SHOOT THE BREEZE (PODCAST) | Cultivate Relationships
117 videos
Updated 3 days ago
Our podcast celebrates the messiness of life, relationships, and Christianity. Mostly, it is us shooting the breeze (sometimes with guests) while occasionally saying something important. For more resources, visit our website: https://cultivaterelationships.com/
STB115 | BSE | Romans 5: Choices Matter | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION - Nathan and Pastor Scott Frerking discuss Romans 5 and how faith in Jesus requires risk, maturity, and endurance. We also share how sin is anything in opposition to our nature or design, that is, living as the image and likeness of God. — EPISODE CHAPTERS — (00:00) INTRODUCTION (21:42) ROMANS 5.1-11 (42:52) ROMANS 5.12-21 (1:01:26) ACTIVATION STEPS — EPISODE NOTES — ROMANS 5.1-11 - FAITH-FILLED SUFFER + RECONCILIATION WITH THE HEAVENLY FATHER = HOPE OF SALVATION In this section they discuss how faith in Jesus requires risk, maturity, and endurance — all brought about by suffering and opposition. They also discuss how Jesus sacrificed himself for our benefit before we wanted to benefit from him. The benefit was that through Jesus’ death reconciliation of relationship with the Father was made possible and that through his resurrection life restoration of our human design and our dependence upon the Holy Spirit was revealed. APPLICATION QUESTION(S): Think about the times you’ve shown love and forgiveness to someone you deemed undeserving or uninterested. What does this reveal about how you believe God loves and forgives you? ROMANS 5.12-21 - ADAM V. JESUS In this section they discuss how sin is not simply a list of rules (“the Law”). Sin is anything in opposition to our nature or design; that is, living as the image and likeness of God. The Law simply revealed how we were missing the mark. We accept the gift (Jesus) the same way we accept the transgression (Adam): 1) choose to believe → 2) trust in what we believe → 3) actions empowered by what we trust. However, the fruit of these choices is vastly different — either life (Jesus) or death (Adam). APPLICATION QUESTION(S): When do you find it easier to rely on your own thoughts and conclusions instead of seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength in a situation? ACTIVATION STEPS Take some time this week to prayerfully work through the following steps in light of Romans 5.1-21: STEP #1 - IDENTIFY THE SOURCE Take a moment to reflect on your daily choices. Are they rooted in an agreement with Adam’s self-reliance or in an agreement with Jesus’ righteousness? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where you might be operating out of fear, self-sufficiency, or wrong beliefs rather than trusting the Holy Spirit. STEP #2 - SHIFT YOUR TRUST Just as death entered through a belief in a lie, life comes through belief in the truth. Tell Jesus (out loud) about a specific circumstance where you are struggling. Ask Jesus what his perspective and truth is about that circumstance. STEP #3 - WALK IN ALIGNMENT Ask the Holy Spirit to give you one intentional action you can take that reflects the truth of what Jesus spoke over your circumstance. Whether it is extending grace to someone, surrendering control, or stepping out in faith, let your actions flow from the truth that you are live in Christ AND empowered by His Spirit. — EPISODE LINKS — • Romans Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/We4ZwUDQLuY • Galatians Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/LQ6jwwUgzjw • Forgiveness Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/fRimChMNK1M • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com81 views -
STB114 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P2:E2 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan and Phil dive into the tensions of growth — navigating confrontation, grace in freedom versus judgment in addiction, and forgiving repeat offenders. They discuss mediation, reconciliation, appropriate vulnerability, and what the fruit of the Spirit looks like in real life. *Please note, this discussion takes place in two episodes. This is episode two.* SHOW LINKS • STB113 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P2:E1: https://rumble.com/v6o2ny0 • Nathan's Teaching Archive: https://rumble.com/playlists/E35y2Y9Lr0U • The Freedom Booklet: https://cultivaterelationships.com/the-freedom-booklet/ • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com38 views -
STB113 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P2:E1 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan talks with Phil about his dream of church planting — and how Lacey devastatingly crushed it. He reflects on key “waypoints” in his journey to freedom and writing UnLove, the shifting seasons of relationships, and his struggle with appreciating apologies. They also explore how God uses, and sometimes orchestrates, tragedy for our growth, the age of accountability, and the weight of our expectations on others. *Please note, this discussion takes place in two episodes. This is episode one.* SHOW LINKS • Nathan & Phil Discuss Fathers: https://rumble.com/v5whi7b • Nathan & Sarah Discuss Her Miscarriage: https://rumble.com/v69696p • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com47 views 2 comments -
