🚨 Chlorine Dioxide: Banned, Censored & Feared by Big Pharma w/ Jonathan Otto
Man in AmericaJoin me for an important discussion with Jonathan Otto. To learn more about Red Light Therapy visit http://myredlight.com and use promo code SETH to save an additional 10% Forbidden Health book (free): https://jiii.io/qfmz3b To learn more about investing in gold & silver visit - http://goldwithseth.com, or call 626-654-1906 For high quality storable foods and seeds, visit http://heavensharvest.com and use promo code SETH to save 15% on your order.128K views 64 comments -
Kerry Mullis inventor of PCR test talks about the test Jan of 2021
RAIRFoundationUSA488 views 1 comment -
Lymes disease is a bioweapon #1
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Dr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before Pharma Murdered Him
InfoNewsDr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before Pharma Murdered Him652 views 2 comments -
Allopathic Medicine Misses Root Causes
childrenshealthdefenseAre conventional doctors just a modern version of the quack “bloodletters” of primitive times? Ken Stoller, M.D. seems to think so. But what has brought him to that understanding of the practice of allopathic medicine as we know it today, that “medicine became the tool of a death cult”? How does modern healthcare exacerbate illness and mask symptoms, rather than treat root causes? Are there natural solutions for global disease epidemics? Dr. Stoller and Dr. Thomas discuss, today, on “Pediatric Perspectives.”4.21K views 10 comments -
Public Health Is Not Science
The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/) Jeffery Jaxen: The state of science right now. Eric Weinstein was interviewed by Piers Morgan. And this is what he had to say about that very topic. Take a look. Piers Morgan: Is it damaging to the integrity of science when that happens? And is that a unique problem with social media, amplifying amateur scientific and medical views? Eric Weinstein: It's a very interesting question, I would think that we would begin somewhere else! The greatest damage is when we amplify pseudo-scientists who happen to be Official pseudo-scientists. So when you take a Director of National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease, and you take that person's contradictory pronouncements, and you amplify those, then suddenly everybody has to learn what mRNA is, because they're trying to make a decision for their child and suddenly you've thrust them into Advanced Biology because you've amplified pseudoscience coming out of the National Institutes of Health or the Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRA. The failure and the pseudo-science is coming from inside the house. The problem is when a Francis Collins and an Anthony Fauci in private emails can turn their dissenting colleagues, fully competent expert, dissident colleagues like Jay Bhattacharya and his colleagues at Harvard and Oxford and overnight they become fringe epidemiologists. Right. So more or less what you're seeing is not a failure of science. What you're seeing is a failure of science to disavow Public Health. Public Health is not science. Public Health is an incredibly bizarre field that tries to straddle two worlds of actual truth and the “noble lie”. 07/18/2024 - The HighWire episode 381: Countering the Narrative: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/countering-the-narrative/1.87K views 4 comments