankind for centuries. What else might we learn if we dared to explore its mysterious depths? Join us for an exciting episode of Quirks of Creation as we discuss the quirks of the ocean we do know and the possibilities of what is yet to be discovered. This week, we are joined by special guests, Abby Libby and PJ Williams of Conspiracy Pilled! Be sure to support them and give them a follow! Don't forget to like and subscribe to get new and great content like this every week! Anyone who leaves us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, take a screenshot and email it to quirksofcreation@gmail.com! We will share it on the next episode and you will earn a special 20% off discount code for the Hawkhound shop! Please help us grow our show and beat the algorithm so we can continue to make great and interesting content for you! Support the Show: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Follow Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Follow Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Support Conspiracy Pilled: https://solo.to/conspiracypilled Check out our new merch shop: https://hawkhoundmedia.myshopify.com/ The pro-life coffee company, North Arrow Coffee, is the sponsor of this show. Use coupon code HAWKHOUND at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #ocean #discovery #science Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/1.81K views 3 comments -
The Sacraments of Science: Radiometric Dating and the Fossil Record - Quirks of Creation Ep. 11
Quirks Of CreationRadiometric Dating is the unshakable scientific proof that our world is billions of years old and we are the product of slow, uniformatarian evolution throughout the millenia. This is taught as absolute fact in every level of science, down from early elementary school to the collegiate ivory tower. The knowledge is grounded in sound, reasonable science, tested time and again, and stood up again the most intense scrutiny. Or has it? Are there assumptions that are being made in order to arrive at certain conclusions about carbon dating? What is the chemical and nuclear pathway of uranium decay? Is the potassium-argon line truly reliable? What are these strange elliptical radiohalos left behind in coalified wood and what can it tell us about our past? If radiometric dating is less than reliable, what does that mean for the fossil record? Is this nothing more than the religion of scientism? Join Jess and Elise this week as they dare to ask the most sensitive questions of scientists and posit that perhaps the assumptions we have made about our history are not as certain as they appear. Don't forget to like and subscribe to get new and great content every week! Anyone who leaves us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, take a screenshot and email it to quirksofcreation@gmail.com! We will share it on the next episode and you will earn a special 20% off discount code for the Hawkhound shop! Please help us grow our show and beat the algorithm so we can continue to make great and interesting content for you! Support the Show: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Join our community for bonus content!: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com/ Follow us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Follow Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Follow Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Check out our new merch shop: https://hawkhoundmedia.myshopify.com/ The pro-life coffee company, North Arrow Coffee, is the sponsor of this show. Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #radiometricdating #fossilrecord #creationism Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/1.58K views 13 comments -
Genesis: The Creation Story - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationAs a part of Hawkhound Media’s Bible Study, Elise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #creation Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/1.01K views 5 comments -
Genesis: The Flood - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationAs a part of Hawkhound Media’s Bible Study, Elise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 2 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be diving into genealogies, nephilim, and the Great Flood! This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #flood1.02K views 7 comments -
Genesis: The Tower of Babel - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationAs a part of Hawkhound Media’s Bible Study, Elise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 3 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be diving into genealogies, and the Tower of Babel. This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #towerofbabel Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/1.14K views 1 comment -
Genesis: Sodom and Gomorrah - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationAs a part of Hawkhound Media’s Bible Study, Elise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 4 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be diving into more geneologies and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Odysee: https://odysee.com/@QuirksofCreation Hawkhound Media: https://www.youtube.com/@Hawkhoundmedia Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at check out to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #sodomandgomorrah Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/1.04K views -
Genesis: The Binding of Isaac - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess
Quirks Of CreationElise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 5 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be observing the foreshadowing of God’s plan, the sacrifice of a one and only beloved son. This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation New Merch!: www.hawkhoundmedia.com/qoc Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #thebindingofisaac Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/908 views 1 comment -
Genesis: Birth of a Patriarch - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationElise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 6 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be following the complicating life of Jacob, patriarch of the tribes of Israel. This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation New Merch!: www.hawkhoundmedia.com/qoc Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Quirks of Creation is part of HAWKHOUND MEDIA To see other podcasts and content by Hawkhound Media go to: https://solo.to/hawkhoundmedia SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #jacob Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/797 views 4 comments -
Genesis: Covenant with Israel - Bible Study w/ Elise & Jess QUIRKS OF CREATION
Quirks Of CreationElise and Jess are going back to the start, where it all began, when the earth was formless and void and time did not exist. Genesis is the start of God’s story, a story that each of us get to play a part of. What can we learn by going back to see how it all began? This is episode 7 of Elise and Jess’ Genesis stream and, this week, your favorite quirky girls will be following the establishment of God’s covenant with Israel. This is not a sermon, but two people live reading and reacting to God's Holy Word. Hope you will join us in the conversation! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Join our Community: www.quirksofcreation.com Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #genesis #Bible #israel Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/703 views 2 comments