STB112 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E3 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this third part, Phil Reeves continues interviewing Nathan where he dives into his struggle with people apologizing, why he hates accountability partners, and the devotionals that have shaped him. He shares his journey of learning to feel, wrestling with anger, trusting in God’s goodness, and the male role models who influenced his life. This honest conversation explores the challenges of personal growth, faith, and the people who shape Nathan along the way. *Please note, this discussion takes place in three episodes. This is episode three.* SHOW LINKS • STB111 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E2: https://rumble.com/v6bwtad • UnLove Book: https://cultivaterelationships.com/unlove • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com106 views -
STB111 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E2 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this second part, Phil Reeves continues interviewing Nathan where he opens up about the weight of living a double life in his addiction to pornography, the pain of public church discipline after being a youth pastor who went to a strip club, and the redemption he and Lacey walked through with their church. He also explores the danger of expecting others to fully understand our story, the balance between empathy and clarity in ministry, and how his own struggles have shaped the way he helps others on their journey to healing. *Please note, this discussion takes place in three episodes. This is episode two.* SHOW LINKS • STB110 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E1: https://rumble.com/v6bwoyj • UnLove Book: https://cultivaterelationships.com/unlove • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com375 views -
STB110 | Behind the Pages of UnLove + Phil Reeves P1:E1 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsPhil Reeves interviews Nathan to uncover the real-life stories that inspired his book UnLove. In this heartfelt conversation, Nathan shares the personal experiences, struggles, and lessons that shaped the principles outlined in the book. From moments of heartbreak to breakthroughs of grace, he offers an honest look at the theology woven into each chapter, revealing the raw and relatable journey behind its creation. This discussion is a powerful glimpse into the connection between Nathan’s own story and the message of UnLove. *Please note, this discussion takes place in three episodes. This is episode one.* SHOW LINKS • UnLove Book: https://cultivaterelationships.com/unlove • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com43 views -
STB109 | Coping & Resolving Loss + Sarah Frerking P2:E2 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan continues his conversation with his friend, Sarah Frerking, where she vulnerably shares her journey through the devastating experiences of miscarriages and the loss of their firstborn son, Josiah. In this powerful discussion, Sarah reflects on how she processed her grief, initially in unhealthy ways, but eventually discovering a path to healing. She speaks openly about how her grief journey transformed, ultimately leading her to a place of unexpected gratitude for Josiah's death. This conversation offers profound insights into the complexities of grief, healing, and the hope that can emerge from even the deepest loss. *Please note, this discussion takes place in two episodes. This is episode two.* SHOW LINKS • STB108 | Coping & Resolving Loss + Sarah Frerking P2:E1: https://rumble.com/v6bte0v • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com38 views -
STB108 | Coping & Resolving Loss + Sarah Frerking P2:E1 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan continues his conversation with his friend, Sarah Frerking, where she vulnerably shares her journey through the devastating experiences of miscarriages and the loss of their firstborn son, Josiah. In this powerful discussion, Sarah reflects on how she processed her grief, initially in unhealthy ways, but eventually discovering a path to healing. She speaks openly about how her grief journey transformed, ultimately leading her to a place of unexpected gratitude for Josiah's death. This conversation offers profound insights into the complexities of grief, healing, and the hope that can emerge from even the deepest loss. *Please note, this discussion takes place in two episdoes. This is episode one.* SHOW LINKS • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com72 views 1 comment -
STB107 | Grieving the Loss of a Child + Sarah Frerking P1 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan talks with Sarah Frerking about the heartbreak of her miscarriages and losing her firstborn, Josiah. She opens up about the raw, overwhelming emotions of grief and the difficult, messy process of navigating devastating loss. She shares how she and her husband, Scott Frerking, held tightly to a hope-filled but painful faith, even in the face of unanswered prayers and shattered expectations. Their journey reveals both the depths of their sorrow and the resilience of their trust in God amid profound heartbreak. SHOW LINKS • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com102 views 1 comment