9 videos
Updated 1 month ago
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #jeanclaudevandamme #bloodsport #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor #streetfighter THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THIS IS PATH C PART 1 THE ANDY PATH FEATURING JEAN CLAUDE VAN - DAMME! After the incident with the "Cleaners" there is still much to explore. Instead of going to the "Dorsia Restaurant" we now come across an abandoned cinema. It looks like this time we got some serious backup in the form of Jean Claude Van-Damme himself. I will be "Playing as Van Damme " for the rest of the episodes! It's time to Helicopter kick all of these zombies! Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: ESTE ES EL CAMINO C PARTE 1 EL CAMINO DE ANDY CON JEAN CLAUDE VAN - DAMME Después del incidente con los "Enterradores" aún queda mucho por explorar. En lugar de ir al "Restaurante Dorsia" ahora nos encontramos con un cine abandonado. Parece que esta vez tenemos un respaldo serio en la forma del mismo Jean Claude Van-Damme. ¡Estaré "jugando como Van Damme" durante el resto de los episodios. Es hora de hacer unas patadas elicoptero! Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake16 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #mr.x #jeanclaudevandamme #bloodsport #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor #streetfighter #XGONAGIVEITTOYA THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THIS IS PATH C PART 2 THE ANDY PATH FEATURING JEAN CLAUDE VAN - DAMME! AND MR. X After overcoming the back street terrors of the last episode, the final battle is at hand with Mr. X! More relentless than ever, Van-Damme and I acquire some serious firepower to stop him once in for all! Can Mr. X be stopped at all? Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: ESTE ES EL CAMINO C PARTE 2 HEAVEN'S NIGHT CON JEAN CLAUDE VAN - DAMME Y EL SENOR X. ¡Después de superar los terrores callejeros del último episodio, la batalla final está cerca con el Sr. X! ¡Más implacables que nunca, Van-Damme y yo adquirimos una gran potencia de fuego para detenerlo de una vez por todas! ¿Se puede detener al Sr. X? Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan @CoffeehouseCrime Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake20 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #patrickbateman #americanpsycho #creepy #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THIS IS PATH B, THE CLEANER PATH AND IT CONTAINS EPISODES 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B AS WELL. FEATURING THE AMERICAN PSYCHO, PATRICK BATEMAN AS THE NEW PURSUER. That's right, the game isn't done yet. There is still more to explore on Sheena Island. The game contains multiple paths that lead to different places and villains! Instead of going to the church, we go into an abandoned restaurant, arcade, the back alleys, a creepy dark trail, and the final battle. However this time, there seem to be new threats lurking around in the corners. A new villain named "The PSYCHO" emerges and he is not happy that his favorite "Dorsia" reservation was ruined! Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL. ESTE ES EL CAMINO B, LOS ENTERRADORES Y CONTIENE LOS EPISODIOS 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B TAMBIÉN. CON EL SICOPATA AMERICANO, PATRICK BATEMAN COMO EL NUEVO PERSEGUIDOR. Así es, el juego aún no ha terminado. Todavía hay más por explorar en la isla de Sheena. ¡El juego contiene múltiples caminos que conducen a diferentes lugares y villanos! En lugar de ir a la iglesia, entramos en un restaurante abandonado, una sala de juegos, los callejones, un sendero oscuro espeluznante y la batalla final. Sin embargo, esta vez, parece haber nuevas amenazas al acecho en las esquinas. ¡Surge un nuevo villano llamado "EL SICOPATA" y no está contento de que su reserva favorita "Dorsia" se haya arruinado! Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:17 Inside the Dorsia Kitchen 00:35 Dorsia Managers Diary starts 02:33 Dorsia Managers Diary 03:21 The Dorsia Pantry 03:48 The Dorsia Freezer 04:43 Back to the Dorsia Pantry 05:15 Inside the Dorsia Restaurant 06:42 Leaving the Dorsia Restaurant 06:59 The Arcade, The Cleaners arrive 07:27 THE PSYCHO ARRIVES FOR HIS 8:30 RES AT DORSIA 08:12 Inside the Arcade, the Cleaners encounter 09:04 Cleaners about to attack. THE PSYCHO ENCOUNTER 10:38 2nd Cleaner encounter 11:06 The Casino 12:21 The Cleaner Leader Enemy profile, the sewers again. 12:48 THE PSYCHO ATTACKS THE ARCADE 13:56 Alleys and Gulleys Plus Mr.X 15:26 The rooftop 16:37 The Warehouse 17:45 The Umbrella Tower again and Shout out to @Tobuscus 17:50 THE PSYCHO APPEARS IN THE ALLEY AND ROOFTOP 18:13 THE PSYCHO KILLS THE SPONGEBOB NARRATOR 18:21 The Mona Trail 20:27 THE PSYCHO IS IN THE MONA TRAIL 20:46 THE PSYCHO STARES AT YOU 21:17 VS THE CLEANER LEADER AND CO. 22:26 WE ESCAPED AND THE PSYCHO IS LOOKING FOR US 22:34 The Final escape on the helicopter. THE PSYCHO DIES??? 23:12 End of Video discussion. Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan @CoffeehouseCrime Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake70 views 1 comment -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #Frankdrebin #nakedgun #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THIS IS THE FINAL BATTLE FOR PATH A, THE SECRET LAB FEATURING LEON S. KENNEDY MEME We finally make it to the final stage of the main game. Underneath the Mansion, there is a secret lab created for sinister purposes. We then try to find the children and escape the island, that is until a new threat emerges. The final battle is at hand for survival! Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL. EL SEXTO EPISODIO, EL LABORATORIO SECRETO Y LA BATTALLA FINAL APARECE LEON S KENNEDY COMO MEME. Finalmente llegamos a la etapa final del juego principal. Debajo de la mansión, hay un laboratorio secreto creado con fines siniestros. Luego tratamos de encontrar a los niños y escapar de la isla, hasta que surge una nueva amenaza. ¡La batalla final está cerca por la supervivencia! Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo possible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:40 Attacked by Hunter 00:54 Lott reveals everything start of the cutscene 02:45 Countdown starts 03:22 Everything is revealed, Leon S. Kennedy meme 04:33 Area E start 04:50 Control Room, Zombies 05:56 Vincent Goldman Profile 07:09 The T-Hypnos Tyrant Room 07:34 How to extract the T-Hypnos gene file start 10:07 How to extract the T-Hypnos gene file end 10:40 Encounter with Vincent and T-Hypnos starts 12:00 Defeating T-Hypnos and Vincent 12:36 Creepy Cutscene 13:10 Mr.Xs Again?? 13:53 The train station starts 15:14 Train station stops nice music 16:15 Final Boss fight begins 17:55 T-Hypnos is getting tougher 19:48 T-Hypnos 3rd form starts 21:59 T-Hypnos defeated, Leon Meme 22:25 Escape cutscene starts 23:10 Helicopter gets ambushed by T-Hypnos 23:46 End of T-Hypnos + Frank Drebin meme 24:16 Frank Drebin Goodbye 24:47 Rank Screen 25:05 End of Video Discussion thanks Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake42 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #Frankdrebin #nakedgun #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THIS IS THE FIFTH EPISODE 5A TO THE MANSION! After meeting a pair of kids, we then follow them to their house, only to find out Lott, the oldest, has gone to a creepy Mansion to find a way to escape. We then set out to find him! Also, an unlikely ally joins the fight! Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL. EL QUINTO EPISODIO: 5A A LA MANSION! Despues de conocer a unos pequenos ninos, una hermana y un hermano, los seguimos a su casa. Cuando llegamos ahi, su hermanilla pequena nos cuenta que su hermano Lott, a hido hacia una mansion tenebrosa para buscar una format de escapar de la Isla. Entonces emprendemos para la Mansion a rescatar al nino. Es ese entonces un nuevo companero nos ayuda a la pelea. Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:29 Frank joins the fight 01:33 Activating the ropeway station 02:31 Ditching Frank and sneaky Hunter 02:46 Hunter Encounter 03:38 Mr. X Boss Fight 05:17 To the construction site 05:55 Inside the Dark Construction site 07:16 Small storage room 07:50 Trio of Hunters Encounter 08:25 Naked Zombies Encounter 09:03 Outside the construction site 10:52 Inside the Mansion 11:59 Mr.Xs Boss Fight 13:50 The start of the secret lab 14:30 timecard Eventually 15:07 Plant 43 Room 15:52 Super Licker Room 16:38 Factory Workers Diary start 19:14 Plant 43 First Encounter 21:54 Back to activating the shutters 23:28 Super Plant 43 Encouter 24:35 Mr.X Final Encounter 25:32 End of Video Discussion 25:53 Frank Drebin Bonus scene Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake14 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #patrickstar #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor #spongebob THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. IN THE FOURTH EPISODE OF MY LET'S PLAY, THE UMBRELLA TOWER After nearly becoming lizard food, we escape the Paradise Prison and finally make it to Umbrella HQ where the staff doesn't seem very friendly. Featuring Ash from the Evil Dead meme. Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL. EL CUARTO EPISODIO DE MY VAMOS A JUGAR, LA TORRE DE UMBRELLA. Despues de casi ser convertido en comida de reptil, escapamos de la Prison y llegamos a la Torre de Umbrella donde los inquilinos no son son muy amistosos. El Ash de el Evil Dead aperece en este video para pura broma. Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo possible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:27 Inside the Umbrella Tower 01:03 Zombies Encounter 02:22 The 13th floor 03:30 Commander Vincent Room 03:43 Commander Vincents Diary Starts 05:22 Commander Vincents Diary Ends 05:31 Mr.X Boss Battle 06:29 End of Mr.X boss battle 07:23 The Monitor Room 08:13 Found Lily 10:04 Wiretaping Record of Vincent File Starts 10:50 Record of Vincent File Ends 11:01 Sheena Island Analysis starts 13:10 Another Mr.X Boss fight Starts 14:12 Boss fight over, Evil Dead meme, going down the elevator 15:00 Scooby Snacks meme 15:52 Following the kids down the underpass 18:11 Lotts and Lily's House 20:34 Lotts Diary Starts 22:17 Speaking to Lily 24:37 End of video Discussion Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake13 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #patrickstar #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor #spongebob THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. THE THIRD EPISODE OF MY LET'S PLAY, THE PARADISE PRISON. After escaping the Hospital, it seems like there is an underground prison in the sewers. Time to investigate this creepy prison alongside my buddy Patrick Star. Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL. EL TERCER EPISODIO DE MY VAMOS A JUGAR, LA PRISON PARAISO. Después de escapar del Hospital, parece que hay una prisión subterránea en las alcantarillas. Es hora de investigar esta espeluznante prisión junto a mi amigo Patrick Star. Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:26 NICE Licker 00:46 The Paradise Prison 02:12 The Reception Office 03:23 Start of Prison Chief Diary 03:50 End of Prison Chief Diary 04:13 Start of Tequila Time 05:25 Wardens break room 06:24 Inner Cells 06:41 Start of an Imprisoned Boy's Diary 09:32 End of a Young Mans Dairy\ 10:30 Creepy Hall 10:56 Hunter Encouter 11:25 Inside the Prison Showers 12:40 Solitary Confinement 13:44 The Giant Moth Analysis 14:50 Second Hunter Encounter 15:44 Third Hunter Encounter 17:27 Before Boss fight, Spas 12 Check up 17:58 Giant T Virus Crocodile Boss Fight 20:27 Umbrella HQ 20:49 End of Video Discussion Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake15 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #knuckles #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor I apologize for Episode 2A not being uploaded by Rumble. THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES IN YOUTUBE THE SECOND EPISODE OF MY LET'S PLAY, THE HOSPITAL. After I leave the church, I come across a creepy hospital. What secrets lie inside this place? Everything seems easy until an unexpected pillow pet arrives. Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: AY SUBTITULOS EN ESPANOL EN YOUTUBE EL SEGUNDO EPISODIO DE MIS JUGUEMOS, EL HOSPITAL. Después de salir de la iglesia, me encuentro con un hospital espeluznante. ¿Qué secretos se esconden dentro de este lugar? Todo parece fácil hasta que llega una mascota almohada inesperada. Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo possible. TIMESTAMPS: 01:05 Inside the hospital 02:19 Inside the MRI room 04:50 Room before going to the 2nd floor 05:27 Start of Medical Chart File 06:12 End of Medical Chart File 07:15 Handgun B Room 08:18 Inside Room 201 09:49 Inside Room 202 11:16 Inside Room 203 12:51 Inside Surgery Room 13:43 Mr. X's boss battle 16:21 Mr. X defeated 16:38 Inside the Morgue 16:54 Knuckles Meme 17:32 The Sewers 18:30 Sewer Caretaker Andy File 19:42 End of Video discussion Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake10 views -
ShootingRiser#residentevil #letsplay #ShootingRiser #residentevil4 #michaeljackson #blindplaythrough #underrated #residentevilsurvivor I apologize for this video not being uploaded first. For some reason Rumble took forever on this video. THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES. This is the beginning of Resident Evil Survivor, an underrated masterpiece. I attempt a no-damage run so stay tuned for how long will I last until I get damaged. I also did try to get all of the items in the game. Our protagonist is involved in a helicopter crash only to wake up not knowing what is happening. Armed only with a single Handgun, he then sets out to find out the truth. He comes across an Umbrella Church full of Zombies and presses on. Disclaimers: At the time of playthrough and recording, I did not remember about 50% of the game, which made it a lot more interesting. If I get damaged in any of the videos, I will try my best to keep the damage as low as possible. ESPANOL: EL VIDEO CONTIENE SUBTÍTULOS. Este es el comienzo de Resident Evil Survivor, una obra maestra subestimada. Intento una carrera sin daños, así que estad atentos a cuánto duraré hasta que me dañen. También traté de obtener todos los elementos del juego. Nuestro protagonista se ve involucrado en un accidente de helicóptero y se despierta sin saber qué está pasando. Armado solo con una pistola, se propone descubrir la verdad. Se encuentra con una iglesia paraguas llena de zombis y sigue adelante. Descargos de responsabilidad: en el momento de jugar y grabar, no recordaba alrededor del 50% del juego, lo que lo hizo mucho más interesante. Si me dañé en alguno de los videos, haré todo lo posible para mantener el daño lo más bajo posible. TIMESTAMPS: 00:11 Intro to Resident Evil Survivor 02:54 I must Remember, I must survive! 04:00 First Zombie Encounter 04:45 The Umbrella Church 07:46 Inside the church arcade 09:50 The basements basement 12:44 Skip the dog encounter 13:51 Past the Licker Encounter 14:37 Outside of the Hospital 15:09 Michael Jackson bonus meme Special thanks: My friend Zero My cousin Markoland BigDaddyPancakes La Catrina @raniasallam1090 for the Michael Jackson blue screen @lebranpendere4238 for the Micahel Jackson Green Screen YouTube Channel: Shooting Riser Inspirations for this let's play: @GameTheory @CriminallyListed @ChrisNEO @markiplier @MagatsuCloud @Alyska @ThatOneVideoGamer @Tobuscus @RobGavagan Special thanks to you guys! #grimaceshake18 views 1 comment